Hearing God In Exodus 20 (Jan 17)

Listen & Obey the Holy God

For the first time in four centuries,
the Israelites are free to worship
and walk with their holy God.
But how do they approach God?
At Mount Sinai Moses prepares the
pple to receive the law which they
promise to obey. After two days of
purification,the nation witnesses an
awesome display of God’s majesty
as He descends in a thick cloud to
deliver the Ten Commandments,
the broad moral principles which
guide the new nation and set it
apart from its pagan neighbours.
They also receive civil & ceremonial
laws to regulate the life of Israel.

Lord, help us love u by obeying u:
I am the Lord your God, who
Rescued you from the land of Egypt,
the place of your slavery. You must
not have any other God but me.
You must not make for yourself
an idol of any kind…(Ex 20:2-17)
When the people heard the thunder
and saw the flashes of lightning…
they stood at a distance, trembling
with fear… Don’t be afraid, Moses
answered them: for God has come
in this way to test you, and so that
your fear of Him will keep you
from sinning (Exo 20:18-20).
You shall not make anything to be
with Me; gods of silver or… gold
you shall not make for yourselves.
An altar of earth you shall make
for me, and you shall sacrifice on it
your burnt offerings and your peace
offerings… (And) I will come to you,
and I will bless you (v23-24).

Father God, You revealed Your
Law to the Israelites at Sinai.
Through the law, they learned
more about what You are like and
how You expect Your people to live.
Grant us hunger to feed on Your
Word each day and want to be holy.
Help us love You more and empower
our good intentions, for apart from
You we can really do nothing. Amen.

Father God, You are pure & holy;
and You are a consuming fire.
Thanks You Jesus for rescuing
us from slavery to sin and death.
In gratitude we purpose to follow
Your ways and what You want.
Help us show our love to Him by
responding obediently to what
God wants. In Jesus’ name, Amen


Lord, we acknowledge that You
are holy and jealous God; and don’t
want us to have idols in our lives.
But instead You desire from us
burnt offerings and peace offerings
so that we have clear conscience.
Teach us ways to honour You in our
lives; in our thots, words & deeds.
Let our desires reflect Yr yearnings
and let our lips bring You delight.
Enable us to lead a life that truly
respects You & bless others. Amen

Hearing God In Exodus 14 (Jan 16)

Listen Carefully to What God Say

Delivering the people from Egyptian
bondage is only the first step in
God’s plan to bring the Israelites
to the Promised Land of Canaan.
Many obstacles lie ahead.
Pharaoh, whose heart is again
hardened, sends his armies in
pursuit of Moses and the people.
Trapped bet the Red Sea & rapidly
approaching chariots of Egypt,
the people Cry Out in desperation
and God answers miraculously.

Lord, we’ll Pray, Listen and Act:
Order the Israelites to… camp…
along the shore… I have planned
this in order to display my glory
through Pharaoh & his whole army.
After this the Egyptians will know
that I am the LORD! (Exo 14:1-4).
So the Egyptians pursued them,
all the horses and chariots…
And when Pharaoh drew near, the
children of Israel lifted their eyes,
and behold the Egyptians marched
after them. So they were very afraid
and the children of Israel Cried
Out to the Lord (Exodus 14:9-10).
Moses said to the people: Do not
be afraid. Stand still and see the
salvation of the Lord…(He) will fight
for u…And the Lord said to Moses:
Why do you Cry to Me? Tell the
children of Israel to Go Forward.
Lift up your rod & stretch out over
the sea & divide it. And the children
of Israel shall go on dry ground
thru the midst of the sea (v13-16).

Lord, I am listening for Your voice,
and I am not ruling out anything
unless it really contradicts Your
infallible word or holy character.
For there is no twist in this life
journey that is beyond Your nature.
So, Lead me Lord into and out of
any predicament You may choose
that may not make sense in near
term but will be eventually. Amen.

Lord, just like the Israelites we may
find ourselves with dashed hope.
But trust that every unexpected
twist of events was part of Your
sovereign and deliberate plan.
Everything was perfectly positioned
so that the only explanation for what
will take place is Your mighty hand.
So sovereign God, Show me Your
great power even as I stand still
and wait for Your salvation. Amen.

Lord, help me understand while
waiting for a leading from You,
when it is time to take action.
Help me to be wise enough so
that I can recognise the answers
to my prayers when they come
in unique ways I was not expecting.
Give me the knowledge of Your will
that let me know when it’s time to
stand up & take steps of faith. Amen