Be Weary of What Seemed Right
Thematically Judges 17-21 provide
a fitting conclusion to the book of
Judges. What happens to a nation
when “every man does that which
is right in his own eyes.” The grisly
details of gross idolatry (J17-18)
and gross immorality (J19-21) show
total disregard for the Word of God.
When at last Israel’s conscience is
pricked by a shocking letter to the
12 tribes, the response is brutality.
Lord, we note despite the efforts
of Israel’s Judges, the people still
would not turn wholeheartedly to U.
They all did whatever they thought
was best for themselves, resulting
in the spiritual, moral and political
decline of the nation. Lord we learn
our lives will likewise fall into decay
unless we live by Your guidelines.
Grant us grace Lord as we purpose
to only Worship You, to Inquire of U
and to Follow Your Direction. Amen.
Lord, we will only Worship You:
Micah had a shrine and made an
ephod and household idols; and
he consecrated one of his sons who
became his priest… Micah said to
him: Be a priest to me & I will give
you ten shekels of silver per year a
suit of clothes & your sustenance…
So Micah consecrated the Levite &
the young man became his priest.
Then Micah said: Now I know that
the Lord will be good to me since I
have a Levite as priest(Jdgs 17:5-13)
Lord, we will do what is right in
God’s eyes and not what seems
right within culture of society.
We purpose not to have idols but
instead worship You out of gratitude.
And we will seek Your kingdom and
righteousness, knowing that You
will bless us accordingly. Amen.
Lord, we will Directly Inquire of You:
He told them what Micah had done
for him and said: He has hired me
and I am his priest. Then they said
to him: Please inquire of God to
learn whether this journey will be
successful. The priest answered:
Go in peace. Your journey has
the Lord’s approval (Jdgs 18:4-6).
Lord, I purpose to turn to You for
all wisdom, direction and guidance.
Where I must seek advice from
another person, help me to know
when that person speaks from
godly knowledge and when this is
not the case. Help me to always test
the input of others with Your Word.
For I want You to be my ultimate
source for all knowledge. Amen.
Lord, we will Follow Your Direction:
The people said: why there shld be
one tribe missing in Israel(Jdg21:3)
The Israelite assembly sent a peace
delegation to remnant of Benjamin…
And 400 women of Jabesh-gilead
were given to them as wives. But
there were not enough women for
all of them (v13-14). So the men of
Benjamin… kidnapped the women
who took part in the celebration…
In those days Israel had no king,
so the people did whatever seemed
right in their own eyes (v23-25).
Lord, we note during time of Judges,
the people of Israel experienced
great trouble because everyone
became their own authority and
acted based on their own opinions.
Lord, we realise our standards and
convictions come from God’s Word.
Help us Lord to do what is right
in Your eyes and not ours. Amen.