Hearing God In Matt 22 (Feb 21)

Seeking & Loving His Kingdom

After Peter’s dramatic confession
of Jesus as the Christ, the Son
of the living God, Jesus began
to show to His disciples how He
must go to Jerusalem and suffer
many things of elders and chief
priests, be killed & be raised again
the third day. After preparing
His disciples for the unexpected
events which would soon take
place, Jesus begins His final
journey to Jerusalem. Arriving
to a hero’s welcome, He is hailed
as King while making His humble
entrance into the city. It’s now the
final week of Christ’s earthly life.

Lord, we will Seek Your Kingdom:
The kingdom of heaven is like
a king who prepared a wedding
banquet for his son. He sent his
servants to those who had been
invited; but they Refused to come…
They paid no attention & went off-
one to his field, another to his biz.
The king was enraged (Mt 22:1-7)
Jesus knowing their evil intent said:
Show me the coin used for paying
the tax… Whose portrait is this?..
Then He said: Give back to Caesar
what is Caesar’s and to God
what is God’s (Matt 22:15-22).
One Pharisees tested Jesus with
this question: Teacher, which is
the greatest commandment in the
Law? Jesus replied: Love the Lord
your God with all your heart and
with all your soul and with all your
mind. This is the first & greatest
commandment. And the second
is like it: Love your neighbour
as yourself (Mt 22:34-39). Amen.

Lord, we’ll Seek Your Kingdom.
Remind us not just pursue our
ambitions and ignore the things
of the kingdom. Remind us not
to treat the grace of God lightly,
for You expect us to change.
Grant us grace to seek Your
Kingdom by sharing the good news
and pursue Your righteousness.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Father God, You are so generous
that You gave it all freely to us,
including Your Son Jesus Christ.
Grant us the grace to respond
to You appropriately in gratitude.
And just as You love people and
people are Your concern, make
us to share in your care for people,
especially the weak & marginalised.
And help us bear good witness
to Your kingdom. In Yr name, Amen

Lord, I want to love You with all
my being, my thoughts, my will,
my emotions, my words & actions.
Help me maintain this desire
and help me to love You well.
And Lord, help me as I mature
in the faith that love will motivate
me to transmit grace to others.
For I purpose to love others as an
expression of love of You. Amen.