Hearing God In Genesis 12

Follow God’s Calling & Trust Him 

Genesis 12-14 describe God’s call
of Abram to leave his home in Ur
(near Persian Gulf) and travel to
a distant but unspecified new land.
Abram faces many distractions
along the way including the death
of his father and a severe famine.
But God is looking for a person
of faith who will trust Him
completely to keep His Promises.
For Abram those promises include
becoming a great nation and
experiencing great blessing in
the face of overwhelming odds.

Lord, we’ll Obey Your Call of Faith:
Now the Lord had said to Abram:
Get out of your country, from your
family… to a land that I will show you.
I will make you a great nation…
and you shall be a blessing…
So Abram departed (Gen 12:1-3).
Then the Lord appeared to Abram
and said: To your descendants
I will give this land… And he
moved… to the mountain east
of Bethel and he pitched his tent…
there be built an altar… and called
on the name of the Lord (v7-8).
Then Abram went up from Egypt…
and he went… from the South
as far as Bethel… to the place of
the altar which he had made there
at first. And there Abram called on
the name of the Lord (Gen 13:1-4).

Lord,when You called Abram to leave
the land of his birth, it was so that
You cld give him the Promised Land.
Grateful You call us To something,
and not just away From something.
Lord You are always calling us to the
place where Yr provision awaits us.
it’s Comforting that Your commands
are always related to Your Promises.
Whilst You command obedience,
that will also clear the way for
Your promised provision. Amen.

Lord, noted Your calling will involve
sacrifices but it’s comforting that
it’s sacrifice for something more.
For we note Lord Your promises
to Abram: to make him into a great
nation and be a blessing to others.
When called, help us not to dwell on
what we may have to leave behind.
But instead focus our heart & mind
on what we will be receiving. Amen.

Lord, we notice that promise,
worship and communion are all
bound up in Your call to Abram
and in his calling on Your name.
We also noticed that wherever
Abraham the friend of God had
a tent, God had an altar as well.
Spur us Lord to emulate Abraham
in erecting a family altar of prayer
and devotion unto You. Amen.

Thought for the Week: Gen 5

Walk Constantly With God

The perfect environment into which man was placed is now shattered by the entrance of sin. Disobedience follows as the firstfamily eats from the forbiddentree and is expelled from thegarden. The results of their sinspread quickly as humankindand the whole creation fallunder the penalty of death.Cain becomes the first murderer,and the downward spiral continuesfrom Adam to Noah, paving theway for God’s sweeping judgmentupon the wickedness of the world.

Lord, we purpose to Walk with You:
Enoch lived 65 years and begot
Methuselah. After he begot
Methuselah, Enoch walked with
God 300 years and had sons
and daughters. So all the days of
Enoch were 365 years. And Enoch
walked with God; and he was not,
for God took him (Gen 5:21-25).
By faith Enoch was taken away
so that he did not see death,
and was not found because God
had taken him; for before he was
taken he had this testimony, that
he pleased God. But without faith
it is impossible to please Him, for
he who comes to God must believe
that… He is a rewarder of those
who diligently seek Him(Heb 11:5-6)

Lord, thanks for the lesson from
Gen 5 that You walked With Enoch.
Noted You almighty creator God
calibrated Your stride for Enoch’s
sake to take into account his frailty.
So intimate was Your relationship
with Enoch that when the time came
for Enoch to leave earth and enter
eternity, his walk just continued; and
received Christ’s promise: He who
believes in Me shall never die. Amen.

Lord, we thank You for the gift of
Your Presence. I am grateful and
filled with wonder and amazed
that You love me so much You
actually desire my presence.
Teach me more each day what
it really means to walk with You.
Help my thoughts not to be
wholly occupied with the world’s
passing show. But grant each day
may strengthen my hold on the
reality of the unseen world. Amen.

Lord, we are challenged by the long
term faithfulness of Enoch that
he walked with You for 300 years.
Help us also to please You like
Enoch who not only believe in You
but also earnestly seek after You.
Help us also to seek after Your
holiness for we learn in Jude that
Enoch warns people that God is to
be worshiped and obeyed. Amen.

Reflection on Genesis 1-11

Hearing God thru His Word

Genesis 1&2 gives a concise over
-view of the progress of creation,
climaxing in the creation of man.
In Genesis 3-5, the perfect
environment into which man
was placed is now shattered by
the entrance of sin. The results
of the sin of Adam and Eve
spread quickly as humankind
and the whole creation fall
under the penalty of death.
In Gen 6-9, humanity becomes
so sinful that God prepares to
execute the death sentence on
the entire race. In grace He directs
Noah – a just man who walks
with God – to build a great ship
in order to escape the coming
judgment. Noah obeys God, and
while the flood waters purge the
earth, the ark preserves human
and animal life for a fresh start.

On Wed, we learn from launch
that God truly speaks to His
people to guide, instruct, correct,
inspire and encourage them.
And that He seeks to draw us
closer to Him; to do His will,
to bear much fruit & be blessed…
On Thu, we learn from Gen 2/3
to Draw Near to Relational God.
On Friday, we learn from Gen 5
to Walk Constantly with God.
On Sat, we learn from Gen 6/9
to Obey Direction of the Lord.

Let us humble ourselves and pray
and seek His face. Help us O God
be Christ’s disciples who Hear You:
For You are the Relational God and
You want us to draw near to You.
For You desire our fellowship and
love us to walk constantly with You.
For You Provide Direction for our
good & desire our Obedience.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.