Trusting God In Mark 1 (April 3)

God Empowers & Directs Us

Backgrounder on Mark 1-3:
Mark begins his gospel without
genealogy, birth narrative or
any prologue. He begins with
the ministry of John the Baptist,
the forerunner who will prepare
the way for Jesus’ ministry of
Servanthood. Mark’s emphasis
throughout is on Christ’s works
rather than His words, as befitting
a Servant. Miracles of healing and
exorcism precede calling Andrew,
Peter, James, John and Matthew –
and His choosing 7 other disciples.

Lord, You Empower & Direct Us:
This messenger was John Baptist.
He was preaching that people
should be baptised to show that
they had turned from their sins
and turned to God… It came to pass
that Jesus came…and was baptised
by John in the Jordan..Immediately
the Spirit drove Him into the
wilderness. And He was there
in the wilderness forty days,
Tempted by Satan…and the angels
Ministered to Him (Mark 1:4-13).
Then Jesus said: Follow Me & I will
make you become fishers of men.
They immediately left their nets
and Followed Him (v17-18).
After sunset the whole town
gathered at the door and Jesus
healed many of various diseases…
Very early in the morning… Jesus
went off to a solitary place to Pray.
Simon and his companions went
to look for him and when they
found him they said: Everyone
is looking for you! Jesus replied:
Let Us Go to the next towns that
I May Preach there also (v32-38).

Lord, recognise that soon after
the commission of Jesus Christ
into ministry comes temptation.
Equip me Lord to Resist Temptation
and Enable me to be so prepared that I recognise the enemy’s tactics
from the moment they manifest. Teach me to rebuke the enemy by
having good knowledge of Yr Word.
Enable me to resist entertaining
temptation even for a moment,
but rather Turn to U immediately
so that I can stand strong. Amen.

Lord, we carry a lot of things
around with us – responsibilities,
attachments, and to-do lists.
You alone know all the issues; but 
I hold them loosely as I come to You.
Grant me Lord the willingness to
be prepared to Let Go & Follow You.
And as You increase in importance,
let other things decrease. Amen.

Lord, we note You know exactly
what to do after a very successful
ministry time. Help us follow Your example to seek the Father’s Will rather than rely on common sense.
For I’m constantly thinking of things
I have to do. Help me set aside time
with You, help me focus and reward
my solitude with Yr company. Amen.

Reflection on 12 Books of Histories

Trusting God Through His Promises

Over the last three months, we have
been meditating on the theme:
Trusting God thru His Promises.
We know the importance of prayer
in our lives; and there are so much
to pray about for ourselves and
for others: dreams, hopes & plans.
But often we are held up by doubts:
Does God care about our requests?
How valuable then it is to pray back
to God the very promises found
in His Word. When we speak God’s
very words back to Him, we no
longer wonder if this is something
God cares about, for He brought
it up in the very first place.

Lord, each time when You reveal
something of Your nature, You are
promising us that You will be true
to that nature in any circumstance.
We know by promising and then
performing what U promised, You’ll
awaken in us expectation & desire
and find outlets in prayer of faith.
Praise You that Your promises are
rock solid; and that Your very nature
and character stand behind them.
Grant us faith not only to merely
believe Your Word but also to act
on it. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

We are meditating through the Bible,
which is organised by genres:
Laws, History, Poetry and Prophets…
Before we continue into Poetry,
for variety sake we will have
the 2nd Gospel interlude in Mark.
But here’s the key thots over the last six weeks from 12 books of Histories
which encourage us as we see God’s
promises being fulfilled in its time.
F26: God Gives Courage (Josh 1)
M5: God the Mighty Helper(1Sam 7)
M12: God Fulfils His Plan (1Kgs 8)
M19: God Answers Prayer (1Chr 4)
M26:God Aids Overwhelmed(2Ch20
A2: God Faithful & Restores (Ez1-3)
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