Thought for the Week: Matt 6

God Provides Our Needs

“Seek Ye First” is a hymn written
by Karen Lafferty in the 1970s.
It is based on Matthew 6 about
how God takes care of the birds
of the air; and verse 33: Seek ye
first the kingdom of God and
His righteousness, and all these
things shall be added unto You.
Karen sang Seek Ye First into a tape
recorder, added “hallelujah” decant.
Seek Ye First was included on the
first Maranatha! Music praise album.
As a musicianary with YWAM, Karen
has received more than half of her
support from the publishing royalty
of “Seek Ye First” & the song opens
doors for her all over the world.
Karen says she feels privilege to
have written a tune that is so widely
used, but she carefully credits the
words to their true author: Jesus!

Lord, we Lift Up Our Needs to You:
Therefore I say to you, do not worry
about your life… Look at the birds of
the air, for they neither sow nor reap
nor gather into barns;yet yr heavenly
Father feeds them. Are you not of
more value than they? (Mt 6:25-26).
Do not worry saying: What shall
we eat…or What shall we wear?
For the pagans run after these
things and Your Heavenly Father
Knows that You Need them (v27).
But Seek First the Kingdom of
God and His righteousness,
and all these things will be given
to you as well. Therefore Do Not
Worry about tomorrow (v31-34).

Father, You promise and advise us
Not To Worry about basic needs
for You Will Provide them to us.
Grateful I don’t have to be drained
by worry; but I can be consumed
with You Lord and Your kingdom;
for You will take care of my needs.
So, I choose to keep anxiety from
cluttering my heart and instead
purpose to be filled with You. Amen.

Father, You are All-Knowing and
therefore You Know all our needs.
Praise You for Knowing everything
about us and every detail of our
situation; for nothing surprises You.
For Your Word says You Know
our needs and Will Provide them.
And so we can live peacefully and
cheerfully each day when we keep
Your kingdom as key concern. Amen

Loving Father, Thanks for caring
for us, including being our Provider.
Lead me to regularly Seek You First,
trust Your gracious promise and
keep from worrying about the future.
Guide me into the right perspective
and not worry over issues beyond
my control. Help me Lord to see the
difference between needs & wants;
and transform my inner being. Amen