God For & Backs His People
After being commended for their
faithful service in conquering the
land of Canaan, the warriors of the
tribes east of Jordan are sent home.
They recognise the Jordan River
(which forms a natural barrier
between the tribes) may one day
form a spiritual barrier as well.
To prevent this, a memorial altar
is built on the riverbank. The book
closes with Joshua’s farewell
address where he gives the people
an ultimatum. Choose You this day
whom you will serve… as for me and
my house, we will serve the Lord.
Lord, we’ll choose to Serve You:
And Joshua said to all the people:
Thus says the Lord God of Israel:
…I took your father Abraham
from the other side of the River,
led him thru Canaan & multiplied
his descendants (Joshua 24:2-3).
And I brought you into the land of
the Amorites on the other side of
Jordan, and they fought with you.
But I gave them into your hands, that
you might possessed their land (v8).
(Joshua said): So honour the Lord
and serve Him wholeheartedly.
Put away forever the idols
your ancestors worshipped…
Serve the Lord alone. But if you
are unwilling to serve the Lord,
then choose today whom you
will serve…But As For Me and
my family, we will serve the Lord.
The people replied: We would
never forsake the Lord & worship
other gods (Joshua 24:14-16).
Lord, we remember the times that
You guided, helped and backed us.
Just as Joshua pointed the way
to You God, each of us also has
the same opportunity to do so.
Thank You Lord for allowing us
to join You at work at various
ministries, including small groups.
Pray that those who look to us
for leadership will be drawn to You.
Lead them to choose to serve You
Lord only and no other. Amen.
Holy Lord, thank You for allowing
us into Your presence thru Christ.
You dwell in holy place, yet You
also dwell with those who are
contrite and of a humble heart.
Make my heart like Yours even as
I strive to be more reflective of You.
Speak to me before I think of wrong
thoughts or make wrong choices.
Enable me Lord to live humbly
and purpose to serve You. Amen.
Lord, let me not be useless, but
purpose to be Your faithful servant.
I hand over to Your care Lord my
prayers & yet to be fulfilled hopes.
I give my mind for You to think in me;
& I give my eyes to see as You see.
I give my tongue to speak Yr words;
and I give my hands to do Your work.
Above all I give You my heart that
You Lord will love thru me. Amen.