Draw Near to Relational God
Genesis 2 details how God’s image
-bearers were created – man from
the dust of the ground and woman
from his rib. In Gen 3, the perfect
environment into which man was
placed is shattered by the entrance of sin. Disobedience follows
as the first family eats from the
forbidden tree and is expelled
from the garden. The results
of their sin spread quickly as
humankind and the whole creation
fall under the penalty of death.
Lord, we’ll Draw Near to Hear You:
The LORD (Jehovah) God formed
man of the dust of the ground,
and breathed into his nostrils the
breath of life; and man became
a living being (Genesis 2:7).
Now the serpent was more cunning
than any beast of the field which
the Lord God had made. And
he said to the woman: Has God
indeed said: You shall not eat of
every tree in the garden (Gen 3:1)
Then the man and his wife heard
the sound of the Lord God as
He was walking in the garden
in the cool of the day, and they
hid from the Lord God among
the trees of the garden. But
the Lord God called to the man:
Where are you? (Gen 3:8-9).
Lord Jehovah, You are worthy
of all praise and adoration.
You are the God who made
the heavens and the earth.
You rule over all, and yet You also
seek relationship with Your creation.
Thank You for sustaining our
lives and delighting in our souls.
Thank You for not only being high
and lifted up but also dwelling
among the lowly. Thank You for
desiring to Be Close to us. Amen.
Lord, we will Hear Your Voice:
We spend much of our lives Lord
in a battle to trust Your goodness
because the evil one constantly
cast doubts & misrepresent You.
I invite You to move my heart
and synchronise it with Yours.
I need to connect with You more;
for only Your voice & revelation
can accomplish that. Give me
clear insights of Your will. Amen.
Lord, we will Draw Near to You:
I want to have a close walk
with You Lord. Help me not
to forfeit that relationship by
being drawn toward the world.
Enable me to hear Your voice
calling me so that I will answer
without delay. And help me not
hide from You for any reason;
but instead seek Your forgiveness
and draw near to You. Amen.