Reflection on Judges & Ruth(Mar 9)

Hearing God thru His Word

The purpose of the book of
Judges is to show that God’s
judgment against sin is certain,
and His forgiveness of sin and
restoration to relationship are just
as certain for those who repent.
And the purpose of the book of
Ruth is to show how three people
remained strong in character
and true to God even when the
society around them was collapsing

On Monday, we learn from Jdgs 1-3
that Compromises Results In Failure.
On Tuesday, we learn from Jdgs 6
that the Lord of Peace Is With Us.
On Wed, we learn from Jdgs 7 that
God Loves to Do the Impossible.
On Thursday, we learn fr Jdgs 17-21
to Be Weary of What Seem Right.
On Fri, we learn from Ruth 1-2 that
Faithful God Inspires Faithfulness.
On Sat, we learn from Ruth 3/4 to
Trust God During Tough Times.

Let us humble ourselves and pray
and seek His face. Help us O God
be Christ’s disciples who Hear You:
For God Loves to do the Impossible
and the Lord of Peace Is With Us;
For Compromises Result In Failure
and Be Weary of What Seem Right;
For faithful God Inspires faithfulness
& to Trust God During Tough Times.
In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.