Remembering God’s Deeds Builds Faith
Joshua is appointed by God to take
the reins of leadership. The people
are poised within view of the land
promised to their ancestors and
denied their unbelieving parents.
The task seems impossible: a
turbulent river and mighty walled
cities. So God prepares His people
by reminding Joshua that attention
to His word brings success.
Spies are sent to survey Jericho,
the first obstacle in the land.
The priests,bearing the ark of the
covenant, lead the people across
the rampaging Jordan without
even getting their sandals wet!
The stage is set for conquest.
Lord, we Remember Your Deeds:
Joshua said to the Israelites:
In the future your children will ask
What do these stones mean?
Then you can tell them: This is
where the Israelites crossed
the Jordan on dry ground.
For the Lord your God dried up the
river right before your eyes, and He
kept it dry until you were all across,
just as he did at the Red Sea…
He did this so all the nations of the
earth might know the Lord’s hand
is powerful and so you might fear
the Lord your God (Josh 4:21-24).
Lord, Your Word is full of reminders
to Your pple of Your mighty deeds.
In today’s verses, Joshua tells the
story Israelites to build an altar which they
could return to when they needed
a reminder of what God had done.
Thanks for showing us Your mighty
power thru healing and deliverance yr
Thanks Jesus for the saving work
on the cross & the reminder of the
Lord’s Supper of Your love. Amen.
Lord, You’re calling us to remember
because looking at what You had
done in the past builds our faith
for the present and the future.
You are promising that the same
power You had demonstrated in
the past is available in the present.
So, we will remember Your deeds
of grace and lovingkindness. Amen.
Lord, Help us build altar of memory
stones for they will create in us a
alertness to Your hand in our lives.
Gear us to be always be on the
lookout for signs of God’s hand
in the circumstances of our lives.
Grant our lives Lord to be an altar
as well as a tangible expression
of Your power and provision.
In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.