Seeking God In Jer 32 (Sep 21)

God Bigger Than Our Problems

God pledges to reestablish the
nation after it has been purified
by the discipline of exile. As a sign
of His promise, He orders Jeremiah
to buy a field that would soon belong
to the conquering Babylonians.
That land would one day become
part of the restored nation to be
ruled by the Righteous Branch,
David’s Messianic descendant.

Lord, You are Almighty & Good:
I prayed… saying: Ah Lord God!
Behold You have made the heavens
& the earth by Your great power and
outstretched arm. There is nothing
too hard for You (Jer 32:16-17).
Then the word of the Lord came
to Jeremiah saying: Behold, I’m the
Lord, the God of all flesh. Is there
anything too hard for Me (v26-27).
They will be My people and I will
be their God. And I will give them
one heart and one purpose: to
worship me forever… I will never
stop doing good for them (v38-40)

Lord, thank You that nothing
in my life is beyond Your reach.
Nothing is too large or difficult
for Your powerful hand at all.
Help me to remember that
You display Your power best in
impossible situations. Give me
greater understanding of who
You are so that my trust in You
will grow and be complete. Amen.

Lord, when my faith is shaky,
remind me of Your Almighty power.
Give me a fresh glimpse of who
You really are: You made heavens
and the earth and You made us.
Increase my faith O Lord, for
Nothing is impossible with You.
Supply the confidence I need
to believe fully in this truth
and promise, especially when
I’m facing hopeless situation. Amen

Lord, You are truly great, good
and always concern of our welfare;
and I purpose to always worship
You and move people towards You.
When things are going well in my
life, remind me not to accept praise
without giving You the glory or
at least point people toward You.
And when time is hard, remind me
that You God will make everything
good & beautiful in Your time. Amen.

Seeking God In Jer 29 (Sep 20)

God Has Good Plan For Us

Jeremiah’s messages of judgment
arouse opposition in the palace.
During Jehoiakim’s reign, Jeremiah
is threatened with a death sentence.
While Zedekiah rules, Jeremiah don
a wooden yoke to portray Jerusalem
surrendering to Babylon. In midst of
turmoil, Jeremiah sends the exiles
in Babylon an encouraging letter;
urging them to settle down for
an extended period of captivity.

Lord, You have Good Plans For Us:
Thus says the LORD of hosts,
the God of Israel, to all who were
carried away captive, whom I have
caused to be carried away from
Jerusalem to Babylon (Jer 29:4).
After 70 years are completed at
Babylon, I will visit you & perform
My Good Word toward you and
cause you to return to this place.
For I know the Plans I have
for you, declares the Lord,
Plans toprosper you and not
to harm you, plans to give you
hope and a future (Jer 29:10-11).
Then you Will Call upon me and
come and Pray to me, and I will
listen to you. And you Will Seek Me
and Find Me, when you Search
for Me with all your heart. I will
be found by you, says the Lord,
and I will bring you back from
your captivity (Jer 29:12-14).

Lord, thank You for planning
a future and a hope for my life.
Because of Your Power and Your
Faithfulness, I know that nothing
in my life is outside Your Control.
Help me to willingly submit to Your
will for my future, draw me to look
for You and to pray wholeheartedly.
And grant that my hope be grounded
in Your Unchanging character. Amen

Lord, thank You that Your plans
for me are for good to prosper me
and give me a Future and a Hope.
Lord, I realise that Your good plan
requires our participative prayer.
I seek You about my future and ask
You to help me to hear Your voice
leading me each step of the way.
Help me Obey You and not do any
thing that hinders Your plan. Amen.

Lord, noted that despite the depth
of Judah’s faithlessness, so great
is Your love that You Promised
to bring Your people home again.
Thank You Lord for Your Plans,
  though I may not fully understand.
Thank You  for the promise to listen
when I pray. Help me persevere
in seeking You; for in seeking You,
I know I will find You & You’ll fulfil
Your plan for me in Your time. Amen.

Seeking God In Jeremiah 23

Praise the Lord Our Righteousness

Time is running out for Judah.
Already a growing sense of doom
grips the nation. Popular opinion
regarding the prophet of God
stands at an all-time low. But even
that cannot deter Jeremiah from
his appointed task: declaring
to leaders and lay persons alike
God’s displeasure with their conduct.
Moving from the nation in general
to the nation’s leaders in particular,
Jeremiah singles out three kings
for judgment before turning his
attention to the Messiah-King
who will restore righteousness
and justice on the earth. The nation
will lie desolate for 70 long years
when the wrath of God is finally
poured out upon His wayward flock.

Praise the Lord Our Righteousness:
Behold the days are coming,
says the Lord, That I will raise to
David a Branch of righteousness;
A King shall reign and execute
righteousness in the earth.
In His days, Judah will be saved;
And this is His name by which
He will be called, The Lord
our righteousness (Jehovah
Tsidkenu) – Jeremiah 23:5-6.
I have seen a horrible thing
in the prophets of Jerusalem:
They… walk in lies; they strengthen
the hands of evildoers, do that
no one turns from wickedness…
Do not listen to the words of the
prophets who… speak a vision
of their own heart, not from
the mouth of the LORD (v14-16).

Lord, we have no righteousness of
our own but the righteousness we
have come through faith in Christ.
It is the righteousness that depends
entirely on faith in You Lord,
who give us a clean slate of purity.
For our sake You made Him to
be sin who knew no sin so that
in Him we might become the
righteousness of God. Amen.

Lord Jehovah Tsidkenu, as You cover
us in Your righteousness, we pray
for the grace to be ever mindful
of the cost of this gift. We do not
want to treat it lightly or forget the
price You paid to offer this to us.
Make us useful Lord as we serve in
humility and worship in righteousness
before Your throne. In Jesus’ name.

Lord, I come to You with all
the sins I have ever committed,
seeking Your forgiveness & mercy.
Forgive me for every unkind
word I have thought or spoken.
Forgive me for every selfish act,
hardness of heart and lack of faith.
Forgive me of lies, evil doing,
and unwholesome words that
cause people to wickedness. Amen.

Thought for the Week: Jeremiah 17

Trust the Lord for Wellness & Healing

Jeremiah himself becomes object
lesson for what’s soon to befall
Judah. The prophet is commanded
to remain celibate and avoids feast
days; a reminder to his countrymen
that they will soon experience
involuntarily what Jeremiah is
called to experience voluntarily.
For loss of comfort and joy await
God’s rebellious people. But then
God’s discipline is still redemptive.

Lord, we will Trust & Cling to You:
Blessed is the one who Trusts in the
Lord, whose confidence is in Him.
They will be like a tree planted
by the water that sends out its
roots by the stream. It does not
fear when heat comes; its leaves
are always green. It has no worries
in a year of drought and never
fails to Bear Fruit (Jer 17:7-8).
Heal me O Lord & I will be Healed,
Save me and I shall be saved,
for You are the one I praise…
(for) You are my hope in
the day of doom (v14, 17). Amen

Lord, I put my complete Trust in You
for You are my hope & confidence.
Thank You for Your promise
to bring forth fruit in my life.
And make my soul prosperous
even during the long dry spells.
Help me Lord to never turn from You;
instead lead me to go deep into You
as I feed in Your Word each day. Amen

Lord, You are good & I trust in You
for You are my hope & confidence.
Draw me ever closer to You and
give me a passion to seek You.
Help me to Be Fruitful even during
life’s dry season and into old age.
Help me to put my roots deep
into You and Your Word that I be
able to endure hard times and wait
for Your sure deliverance. Amen.

Lord, really grateful that You came
as our Healer besides our Saviour.
In Your mercy, I ask for Your healing
touch upon my friends who need it,
especially those with severe illness.
Having experienced Your healing
a few times before, I know when
You heal, we can be healed fully.
At the same time, grant us the
discipline to take proper care
of our physical body. Amen.

Reflection on Jeremiah 1-20 (Sep 18)

Seeking God thru Biblical Prayers

The purpose of the prophetic book
of Jeremiah is to urge God’s people
to turn from their sins & back to God.
On Monday, we learn from Jer 1
that God Gives Us Assignment.
On Tuesday, we learn from Jer 6
that we are to Follow the Lord’s Way.
On Wed, we learn from Jeremiah 10
to Pray to Our Great Eternal Maker.
On Thursday, we learn from Jer 16
that Lord My Fortress Is Trustworthy.
On Friday, we learn from Jeremiah 17
to Trust the Lord for Wellness/Healing.
On Saturday, we learn from Jer 18
that the Master Potter Moulds Us.
Let us humble ourselves and pray
and seek His face. Help us O God
to be disciples who are willing to be Moulded by You, Follow Your Way,
and Accept Your Assignment to us;
for You are Our Great Eternal Maker
and our Fortress, You are Trustworthy
and Care for us. In Jesus’ name. Amen

Seeking God In Jeremiah 18 (Sep 17)

Master Potter Moulds You

Jeremiah himself becomes an
object lesson to his nation, for
his very life models the reality
of what is soon to befall Judah.
The prophet is commanded to
remain celibate & avoid feast days
– a reminder to his countrymen
that they will soon experience
involuntarily what Jeremiah is
called to experience voluntarily.
Discipleship is often costly,
but it is also always profitable.

Lord, Have Thine Own Way:
The word which came to Jeremiah
from the Lord, saying… Go down
to the potter’s house and there
I will cause you to hear My words…
I found the potter working at his
wheel. But the jar he was making
did not turn out as he had hoped,
So he crushed it into a lump of clay
again and started over (Jer 18:1-4).
Then the Lord gave me this message:
Israel, can I not do to you as
this potter has done to his clay?
As the clay is in the potter hand,
so are you in my hand (v5-6).
Give heed to me O Lord
and listen to the voice of
those who contend with me!…
Remember that I stood before You
to speak good for them (v19-20).

Lord, like clay in the potter’s hand,
we are imperfect but You can mold
us into something beautiful & useful.
Draw us, guide us and teach us Lord
to live all of our lives thru Your eyes.
We may be pressured; but You say:
Fear not, for I am with you. I will help
you, strengthen you and uphold you.
So, take us, mould us, fill us, lead us
and walk beside us as we give our
lives to You,the master potter. Amen.

O Sovereign God, we acknowledge
Your will is good; even as You shape
us to the people You want us to be.
We may struggle from time to time
due to self will; but You Lord wants
to reshape us to a beautiful creation.
O Holy Spirit help us to be soft
and receptive to Your hand on us.
As we yield to You God to shape us,
we ask for grace and mercy. Amen.

Have Thine own way, Lord!
Have Thine own way!
Thou art the potter; I am the clay.
Mold me and made me after Thy will
While I am waiting, yielded and still.
Have Thine own way Lord!
Have Thine own way!
Hold o’er my being absolute sway!
Fill with Thy Spirit till all shall see
Christ only always living in me! Amen

Seeking God In Jeremiah 17 (Sep 16)

Trust the Lord for Wellness/Healing

Jeremiah himself becomes object
lesson for what’s soon to befall
Judah. The prophet is commanded
to remain celibate and avoids feast
days; a reminder to his countrymen
that they will soon experience
involuntarily what Jeremiah is
called to experience voluntarily.
For loss of comfort and joy await
God’s rebellious people. But then
God’s discipline is still redemptive.

Lord, we will Trust & Cling to You:
Blessed is the one who Trusts in the
Lord, whose confidence is in Him.
They will be like a tree planted
by the water that sends out its
roots by the stream. It does not
fear when heat comes; its leaves
are always green. It has no worries
in a year of drought and never
fails to Bear Fruit (Jer 17:7-8).
Heal me O Lord & I will be Healed,
Save me and I shall be saved,
for You are the one I praise…
(for) You are my hope in
the day of doom (v14, 17). Amen

Lord, I put my complete Trust in You
for You are my hope & confidence.
Thank You for Your promise
to bring forth fruit in my life.
And make my soul prosperous
even during the long dry spells.
Help me Lord to never turn from You;
instead lead me to go deep into You
as I feed in Your Word each day. Amen

Lord, You are good & I trust in You
for You are my hope & confidence.
Draw me ever closer to You and
give me a passion to seek You.
Help me to Be Fruitful even during
life’s dry season and into old age.
Help me to put my roots deep
into You and Your Word that I be
able to endure hard times and wait
for Your sure deliverance. Amen.

Lord, really grateful that You came
as our Healer besides our Saviour.
In Your mercy, I ask for Your healing
touch upon my friends who need it,
especially those with severe illness.
Having experienced Your healing
a few times before, I know when
You heal, we can be healed fully.
At the same time, grant us the
discipline to take proper care
of our physical body. Amen.

Seeking God In Jeremiah 16 (Sep 15)

Lord My Fortress Whom I Can Trust

Jeremiah himself becomes object
lesson to his nation, for his very
life models the reality of what is
soon to befall the nation of Judah.
The prophet is commanded to
remain celibate and avoid funerals
and feast days – a reminder to his
countrymen they will experience
involuntarily what Jeremiah is
called to experience voluntarily.
Loss of family, comfort and joy await
God’s rebellious people – a message
that is finally heard; and results
on beatings and imprisonment
for the faithful prophet of God.

Lord, You are Our Fortress:
As surely as the LORD lives,
who brought the people of Israel
back to their own land… from all the
countries to which He had exiled them.
For I will bring them back to this land
that I gave to their ancestors (J16:15)
Lord (Jehovah), my strength
and my fortress (Mauzzi),
my refuge in time of distress,
to You the nations will come
from the ends of the earth and say:
Our ancestors possessed nothing
but false gods, worthless idols
that did them no good (Jer 16:19-20).
Therefore behold… I will cause
them to know My hand and
My might; and they shall know
that My name is the Lord (v21).

Lord Jehovah Mauzzi, You are
my strength and my fortress,
my refuge in time of distress.
And on that day, all people will
come to You and bow their knees.
They will acknowledge You as
the one true God – the fortress
who stands higher & longer than
all man-made fortresses because
You are the great eternal God. Amen.

Lord, I bless Your name for You are
my wall of defense and my fortress.
Forgive me for not praising You
as I should on occasions for
protecting me from dangers.
You have prevented situations
that would have harmed me.
You Lord kept them from reaching
me, yet I have not adored You
in gratitude for being my fortress,
as I really should have done then.

Lord, bring the nations to You
that they may know You and
see that the gods and idols they
trusted lead only to destruction.
Give us wisdom to know the best
way to glorify Your name & spread
the word of Your firm protection.
Give us Lord boldness to make
a difference for Your kingdom so
that many people can experience
You as their fortress. In Jesus name.

Seeking God In Jeremiah 10 (Sep 14)

Prayer to Our Great Eternal Maker

Idolatry and hypocrisy have
permeated every fiber of Judah’s
national life. People, prophets and
priests alike practice worthless
worship in haughty indifference.
But through Jeremiah, God delivers
a ringing indictment. Their nation
with all its outward splendour –
will be reduced to a heap of ruins
because of the people’s arrogance
and idolatry. At the thought of
Judah’s imminent divine surgery,
Jeremiah weeps unashamedly
for his hardhearted countrymen.

Praise Eternal King & Maker of all:
You are great; and Your name
is great in might, Who would
not fear You, O King… For this
is Your rightful due (Jer 10:6-7).
The Lord is the true God;
He is the living God and the
everlasting King… He has made
the earth by His power, He establish the world by His wisdom. For He
is the Maker of all things (v10-16).
O Lord I know the way of man
is not in himself; it is not in man
who walks to direct his own steps.
O Lord correct me… not in Your anger, lest You bring me to nothing (v23-24).

Lord, You are great and greatly
to be praised. Great is Your power.
You have stirred our hearts so that
we take pleasure in praising You.
You have created us and our hearts
are restless until they rest in You.
Lord, we affirm Your power over
the circumstances of our life. And
since You are powerful & wise, we’ll
give You all praise and glory. Amen

Lord, I contemplate Your great
power in creating the universe.
I know that You have power over all
the natural forces that You created.
I know that I could not take a breath
or be sustained upon this earth
except by Your sustaining grace.
So I join the psalmist to praise You:
praise You for Your mighty deeds;
praise You for excellent greatness.
Let every day of my life praise You;
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Glory be to You O God the Father,
the Maker of the whole world.
Glory to You O God the Son,
the Redeemer of humankind.
Glory to You O God the Holy Spirit,
the sanctifier of Your people.
Lord, I know I’m just work in process,
so correct me in Your mercy.
In gratitude, I am offering You love
with my whole devotion; and giving You worship with my whole life. Amen.

Seeking God In Jeremiah 6 (Sep 13)

Follow the Lord’s Way

Jeremiah 4-6 paints a word picture
of the coming Babylonian invasion.
You can almost hear the hoofbeats
of the horses, the war cries of the
invading Chaldeans, the screams
of anguish from God’s people
as they experience the deadly
consequences of their rebellion.
But the cure is no worse than the
disease, for Judah has not even
forgotten how to blush in her zeal
to pursue every kind of loathsome
activity and proud indulgence.

Lord, we’ll Follow the Good Path:
To whom shall I give warning?
Behold the word of the Lord is
a reproach to them; they have
no delight in it. So I am full of
the fury of the Lord (Jer 6:10-11).
This is what the Lord says:
Stand at the crossroads and look;
ask for the Ancient Paths,
ask where the Good Way is,
Walk in it, and you will Find
Rest for your souls (Jer 6:16).
Also I set watchmen over you saying:
Listen to the sound of the trumpet!
But they said: We will not listen…
(So), I’m bringing disaster on
this people because they have
not heeded My words nor My law
but rejected it (Jer 6:17-19).

Lord, let us experience Your
heartbeat regarding the issues
that matter greatly to You.
Fill us Lord with Your Feelings,
regardless of what they are.
Help us love what You love, hate
what You hate, rejoice over Your joys,
and be angry at what angers You.
Shape our heart and let our
prayers and actions flow from
what You have put within us. Amen.

Lord, thank You for Your Word
and I ask You to show me clearly
Your ancient yet Proven Good Way.
Forgive me for periodically foolishly
thinking that I can ignore Your
truth and find blessing & peace.
There is no true rest for my soul
unless and until I submit to Your
Will and Your Plan for my life.
So, grant me Your grace and the
courage to do just that. Amen.

Lord, we come before You and
confess the sins of the nations.
Even though there are people
who believe in You, far too many
have refused to walk in Your way.
As Christians, we stand in the gap
at the crossroads and pray for
many more to join us in walking
according to Your instructions
so that disaster be averted. Amen.