Reflection on Isaiah 52-66 (July 23)

Trusting God thru His Promises

The purpose of the prophetic book of Isaiah is to call the nation of Judah back to God and to tell of God’s salvation thru the Messiah.
On Monday, we learn from Isa 54
that God Turns Sorrow to Joy.
On Tuesday, we learn from Isa 55
that God’s Promises Will Be Fulfilled.
On Wed, we learn from Isa 57 that
God Refreshes & Gives Courage.
On Thu, we learn from Isaiah 59
that God’s Words Hold Good.
On Friday, we learn from Isaiah 62
that God Turns Ashes to Beauty.
On Sat, we learn from Isaiah 64
that Acts for those who Wait.
Let us humble ourselves and pray
and seek His face. Help us O God
be Christ’s disciples who trust You:
for You turn ashes to beauty
as well as turn sorrow to joy;
for You refresh, give courage
as well as act for those who wait;
for You truly keep Your promises;
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Trusting God In Isaiah 64 (Jul 22)

God Acts for those who Wait

In the light of the present calamity
and the coming glory, there can
only be one fitting response
from God’s people: repentance
for their pride and rebellion.
The twin themes that dominated
Isaiah’s message- condemnation
and consolation appear yet
again in the concluding verses:
The hand of the Lord shall be known
toward his servants (consolation)
and His indignation towards His
enemies (condemnation) (66:14).

Lord, You Act for Those Who Wait:
O that You would burst from
the heavens and Come Down!
How the mountains would quake
in Your presence!.. When You
Came Down long ago, You did
awesome things beyond our
highest expectations (Isa 64:1-3).
For since the beginning of the world
no one has heard nor perceived by
the ear, no eye has seen any God
besides You, who acts on behalf
of those Who Wait for Him (v4).
O Lord, You are our Father;
We are the clay and You our potter;
And we are the work of Your hand.
Do not be furious O Lord, Nor remember iniquity forever…please
look – we are Your people (v8-9).

Lord, thanks for doing awesome
things and for working beyond
our highest expectations.
And You Lord continue to do
them for those who Wait for You.
Help me to wait for You with hope;
fill me with a holy expectancy of
Your Coming; and glorify Yourself
through my ministry and life. Amen.

Lord, You have good plans for us
and Your plans are worth the Wait.
But in our instant society, waiting
can be rather tough, especially
so when the wait has been long.
Hear my cry Lord for I am waiting
on You to act on Your plan for me.
Help me not to put a time limit
on when I think You should act.
I want to trust that You will act
in just the right time. Amen.

Lord, You are our Father, and
all we are the work of Your hand.
Do not be furious O Lord,
nor remember our sin forever;
for we are after all Your people.
And surely You will make
all things beautiful In Your Time.
Lord, please show me everyday;
As You’re teaching me Your way
And I’ll do just what You say
In Your time. In Jesus’ name.

Trusting God In Isaiah 61 (Jul 21)

God Turns Ashes to Beauty

Backgrounder on Isaiah 58-62:
Isaiah catches a glimpse of the
Glorious Future awaiting the people
of God. A day is coming when
darkness will be swept away,
affliction will cease and the
glad tidings of salvation shall
be proclaimed throughout Zion.
God has not forsaken His people
& groaning has given way to glory.

Lord, You Turn Mourning to Joy:
The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me…
to heal the brokenhearted…
to comfort all who mourn…
to give them Beauty for Ashes,
the oil of Joy for mourning,
the garment of praise for the
spirit of heaviness (Isa 61:1-3).
You will be called Ministers of God.
You shall eat riches of Gentiles (v6).
I am Overwhelmed With Joy
in the Lord my God! For He has
dressed me with the clothing of
salvation and draped me in a robe
of righteousness (v10). Amen.

Lord, I don’t know how much I must
have lost or the blessings I have
forfeited because I have lived
my way instead of Your way.
But I confess my sins of thought,
word and deeds to You now.
Grant me Lord beauty instead
of ashes, gladness instead of
mourning and a garment of
praise instead of despair. Amen.

Lord, I know being called to the
ministry and in fact we all are!
Help me to be an effective go-
between standing in the space
between You and a needy world.
Help me Lord to correctly do that
with my loved ones, among friends,
in church and in the community.
Enable me to represent You well to
others & lift up others to You. Amen

Lord, grant me a glimpse of Your
presence which gives Fullness
of Joy. And reveal and show me
the power of proper perspective:
not be defeated but to overcome;
not be victimised but victorious.
Help me live life such that my mind
and attitude are impacted by You.
Clothe me in Joy and celebration
of what You’ve done in me. Amen.

Trusting God In Isaiah 59 (July 20)

God’s Words Hold Good

Backgrounder on Isaiah 58-62:
Isaiah catches a glimpse of the
Glorious Future awaiting the people
of God. A day is coming when
darkness will be swept away,
affliction will cease and the
glad tidings of salvation shall
be proclaimed throughout Zion.
God has not forsaken His people
& groaning has given way to glory.

Lord, Your Words Hold Good:
Behold the LORD’s hand is not
shortened, that it cannot save;
Nor His ear heavy, that it can’t hear.
But your iniquities have separated
you from your God; your sins
have hidden His face from you,
so that He will not hear (Isa 59:1-2).
He saw that there was no one,
He was apalled there was
no intercessor. (Therefore)…
He himself stepped in to save them.
He put on righteousness as his
body armour & placed the helmet
of salvation on his head (v16-17).
The Redeemer will come to those
who turned from transgression…
This is My Covenant with them,
says the Lord. My Spirit Will Not
Leave them and Neither Will These
Words I have given you (v20-21).

Lord, our lives may not work that
well when we are not living Your way.
Help me to stay undeceived about
my own sin so that I can confess it
immediately and be cleansed of it.
For I don’t want anything to separate
me from You and hinder my prayers
by causing You to not hear them.
Show me Lord how to tear down
any wall of separation that may arise
because of sin in my heart. Amen.

Lord, You Promise Protection
when I wear Your armour. Help me
hold on to the truth that You died
for me & I have Your righteousness.
I am also grateful for the helmet
of salvation and its protection.
Pray that the assurance of salvation
will guard my thoughts and mind,
even as difficulties come and
doubts attempt to creep in. Amen.

Lord, thank You for promising
Your Spirit Is With me forever and
that Your Words will Not Fade away.
Help me gracious Lord to grab
hold of Your promises in faith.
In a constantly shifting world,
help me stand firm in Your Words.
And let Your Words sink deep
into my heart and not be affected
by the shaking around me. Amen.

Trusting God In Isaiah 57 (July 19)

God Refreshes & Gives Courage

Backgrounder on Isaiah 52-57:
Nowhere in the OT will you see
a clearer picture of the horrible
price of your redemption than in
these six chapters. Many verses
show the anquish our Savior,
as suffering servant, endured
in paying the awful price of sin.
For instance, His visage was so
marred more than any man (52:14)
and: He was wounded… He was
bruised… the chastisement of
our peace was upon Him; and with
His stripes we are healed (53:5).

Lord, You’ll Refresh the Humble:
He who puts his trust in Me shall
possess the land… Prepare the way,
Take the stumbling block out of
the way of My people (Isa 57:13-14).
The high and lofty one who inhibits
eternity, the Holy One says this:
I live in that high and holy place
with those whose spirits are
Contrite and Humble. I Refresh
the humble and give new Courage
to those with repentant hearts.
For I will not content forever,
nor will I always be angry (v15-16).
I have seen his ways, and
will heal him; I will also lead him,
and restore comfort to him…
Then words of praise will be on their lips…And I will heal them (v18-19).

Lord, You are glorious and exalted,
and I will put my total trust in You.
I bow before You and ask You to
develop in me a heart of humility.
Your Word says that You will not
despise a repentant heart, and
so I ask You to work that in me,
and take away the stumbling block.
Thank You for meeting me right
where I am and renewing me. Amen.

Lord, help me live in Your power
& to rise above circumstances.
Help me to humbly rest in You
and grant me the needed strength.
Help me Lord to live as one who
is constantly Refreshed by You.
Help me to be lowly and be lifted
up in boldness and new Courage.
For I want to be in syn with You and
be drawn into Your purposes. Amen.

Lord, thank You for the promise of
healing and restoring Your people.
For a broken spirit and a contrite
heart You will surely not despise.
You desire truth in the inward parts,
a broken spirit and a contrite heart.
Lord, my heart is prone to wander;
prone to leave, the God I love.
Here’s my heart, Lord take & seal it;
Seal it for, Your courts above. Amen.

Trusting God In Isaiah 55 (July 18)

God’s Promises Will Be Fulfilled

Backgrounder on Isaiah 52-57:
Nowhere in the OT will you see
a clearer picture of the horrible
price of your redemption than in
these six chapters. Many verses
show the anquish our Savior,
as suffering servant, endured
in paying the awful price of sin…
His visage was marred more than
any man (52:14), He was bruised…
and with his stripes we are healed
(53:5); The LORD laid on him
the iniquity of us all (53:6).

Lord, Your Ways Be Accomplished:
Seek the Lord while He may be
found, Call on Him while He is near.
Let the wicked forsake his way,
and the unrighteous… his thoughts;
let him return to the Lord… For He
will abundantly pardon (Isa 55:6-7)
My thoughts are not your thoughts,
nor are your ways My ways… For as
the heaven higher than the earth so
are My Ways Higher than your ways,
& My thots than your thots (v8-9).
My word that goes out from My
mouth: it will not return to me
empty but Will Accomplish
what I desire and achieve
the purpose for which I sent it.
For you shall go out with joy…
And all the trees of the field
shall clap their hands (v11-12).

Lord, Your Word simply tells me
to seek and to call, and that’s it.
But I have a hard time believing
the simplicity of it all. Captivate
me Lord each time I come seeking
You with the sound of Your voice.
And in Your mercy, please reward
my seeking and calling quickly and
decisively enough to establish this
posture as a pattern in my life. Amen

Lord, Your plan may seems crazy,
for You sometimes use foolish things
to accomplish Your purposes. For
Your thoughts are not our thoughts,
neither are our ways Your ways.
When things don’t make sense,
prompt us to ask You for wisdom
to discern what You are doing.
For I will be a fool if I didn’t take You
at Your Word and Trust You. Amen.

Lord, I praise You that Your words
do not come back empty, that
they do the work You sent them
to do & accomplish Your purpose.
Grant me to be hungry enough
to Feed on Your Word each day.
Grant me to Value Your Word more
than silver, gold or anything that this
world offers. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Trusting God In Isaiah 54 (Jul 17)

God Turns Sorrow Into Joy

Backgrounder on Isaiah 52-57:
Nowhere in the OT will you see
a clearer picture of the horrible
price of your redemption than in
these six’s meditate
upon the many verses that show
the anquish your Savior endured
in paying the awful price of sin.
Lord, grateful Your visage was so
marred more than any man (52:14)
You’re bruised… the chastisement
of our peace was upon You (53:5).
The Lord has laid on You
the iniquity of us all (53:6).
Jesus we are eternally grateful.
We wholeheartedly adore You.

Lord, U Turn Sorrow Into Joy:
Sing O barren woman, you who
never bore a child; burst into song,
shout for joy, you who were never
in labour; because more are the
children of the desolate woman
than of her who has a husband,
says the Lord… Do not fear,
for you will not be ashamed;
Nor be disgraced, for you will
not be put to shame (Isa 54:1,4).
For a mere moment I have forsaken
you, but with great mercies I will
gather you. With a little wrath
I hid My face from u for a moment;
but with everlasting kindness
I will have mercy on you, says
the Lord, your Redeemer (v7-8).
For the mountains shall depart
and the hills be removed, But My
kindness shall not depart from you,
nor shall My covenant of peace
be removed, says the Lord (v10).

Lord, Your Word says to sing
praises in the face of unfruitful
situations in our lives. So even
when my prayers seem to be
unanswered I will still praise You,
because I know that You can
breathe life into any situation,
even one that appears to be dead.
Help me Lord to always trust that
You have heard my prayers & have
not forgotten my request. Amen.

Lord, You are holy and worthy
of praise! I want to worship You
at all times – when life is good
and even when it is difficult.
Hard and sad times are temporary
but Your favour is continually
with me. Though I may weep
from time to time, I believe You’re
really in control and that You will
turn sorrow into full joy. Amen.

Lord, we can be trapped by
disappointment & discouragement
and think that all hope is lost.
But thru prophet Isaiah You promise
that hard times do not last forever.
Whether our difficulties are trials
intended to strengthen our faith
or divine discipline to train us, the
fact remains God is praiseworthy.
Though the mountains be shaken,
God’s love for us will never fail,
and that You will eventually turn
our mourning into dancing. Amen.

Thought for the Week: Isaiah 46

God Cares & Sustains You

In amazing collection of specific
prophecies (chap 44-48) Isaiah
foretells the agent of comfort God
will use in delivering His people
(Cyrus, king of Persia) and the
means of comfort God will employ
(destruction of adulterous Babylon).
Isaiah taunts those who would
put their trust in mere images of
stone and wood. And God declares
I am God and there is none like me.

Lord, You’ll Care & Sustain Us:
Listen to Me all you who are left
in Israel. I created you and have
Cared for you since you’re born.
Even to your old age & grey hairs
I am He who will Sustain you.
I have made you and I will Carry
you; I will Sustain you and I will
rescue you (Isaiah 46:3-4).
I am God and there is no other;
I am God and there is none like me.
I make known the end from the
beginning… what is still to come.
I say: My Purpose Will Stand,
and I Will Do all that I please…
I will also bring it to pass. I have purpose it; I will also do it (v9-11).
I bring My righteousness near…
My salvation shall not linger (v13).

Lord, help me to realise that You
are everlastingly my Father. And
that you know me intimately and
every moment of my entire lifetime.
Help me to rely on You through
every season of my entire life.
Help me to rest in the knowledge
that even at old age, You will be
caring and sustaining me. Amen.

Lord, You will always be with
me for You are a relational God.
No matter what the circumstance,
Your Word gives the assurance
that You will always be near me.
I just cannot flee from Your
presence, not even if I want to.
For You are my maker and the
one who will sustain and save me.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, You are In Control of the
whole world, including my life.
You alone know the future and
can orchestrate the events of life.
Give me Lord the grace to trust
that You know what’s best and
that You will work things out
for my good and for Your glory.
Let Your righteousness also bring deliverance without delay. Amen.

Reflection on Isaiah 40-49 (July 16)

Trusting God thru His Promises

The purpose of the prophetic book of Isaiah is to call the nation of Judah back to God and to tell of God’s salvation thru the Messiah.
On Monday, we learn fr Isa 40 that
God Comforts & Renews Strength.
On Tuesday, we learn from Isaiah 42
that Christ the Light to the Nations.
On Wed, we learn from Isaiah 43
that God Helps You Thrugh Trial.
On Thu, we learn from Isaiah 44/45
that God Calls, Helps & Saves You.
On Friday, we learn from Isaiah 46
that God Cares & Sustains You.
On Sat, we learn from Isaiah 49
that the Lord Is Your Saviour.
Let us humble ourselves and pray
and seek His face. Help us O God
be Christ’s disciples who trust You:
for You comfort, call, care, help, strengthen and sustain Your people;
for You are the Light of the Nations
as well as the Saviour of the World;
for You truly keep Your promises;
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Trusting God In Isaiah 49

The Lord Your Saviour (Jul 15)

For the people of God, the path
of restoration is the path of
servanthood and suffering.
There is coming One who
will pardon iniquity and will
restore righteousness to Zion.
In contrast to the rebellion of Israel,
this Servant will come willingly
and humbly to offer Himself as
a sacrifice for many. Therefore,
the faithful ones are called
upon to hearken to God’s voice
for righteousness is near.

Lord, You are My Strength & Savior:
My God shall be My Strength.
Indeed He says: It is too small
a thing that You should be My
Servant… to restore the preserved
ones of Israel; I will also give You
as a light to the Gentiles, that You
should be My Salvation (Isa 49:5-6)
In an acceptable time I have
heard You, and in the day of
salvation I have helped You…
The Lord has comforted His
people and will have mercy on
His afflicted… I will not forget you.
See I have inscribed you on
the palms of My hands (v8,13-16).
Thus says the Lord: I will contend
with him who contends with you,
and I will save your children.
I will make your oppressors eat
their own flesh; they will be drunk
on their own blood… Then all
mankind will know that I, the
Lord (Jehovah), am your Saviour
(Moshiekh), your Redeemer,
the Mighty One (Isa 49:25-26).

Lord, You are my heavenly Father
and you are the strength of my life.
Grateful that in Your eyes I hold
a position of tremendous honour.
For You have made me a light unto
the world; and that You have
granted me the privilege of taking
His salvation to the ends of the
earth. In Jesus name, Amen.

Abba God, I have unlimited favour
in the audience of You my Father.
For You make each day a time of
healing and delivetance for me.
You lead me on a comfortable
passage filled with provision.
You have given me Your Word
that You will never forsake me,
nor ever forget that I am Your child.
And You have made me Your own,
a brand new born creation, Amen.

Lord Jehovah Moshiekh, make
me a vessel of Your salvation
to those who need to know You.
Show me how to live; and make
my life a living testimony that
speaks of Your grace and mercy.
And pray that when others see
Your salvation in our lives, they
will be encouraged to receive it
in theirs as well. In Jesus’ name.