Reflection on Five Books of Laws

Hearing God thru His Word

The path to intentional discipleship
is to grow towards spiritual maturity
by nurturing key disciple attitudes.
So for past three years, we had been
Seeking God thru Biblical Prayers;
Trusting God thru His Promises and
Adoring God thru Thanks & Praise.
And for the past one month; we’ve
been Hearing God thru His Word.

“God Is Not Silent. It is the nature of
of God to speak, writes AW Tozer.
We could spend the rest of our lives
learning to recognise God’s voice.
We can be certain if we seek Him,
He will make Himself available to us.
If we listen, He will speak; and if we
believe what we have heard, He will
show us more! The God who speaks
is always seeking to take us deeper
into His Will & draw us closer to Him.

Henry Blackaby in his workbook
Experiencing God says God Speaks
by the Holy Spirit through the Word,
Circumstances and His Church.
In this current series, we will be
focussing on Hearing God through
His Word; but needless to say
we will also see God speaking
thru circumstances, the church
and many other ways. May God
bless our desire to hear Him. Amen.

We are meditating through the Bible,
which is organised by genres:
Laws, History, Poetry and Prophets…
Before we continue into OT History,
for variety sake we will have the
first Gospel interlude in Matthew.
But here’s the key thoughts from
the five books of Laws; which
provide instruction to the Israelites
in their relationship with God:
J6: Walking & Seeking God (Gen 5)
J13: God Can Do Anything (G17/18)
J20: Listen Carefully to God (Ex14)
J27: Lord Abounds in Mercy (Nu14)
F3: Lord Our Rock & Shield (Dt 32/3)
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Thought for the Week: Deut 32/33

The Lord Is Our Rock & Shield

With the covenant reestablished
and the nation poised at Jordan
River, Moses completes his
duties as leader of God’s people
by commissioning Joshua as his
successor with a sober warning.
To help the people remember
his message of life, Moses
records his final words as a song.

Lord, we proclaim You’re Our Rock;
and we seek Your Everlasting Arms:
(Then Moses spoke to all of Israel):
Hear O earth words of my mouth
for I proclaim the name of the Lord:
Ascribe greatness to our God.
He is the Rock. His work is
perfect; and all his ways are just.
A faithful God who does no wrong,
upright and just is He (Deut 32:1-4).
Is He not your Father, who bought
you? Has He not made you and
established you?.. He kept (you)
as the apple of His eye (v6-10).
The eternal God is your refuge and
His Everlasting Arms are under u…
Then Israel shall dwell in safety…
Happy are you O Israel!
Who is like you, a people
saved by the Lord, the shield
of your help (Deut 33:27-29).

Lord, I lift my eyes to You, my solid
rock, my refuge and my salvation.
Help quieten my heart to wait on U
in the storm for my hope is in You.
Let my confidence not be shaken
by what circumstances may say
or my mind may think. Thank You
that my confidence rests on You,
the One who is the Rock and that
You can never be shaken. Amen.

Lord, we enter each day with the
intention to trust in You; yet when
the winds blow and the waves rise,
we tend to forget looking at You.
Help me focus on You Lord for
You are my solid rock, safe refuge
and shelter from the storms of life.
Lord You are for me and You are the
same yesterday, today, and forever.
You are my Rock & sure foundation;
and I place my future into Yr Hands.
In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.

Lord, You are almighty & You are
my safe refuge from the storm.
Let me sense Your Everlasting Arms
of protection and love holding me.
Help me to find rest in You for
the battle belongs to You Lord.
No matter the battles are with health, finances or relationships,
because of Your presence in my life,
I’ll not face those challenges alone.
For I depend on Your Everlasting
Arms and strength, not mine. Amen