Hearing God In Matt 24/28 (Feb 22)

Christ Charges Share the Gospel

Herod’s magnificent temple sets the
stage for Jesus’ Olivet Discourse,
a prophetic look at future events.
His followers are urged to watchful
expectation with faithful service
ahead of the return of Christ.
The events in the final two days of
Jesus’ earthly life carry shadows of
the cross: the anointing in Bethany,
the Passover Observance, Lord’s
Supper, the prayer in Gethsemane.
Jesus is arrested, tried, condemned
executed and placed in a tomb. But
in triumph, Jesus comes forth from
the grave in resurrection power.
The Kings of the Jews Lives again,
a message which His followers
are commissioned to share.

Lord, we’ll Do Your Assignment:
There will be famines, pestilences
and earthquakes in various places…
And… lawlessness will abound…
And this gospel of the kingdom
will be preached in all the world…
and then the end will come…
Immediately after the tribulation…
the sun will be darkened… Then…
they will see Son of Man Coming
on the clouds (Matt 24:7-14, 29-30).
Then the 11 disciples went to the
mountain which Jesus appointed.
And Jesus came to them and said:
Go and make disciples of all the
nations… teaching them to obey
everything I have commanded you;
and lo I am with you always, even
to the end of the age (Mt 28:16-20)

Lord, there is no doubt about
the task You had left for us to do.
Help me step out of comfort zone
to find people who need to know U.
Help me witness to the people You
hv placed in my sphere of influence.
Help me in my concern for the lost,
in words, deeds and attitudes.
Help me make disciples for Christ to
be like Him & further His Kingdom.
In Jesus’ preci

Lord, it’s easy to look at others and
think that I have nothing to offer.
But You have implanted passion
within me and blessed me with gifts
and talents that the world needs.
Help me to see where You God are
at work & watch for opportunities to
join U by sowing seeds of kindness.
Help those seeds to grow and in
due time reap a good harvest. Amen.

Lord, help us Keep Watch and
Be Ready for Your sure return
so that we may be able to give an
account of ourselves at any time.
Help us declare the word of t Lord
for righteousness being restored.
These are the days of the harvest,
The fields are as white in Yr world.
We are the labourers in Yr vineyard
Declaring the word of t Lord! Amen


Hearing God In Matt 22 (Feb 21)

Seeking & Loving His Kingdom

After Peter’s dramatic confession
of Jesus as the Christ, the Son
of the living God, Jesus began
to show to His disciples how He
must go to Jerusalem and suffer
many things of elders and chief
priests, be killed & be raised again
the third day. After preparing
His disciples for the unexpected
events which would soon take
place, Jesus begins His final
journey to Jerusalem. Arriving
to a hero’s welcome, He is hailed
as King while making His humble
entrance into the city. It’s now the
final week of Christ’s earthly life.

Lord, we will Seek Your Kingdom:
The kingdom of heaven is like
a king who prepared a wedding
banquet for his son. He sent his
servants to those who had been
invited; but they Refused to come…
They paid no attention & went off-
one to his field, another to his biz.
The king was enraged (Mt 22:1-7)
Jesus knowing their evil intent said:
Show me the coin used for paying
the tax… Whose portrait is this?..
Then He said: Give back to Caesar
what is Caesar’s and to God
what is God’s (Matt 22:15-22).
One Pharisees tested Jesus with
this question: Teacher, which is
the greatest commandment in the
Law? Jesus replied: Love the Lord
your God with all your heart and
with all your soul and with all your
mind. This is the first & greatest
commandment. And the second
is like it: Love your neighbour
as yourself (Mt 22:34-39). Amen.

Lord, we’ll Seek Your Kingdom.
Remind us not just pursue our
ambitions and ignore the things
of the kingdom. Remind us not
to treat the grace of God lightly,
for You expect us to change.
Grant us grace to seek Your
Kingdom by sharing the good news
and pursue Your righteousness.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Father God, You are so generous
that You gave it all freely to us,
including Your Son Jesus Christ.
Grant us the grace to respond
to You appropriately in gratitude.
And just as You love people and
people are Your concern, make
us to share in your care for people,
especially the weak & marginalised.
And help us bear good witness
to Your kingdom. In Yr name, Amen

Lord, I want to love You with all
my being, my thoughts, my will,
my emotions, my words & actions.
Help me maintain this desire
and help me to love You well.
And Lord, help me as I mature
in the faith that love will motivate
me to transmit grace to others.
For I purpose to love others as an
expression of love of You. Amen.

Hearing God In Matt 21 (Feb 20)

Christ Answers Prayers of Faith

After Peter’s dramatic confession
of Jesus as the Christ, the Son
of the living God, Jesus began to
show to His disciples how He
must go to Jerusalem and suffer
many things, be killed and raised
again the third day. After preparing
His disciples for the unexpected
events, Jesus begins His final
journey to Jerusalem. Arriving
to a hero’s welcome, He is hailed
as King while making His humble
entrance into the city. It’s now th
final week of Christ’s earthly life.

Lord, we’ll ask with believing heart:
As (Jesus) returned to the city,
He was hungry. And seeing a fig tree
by the road, He came to it and found
nothing on it but leaves, and said
to it: Let no fruit grow on you ever
again. Immediately the fig tree
withered away (Matt 21:18-19).
Jesus said: Assuredly I say to you,
if you Have Faith and do not doubt,
you will not only do what was done
to the fig tree, but also if you say
to this mountain: Be removed and
Be cast into the sea, it will be done.
And whatever things you ask
in prayer, Believing you will
receive (Matthew 21:21-22).
Jesus said: A man with two sons
told the older boy: Son go out
and work in the vineyard today.
The son answered: No, I won’t go
but later he changed his mind
and went anyway. Then the father
told the other son: You go and
he said: Yes sir I will. But he
didn’t go. Which of the two
did the will of the father?
They said: The first (v28-31).

Lord, take away any unbelief in us;
and increase our faith to believe
for great things. Help me to have
faith enough to not pray too small.
I know Lord it’s not about trusting
in faith itself but trusting in You.
It’s not about believing in my ability
to believe or perform, but rather
it is believing in Your ability and
promise to hear and answer. Amen.

Lord, help me not think that some
problems are too big and hence
best considered as lost causes.
Help me not to focus on the size
of the mountain but rather how
much power You Creator God have.
So, I leave the mountain of
challenge in Your hands. For You
Lord can do as You will; for the
mountain is not too big for U. Amen

Lord, help me obey You in action
and not merely assenting words.
Help me Lord to obey You where
You lead me and told me to do.
Help me not write off people
who walk away from Your calling
but pray that You draw them back.
Help me Lord lift up those who
have turned away; for You are able
to draw them back to You. Amen.

Seeking God In Matt 20 (Feb 19)

Christ Urges Servant Mindset

After Peter’s dramatic confession

of Jesus as the Christ, the Son

of the living God, Jesus began to

shew unto His disciples how He

must go to Jerusalem and suffer

many things of elders and chief

priests, be killed & be raised again

the third day. After preparing

His disciples for the unexpected

events which would soon take

place, Jesus begins His final

journey to Jerusalem. Arriving

to a hero’s welcome, He is hailed

as King while making His humble

entrance into the city. It’s now the

final week of Christ’s earthly life.

Lord, we aspire to serve like You:
Whoever wants to become great
among you must be your servant
and whoever wants to be first
must be your slave. Just as the Son
of Man did not come to be served,
but to serve, and to give his life as
a ransom for many (Matt 20:26-28)
Behold two blind men sitting by
the road, when they heard that
Jesus was passing by cried out…
Have mercy on us O Lord Son of
David! Then the multitude warned
them that they should be quiet;
but they cried out all the more…
Have mercy on us O Lord… Jesus
called them: What do you want
Me to do for you? They said:
Lord that our eyes may be opened.
So Jesus had compassion and
touched their eyes. And immediately
their eyes received sight (v29-34).

Lord, Your Word teaches that true
reward awaits those who humble
themselves in loving service.
Keep me Lord from the tendency
to be busy, to be too driven, to
step on others and to exalt myself.
Give me Lord instead the grace
to choose the way of servanthood;
for I want to be more like You
Help me to consider others’ needs
and desires besides my own. Amen.

Lord, You have given us freedom
and calling to serve. Thank You
for freeing me from my sinful
nature and giving the willingness
to reach out and serve others.
Show me where I can use my gifts
to really make a difference for
the advancement of Your kingdom.
May an attitude of humble service
infuse every part of my life. Amen

Lord, we learn from the two blind
men to seize the opportunity
to appeal for Your healing for
You wouldn’t pass that way again.
We also learn of their humility
to simply ask for Your mercy.
We also learn of their persistent
faith in praying for their need.
Help us to humbly come before
You with our need; for You are
almighty, compassionate and You
respond to prayer in faith. Amen.

https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=r6U8O_WnPZY in

Hearing God In Matt 19 (Feb 18)

Christ Casts Eternal Mindset

Matthew records many crucial
incidents from Jesus’ life in Matt
16-19. Though Christ takes time
to heal an epileptic boy, pay His
temple tax and confront hostile
Pharisees, His primary concern
is for His disciples, who will
continue the work He had begun.
Healings and discourses, miracles
and parables all focus on Jesus’
faithful followers to prepare them
for the difficult days just ahead.

Lord, lead us to Eternal Mindset:
Little children were brought that
He might put His hands on them
& pray, but disciples rebuked them.
But Jesus said: Let the children
come to me. Don’t stop them! For
the Kingdom of Heaven belongs
to such as these. And He laid
His hands on them (Matt 19:13-15).
The young man said. What do
I still lack? Jesus replied: Give to
the poor & you will have treasure
in heaven. Then come, follow me.
When the young man heard this,
he went away sad because he had
great possessions (Matt 19:20-22).
Everyone who has left houses…
or father or mother or wife or
children for My sake, shall receive
a hundredfold (Matt 19:29).

Lord, help us to adopt the
attitude of a child who readily
come to You in simplicity of faith.
Help us teach spiritual children
to go to You Lord in times of need
as well as times of praise to trust
You with every part of their lives.
Help us be Your hands and feet
and lead us to bless our charges
as You would. In Jesus name, Amen

Lord, help us to Be more People-
centred rather than things-centred.
Help us to get rid of a mindset
and lifestyle that revolve around
material things & temporal minded.
Help us instead to trust in You,
be more eternality minded
and to further Your Kingdom.
Give us Your strength; for apart
from You we can do nothing. Amen.

Lord, noted Your Word of promise
that people who have sacrificed
for You will ultimately be rewarded.
What an encouragement that
You God will never forget or
overlook any work done for Christ.
Teach us Lord to have an eternal
mindset & lead us to see as You see.
And lift our aspirations towards
Your Kingdom and eternity. Amen.

Hearing God In Matt 18 (Feb 17)

  • Be Humble, Forgiving & Merciful

Matthew records many crucial
incidents from Jesus’ life in Matt
16-19. Though Christ takes time
to heal an epileptic boy, pay His
temple tax and confront hostile
Pharisees, His primary concern
is for His disciples, who will
continue the work He had begun.
Healings and discourses, miracles
and parables all focus on Jesus’
faithful followers to prepare them
for the difficult days just ahead.

Lord, we’ll be Meek & Gracious:
The disciples asked Jesus:
Who then is the greatest in the
kingdom of heaven? Jesus said:
Whoever takes the lowly position
of this child is the greatest in the
kingdom of heaven (Matt 18:1-4)
Then Peter asked Jesus: Lord,
how many times shall I forgive
my brother when he sins against
me? Up to seven times? Jesus
answered: I tell you, not seven
times, but 70 times seven (v21-22)
When the king heard about it,
he said to the man whose debt
he had forgiven: Shouldn’t you
have had mercy on your fellow
servant just as I had on u (v32-33)

Lord, You promise that those
who are humble will become
the greatest in Your kingdom.
Help us to learn to be gentle
and lowly in heart as You are.
And I pray that my humble faith
and service to U will accomplish
great things for Your kingdom.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, You’ve forgiven me so many
times out of Your tender mercies.
Each time, I fail You, You lift me up
& put me in right standing with You.
So Lord, when I Owe Forgiveness,
remind me of the times You have
forgiven me. Help me be gracious
to each person who wrongs or
offends me. Help me to walk
in Forgiveness daily because
daily You readily forgive me. Amen

Lord, thank You for Your mercy
for I could not have been saved
otherwise. For You saved us
not because of righteous things
we had done but because of
His mercy. And because You God
is merciful, we too need to be
merciful. Help me extend mercy
to others, even when they don’t
deserve it. In Jesus’ name, Amen

Thought for the Week: Matt 13/14

God Reveals His Will to us

A turning point occurs in Matthew
12 where mounting antagonism by
the Jewish religious leaders erupts
into open denunciation of Jesus.
Because of their rejection, Jesus
begins to speak to them in parables
and explained only to the disciples.
After a rude reception in His home
town of Nazareth, Jesus withdraws
across the Sea of Galilee to the
regions of Tyre and Sidon in order
to escape growing opposition.

Lord, we’ll Respond to Your Word:
You are permitted to understand
the secrets of the Kingdom of
Heaven but others are not (Mt 13:11)
That is why I use these parables
for they hear but don’t really listen.
The hearts of these people are
hardened… they can’t understand,
and they cannot turn to me and
let me heal them (Matt 13:13-15).
Immediately Jesus made His
disciples get into the boat and go
before Him to the other side while
He sent the multitudes away…(Then)
He went up the mountain by Himself
to pray. Now when evening came,
He was alone there (Matt 14:21-23)

Lord, help me to be a true seeker
to hear from the personal God.
Help me to have an open mind,
ever ready to listen to You and
to believe Your Word of truth.
Give me the heart that can hear
Your mysteries, understand them
and internalise Your eternal truths.
Help me root out any attitude that
might block my hearing You. Amen.

Lord, where my heart hardened at
times, tell me I have turned You out.
For it’s tough to recognise hardness
in myself, and so I need to know.
Soften me up Lord, where there’s
any area of insensitivity in my life.
Draw my attention & heighten my
spiritual senses to Your promptings.
Renew my mind with Your Word and
help me respond with my heart in
prayer of agreement & commitment.
In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.

Lord, help me find the time I need
every day to be alone with You.
Escaping busyness and diversions
seems to be a constant struggle.
And I need greater ability to shut
out everything and find solitude
with You in prayer. Help me to
secure a place of peace and quiet
so that I can hear Your voice
speaking to my heart. Amen.

Reflection on Matthew 8-17

Hearing God thru His Word

The purpose of the gospel of
Matthew is to prove that Jesus
is the Messiah, the eternal King.
Following ministry in Bethlehem
and Nazareth, the second segment
of Jesus ministry was in Galilee.
In Matthew 8-15, we see Jesus
demonstrating His power over
sickness, nature and spirit world
& sending apostles as ambassadors
of the kingdom. And in Matt 16-19,
we see the Messiah preaching to
unveil Christ’s identity & priorities.

On Monday, we learn from Matt 8
that God Blesses those who Believe.
On Tuesday, we learn fr Matt 9
that Christ Models Compassion.
On Wed, we learn from Matt 10
that Christ Empowers & Cares.
On Thu, we learn from Matt 11
that Christ Gives Rest to the Weary,
On Friday, we learn from Matt 13/14
that God Reveals His Will to us.
On Saturday, we learn from Mt 17
that God Can Perform the Impossible.

Let us humble ourselves and pray
and seek His face. Help us O God
be Christ’s disciples who Hear You:
For God You Bless those who Believe
and that You Reveal Your Will to us;
For Christ Models Compassion,
as well as Gives Rest to the Weary;
For God Can Perform the Impossible
as well as Empowers & Cares for us.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Hearing God In Matt 17 (Feb 15)

God Can Perform the Impossible

Mathew records many crucial
incidents from Jesus’ life in M16-19.
Though Christ takes time to heal
an epileptic boy, pay His temple
tax and confront hostile Pharisees,
His key concern is for His disciples
to continue the work He had begun.
Healings and discourses, miracles
and parables all focus on Jesus’
faithful followers to prepare them
for the difficult days just ahead.

Lord, we’ll Exercise Faith In You:
A man came to Him, kneeling…
and saying: Lord, have mercy on
my son, for he is an epileptic and
suffers severely… So I brought him
to Your disciples but they could
not cure him. Then Jesus said: O
faithless generation (Mt 17:14-17)
The disciples asked Jesus
privately: Why couldn’t we
cast out that boy’s demon?
So Jesus said to them: Because
of your unbelief; for assuredly
I say to you, if you Have Faith
as a mustard seed, you will say
to this mountain: Move from here
to there, and it will move; and
nothing will be impossible for you.
But this kind does not go except
by prayer & fasting (Mt 17:19-21).

Lord, You promise that With Faith
In You Nothing Is Impossible.
Thank You for being the God
of the possible; for You are the
Almighty who moves mountains.
Help me Lord to realize that
my faith, even though small
and weak, can do great things.
For it’s not the amount of faith but
the Focus of the faith In You. A-Men

Lord, although circumstances
seem challenging, yet You
are the source of my strength.
Although my faith seems small,
yet when placed in the Creator’s
hands, it can produce a greater
harvest than I could ever imagine.
Lord, take my tiny seed of faith
and multiply it with Your strength.
Thankful for assurance that there’s
nothing impossible with You. Amen.

Lord, help me to pray in faith
trusting You to do the impossible.
For I am weak and helpless;
but You my strength shall be.
Guide me with Your gracious hand;
and there will my victory be.
For every time I pray,
I move the hand of God.
My prayer does the things
my hands cannot do.
For every time I pray,
the mountains are removed.
The paths are made straight,
and people turn to You. Amen.

Hearing God In Matt 13/14 (Feb 14)

God Reveals His Will to us

A turning point occurs in Matthew
12 where mounting antagonism by
the Jewish religious leaders erupts
into open denunciation of Jesus.
Because of their rejection, Jesus
begins to speak to them in parables
and explained only to the disciples.
After a rude reception in His home
town of Nazareth, Jesus withdraws
across the Sea of Galilee to the
regions of Tyre and Sidon in order
to escape growing opposition.

Lord, we’ll Respond to Your Word:
You are permitted to understand
the secrets of the Kingdom of
Heaven but others are not (Mt 13:11)
That is why I use these parables
for they hear but don’t really listen.
The hearts of these people are
hardened… they can’t understand,
and they cannot turn to me and
let me heal them (Matt 13:13-15).
Immediately Jesus made His
disciples get into the boat and go
before Him to the other side while
He sent the multitudes away…(Then)
He went up the mountain by Himself
to pray. Now when evening came,
He was alone there (Matt 14:21-23)

Lord, help me to be a true seeker
to hear from the personal God.
Help me to have an open mind,
ever ready to listen to You and
to believe Your Word of truth.
Give me the heart that can hear
Your mysteries, understand them
and internalise Your eternal truths.
Help me root out any attitude that
might block my hearing You. Amen.

Lord, where my heart hardened at
times, tell me I have turned You out.
For it’s tough to recognise hardness
in myself, and so I need to know.
Soften me up Lord, where there’s
any area of insensitivity in my life.
Draw my attention & heighten my
spiritual senses to Your promptings.
Renew my mind with Your Word and
help me respond with my heart in
prayer of agreement & commitment.
In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.

Lord, help me find the time I need
every day to be alone with You.
Escaping busyness and diversions
seems to be a constant struggle.
And I need greater ability to shut
out everything and find solitude
with You in prayer. Help me to
secure a place of peace and quiet
so that I can hear Your voice
speaking to my heart. Amen.