Reflection on the Prophets (Aug 21)

Trusting God Through His Promises

Over the last eight months, we have
been meditating on the theme:
Trusting God thru His Promises.
We know the importance of prayer
in our lives; and there are so much
to pray about for ourselves and
for others: dreams, hopes & plans.
But often we are held up by doubts:
Does God care about our requests?
How valuable then it is to pray back
to God the very promises found
in His Word. When we speak God’s
very words back to Him, we no
longer wonder if this is something
God cares about, for He brought
it up in the very first place.

Lord, each time when You reveal
something of Your nature, You are
promising us that You will be true
to that nature in any circumstance.
We know by promising and then
performing what U promised, You’ll
awaken in us expectation & desire
and find outlets in prayer of faith.
Praise You that Your promises are
rock solid; and that Your very nature
and character stand behind them.
Grant us faith not only to merely
believe Your Word but also to act
on it. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

We are meditating through the Bible,
which is organised by genres:
Laws, History, Poetry and Prophets…
Before we continue into NT, here’s
the key thots over the last 7 weeks
from 5 major & 12 prophetic books
which encourage as we see God’s
promises being fulfilled in its time.
Jul 9: God Keeps His Promises(Isa7)
J16: God Will Sustain You (Isa 46)
J23: God Fulfils Promises (Isa 55)
J30: God Has Good Plans (Jer 29)
Aug 6: God Brings to Life (Ezek 37)
A13: God Faithfully Loves You(Hos 2)
A20: God Keeps Promises (Hab 2/3)
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