Obey Direction of the Lord
In the course of its rebellion,
humanity becomes so sinful that
God prepares to execute the
death sentence on the entire race.
In grace He directs Noah to build
a great ship to escape judgment.
Noah Obeys God & while the flood
purges the earth, the arc preserves
human life for a fresh re-start.
After a safe landing on Mt Ararat,
God makes a new covenant to
Noah and his descendants; and
said: I will remember my covenant.
Lord, we’ll walk closely & Obey You:
The Lord observed the extent of
human wickedness on the earth,
and he saw that everything they
thot was constantly & totally evil.
So the Lord was sorry He had ever
made them… it broke His heart.
And the Lord said: I will wipe this
human race I have created from
the face of the earth… But Noah
found favour with the Lord.
Noah was a righteous man… and
he walked with God (Gen 6:5-9).
And God said to Noah: Build a large
boat from cypress wood and water-
proof it with tar, inside and out…
And of every living thing of all fresh
you shall bring two of every sort
into the boat; male and female…
Thus Noah did; according to all
that God commanded him(v13-22)
Whenever the rainbow appears
in the clouds, I will see it and
remember the everlasting
covenant between God and
all living creatures of every kind
on the earth (Gen 9:16). Amen.
Lord, You created human beings
in Your own image;but they became
sinful when they disobeyed God.
Noah was spared from destruction
of the flood because he obeyed You.
Lord, help me to live each day
with a deep sense of Your presence,
even as I purpose to spend time
knowing You and talking with You.
And help me Lord to hear Your
voice speaking to my heart so that
I will follow Your leading. Amen.
Lord, we note Noah was totally
obedient to Your Instructions,
spending more than 100 years
to build the big ark and collecting
all the animals and creatures.
Teach me Lord to walk in close
fellowship with You; and to obey
Your instructions for my blessing
and for life purpose and mission.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.
Lord, praise You that You are
indeed a covenant keeping God.
Help me to understand and
remember exactly what Your
promises are so that I can recall
them in my mind, keep them
in my heart and speak them out
whenever I need to push doubt
away from me. Help me remember
that Jesus is the ultimate proof
that You have already kept Your
greatest promise to us. Amen.