Adoring God In Eph 1 (Oct 14)

God Grants Spiritual Blessings

The Ephesians had unlimited
spiritual wealth at their disposal,
yet they lived as spiritual paupers.
So Paul wrote to encourage
them to understand and claim
their heavenly resources. Only
then could they draw on them for
their earthly walk. And In Christ,
Christians are endowed with every
Spiritual Blessing as well as adoptn,
redemption, inheritance and power.

Lord, so grateful for Your Blessing:
Praise be to the God & Father
of our Lord Jesus Christ,
who has blessed us with every
spiritual blessing… in Christ,
just as He chose us in Him…
that we should be holy & without
blame… having predestined us
to adoption as sons (Eph 1:3-5).
In Him we have redemption thru
His blood, the forgiveness of sins,
acc to the riches of His grace…
In Him also we have obtained
an inheritance, being predestined
according to His purpose (v7-11).
( I am) asking God… to give you
the spirit of wisdom & revelation
so that you might grow in your
Knowledge of God. (I pray also)
that the eyes of your heart may
Be Enlightened in order that
you may know the Hope to which
He has called you, the riches of
His glorious Inheritance… and His
incomparably great Power (v17-19)

Father God, all Praise and Thanks
to You for Your abundant blessings.
How easy it is to forget that You
are the source of every good thing.
Your goodness to me is not because
of any goodness on my part; but
because of Christ; and Your grace
giving the spiritual blessing I need.
When I feel dry & empty, remind me
Lord that You stand ready to give
whatever that I may need. Amen.

Lord, let reality of Your redemption
and forgiveness of our sins
flood our soul; and let the riches
of God’s grace overwhelm us.
Thank You Lord that we’ve been
assigned an inheritance in You;
and we claim this promise and
declare that as Your children and
heirs to all that You have for us.
So thankful Lord for Your blessings;
and in gratitude we purpose that
Your truths will renew us. Amen.

Lord, I pray that the eyes of my
heart will Be Opened to see the
Hope to which You’ve called me.
Help me to understand my true
Inheritance; and enable me to
comprehend the magnitude of
Your Power for I believe in You.
And I seek more of Your presence,
Your Love & Power so that I can see
them manifested in my life. Amen.

Thought for the Week: Galatians 5

God Grants Us Fruitful Freedom 

Galatians is Paul’s manifesto of
justification by faith. He directs
this charter of Christian freedom
to people who are about to forsake
the liberty they possess in Christ.
Jewish legalists are influencing the
believers in Galatia to trade their
freedom in Christ for bondage to
the law. Paul writes to refute their
false gospel of works & to show the
superiority of justification by faith.

Lord, we Yield to Your Control:
Stand fast… in the liberty by
which Christ has made us free,
and do not be entangled
again with a yoke of slavery…
For you have been called to liberty;
only do not use liberty as an
opportunity for the flesh (Gal 5:1,13)
The works of the flesh are evident:
hatred, contentions, jealousies,
outbursts of wrath, selfish
ambitions, dissensions… envy,
murders… and the like (Gal 5:19-21)
When the Holy Spirit Controls
our lives, He will produce
this kind of fruit in us:
Love, Joy, Peace,
patience, kindness, goodness,
faithfulness, gentleness and
self-control (Gal 5:22-23).

Father God, You made us
free beings having a free will
to choose without compulsion.
We are abundantly grateful and
blessed to be Your chosen ones.
We praise You for giving us Your
Spirit inside of us to live a life
of holiness, and righteousness.
God, help us to experience the
fullness of the freedom we have,
not to do whatever we want,
but the freedom to do whatever
You want which is best for us.Amen

Lord, we can be vulnerable to
the works of the flesh, including
contentions and fleshly emotions.
As fruit of the Spirit doesn’t reside
within my flesh, keep my life cleared
of things that crowd out Your Spirit.
Enable me Lord to humble myself
before You and rely on Your Spirit.
Train me to Yield to the Control of
the Holy Spirit and may the fruit You
produce draw others to You. Amen.

Lord, I need the Joy that only You
can give; and I want to be marked
by Your Peace and not to worry.
Forgive me Lord for the times I let
circumstances control my mood.
I need Your joy and peace so that
others might see the comfort and
assurance available only in You.
And teach me to rest in knowledge
that You are in control. Amen.

Loving Lord, grant me to overflow
with Your Love so that it will
spill out in my words and actions.
Help me pursue the path of love,
in difficult circumstances or with
difficult people; and cause Your
Goodness to flow through me.
For it’s not easy to think of others
or think of glorifying You when my
life is filled with pain. So, grant me
grace to live supernaturally. Amen.