Hearing God In Genesis 41

God Reveals the Solution

A difficult dream of Pharaoh
refreshes the memory of the chief
butler; and Joseph is promoted
from prisoner to prime minister.
The dream forecasts prosperity
and famine in the years ahead.
The widespread famine prompts
Jacob to send 10 sons to Egypt
for grain, where Joseph recognises
them immediately and the brothers
unknowingly fulfill the boyhood
dream of Joseph. And Jacob was
assured going to Egypt is divinely
approved. So the entire Jewish
clan of 70 moves to Goshen
which will become home for the
fledging nation for next 400 years.

Lord, we trust U for the Impossible:
Pharaoh said to Joseph: “I had a
dream last night and no one here
can tell me what it means. But I’ve
heard that when you hear about
a dream you can interpret it.”
It is beyond my power to do this,
Joseph replied. But God can
tell you what it means and set
you at ease (Gen 41:15-16).
Then Joseph said to Pharaoh:
The dreams of Pharaoh are one;
God has shown Pharaoh what
He is about to do… And the seven
thin cows… & seven empty heads…
are seven years of famine (v25-27).
Then Pharaoh said: God has shown
you all this… I have set you over
all the land of Egypt (v39-41).

Lord, You have a solution for
every problem in the world and
every problem that we may face.
And if U share Your ideas with me,
I will avail myself to act on them
so that I can be a blessing to
others and further Your kingdom.
And Lord help us to see life thru
Your eyes & for Your glory. Amen.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You
for Your good plan for mankind.
Help us Persevere by Waiting for
fulfilment of promise like Joseph.
Help us Trust You for challenges
even as we Give Our Scars to You;
for You Intended For Good. And
Thanks be to You God who is
able to keep us from stumbling.
In Jesus Mighty Name, Amen!

Hearing God In Genesis 37(Jan 10)

Focus on the Promised Vision

Though the favourite son of his
father Jacob, Joseph alienates
himself from his brothers by his
forthrightness of his two dreams.
Envy grows into hatred until finally
the brothers sell him into slavery.
Taken to Egypt, Joseph suffers
injustice at the hands of Potiphar’s
wife and later from forgetful butler.
Through it all, God has a good plan
for both Joseph as well as Israel.
Lord, Help us Avail ourselves to
Your service as imperfect people.
Help us keep faith by Waiting for U,
Help us Focus on the Vision. Amen.

Lord, we’ll Wait for Your Promise:
Now Joseph had a dream
and he told it to his brothers…
Your sheaves stood all around
and bowed down to my sheaf…
So they hated him even more
for his dreams and for his words…
Then he dreamed still another
dream. This time the sun, the moon
and the eleven stars bowed down
to me. So he told it to his father
and his brothers; and his father
rebuked him… And his brothers
envied him, but his father Kept
the matter In Mind (Gen 37:5-11).

Lord, we see thru patriarchs that
You Work thru Imperfect people:
You work through Joseph who was
prideful when he boastfully shared
his dream to his brothers that
he will one day be in high position
and they will bow to him causing
his brothers to envy and hate him.
Lord, help us not be proud but
Wait for the right time to share
Your plan for us. And help us to avail
ourselves for Your service. Amen.

Lord, You were with Joseph
and made all he did to prosper.
Joseph kept integrity, running from
Potiphar’s wife & ended in prison.
It was a long wait of 13 years when
he received the two prophecies.
As a slave & as a prisoner, Joseph
could have seen his situations
as hopeless. But he remembered
the prophetic dreams and saw the
favour of men as sign of promise.
Holy Spirit, help us be like Joseph,
Not to Doubt but Believe, Waiting
for God to fulfil His promise. Amen.

Lord, grant Be Thou Our Vision:
From the Joseph story, we learn
that You don’t just speak into
individual lives or immediate future
for Your agenda is to build every
level of society. We realise when
we listen for Your voice, we need
to listen with grand purposes
and long term frame of mind.
So raise our vision beyond self
and our immediate needs & future.
Show us more Lord and draw us to
Your purpose & assignment. Amen