Reflection on Matt 6-11 (Feb 20)

Seeking God thru Biblical Prayers

The purpose of Matthew is to prove
Jesus is Messiah the eternal King.
This week we are challenged to
inculcate worthy inward attitudes
to be worthy ambassadors of God.
On Monday, we learn from Matt 6
that Christ Emphasizes Forgiveness.
On Tuesday, we learn from Matt 7
that Christ Urges Seeking Prayers.
On Wednesday, we learn from Mt 8
that Christ Looks for Faith in Prayer.
On Thursday, we learn from Matt 9
that Christ Models Compassion.
On Friday, we learn from Matt 10
that Christ Empowers the Called.
On Saturday, we learn from Matt 11
that Christ Cares for the Weary.
Let us humble ourselves and pray
and seek His face…In Jesus’ name.

Seeking God In Matt 11 (Feb 19)

Christ Cares for the Weary

Jesus came to earth to begin his
kingdom. Matthew focuses on 10
miracles in Mt8&9 demonstrating
Jesus’ power over disease, the
forces of nature & the spirit world.
Christ then bestows that same
power & authority on His chosen
apostles and sends them out
as ambassadors of the kingdom.
He first instructs them how to act,
then warns them of the dangers
they will face, as He calls them
to committed discipleship.

Lord, You Care for the Weary:
Jesus spoke to the crowds, “But to
what will I compare this generation?
For John came neither eating nor
drinking, and they say, ‘He has a
demon’; the Son of Man came eating
and drinking, and they say, ‘Look, a
glutton and a drunkard, a friend of
tax collectors & sinners’(Mt11:16-19)
O Father Lord of heaven and earth,
thank You for hiding these things
from those who think themselves
wise & clever and for Revealing them
to the childlike. Yes Father, it pleases
You to do it this way (v25-26).
Jesus said: Come To Me, all of you
who are weary and carry heavy
burdens, and I will give you Rest.
Take my yoke upon you… and
you will Find Rest for your souls.
For my yoke is easy to bear, and the
burdens I give you is light(v28-30)

Lord, we tend to judge, dismiss and
reject people & we need Your help.
Reveal where we are called
to be more free of prejudices.
Reveal who are the sinners
that we are called to befriend.
Grant us wisdom to interpret
the truth and the call to change.
Grant us freedom that opens us
to follow Christ more closely. Amen

Father, we want to hear Your voice
in the midst of life circumstances
just like Jesus did in His chat with U.
Apostle Paul tells us to “never stop praying” and we can attempt that.
But hearing from God unceasingly
that’s another matter for few of us
are confident of picking up Your
voice consistently. Bring us Lord
to that place of listening clearly.
Give us Lord the sensitivity to hear
and the boldness to believe. Amen.

Lord Jesus, thank You for Your
offer to carry my burdens for me.
I give them all to You and gladly
receive Your Rest that You give.
In Your infinite care You carried
the burden of my sins on the cross.
I thank You and praise You for
Your great love and compassion.
Help me Lord to walk in the ways
You have set before me. Amen.

Seeking God In Matt 10 (Feb 18)

Christ Empowers the Called

Jesus came to earth to begin his
kingdom. Matthew focuses on 10
miracles in Mt8&9 demonstrating
Jesus’ power over disease, the
forces of nature & the spirit world.
Christ then bestows that same
power & authority on His chosen
apostles and sends them out
as ambassadors of the kingdom.
He first instructs them how to
act, then warns them of the
dangers they will face, as He calls
them to committed discipleship.

Lord, we Trust Your Care of us:
When He had called His twelve
disciples… He gave them power
over unclean spirits, to cast them
out and to heal all kind of sickness
and all kinds of diseases (Mt 10:1)
Don’t Worry about… What to say.
God will give you the Right words
at the right time… It is not you
who will be speaking – it will be
the Spirit…speaking through you…
Not even a sparrow can fall to
the ground without your Father
knowing it. And the very hairs
on your head are all numbered.
So Don’t Be Afraid; you are more
valuable to Him than a whole
flock of sparrows (Matt 10:19-31)
And (anyone) who does not take
his cross and follow after Me is
not worthy of Me (Matt 10:38).

Lord, give me the Words to say,
not just in pressure situations
but in every relationship I have.
Let my words be seasoned with
grace, truth and even power.
Use my mouth liberally as
You wish speaking through me.
And help me Lord make the
most of every opportunity for
Your purpose and glory. Amen.

Lord, Thank You for Your love
for me which is more than
any other person in the world.
Grateful for assurance You don’t
intend us to live in fear or worry.
Thank You for Your Watchful Care
and I have no need to be afraid.
Remind me Lord that You the
Almighty God are always with me.
Let me go about with confidence
that I am safe in Your hand. Amen.

Lord, I am full of wishes, desires
and expectations. Some of them
may be realized, some not; but
in the midst of it all, I hope in You.
I know that You Lord will never
leave me alone and that You will
surely fulfill Your divine promises.
Strengthen O Lord my hope in You,
for Your way is the best way for me
for You are good good God. Amen.

Seeking God In Matt 9 (Feb 17)

Christ Models Compassion

Jesus came to earth to begin his
kingdom & Matthew focuses on 10
miracles in Mt 8/9 demonstrating
Jesus’ power over disease, the
forces of nature & the spirit world.
Christ then bestows that same
power & authority on His chosen
apostles and sends them out
as ambassadors of the kingdom.
He first instructs them how to
act, then warns them of the
dangers they will face, as He calls
them to committed discipleship.

Lord, make us Compassionate:
The Pharisees said: Why does
your Teacher eat with sinners?
When Jesus heard that, He said:
Those who are well have no need
of a physician but those who are
sick. Go and learn the meaning
of this scripture: “I want you to
be merciful; I don’t want your
sacrifices.” For I did not come
to call the righteous but sinners
to repentance (Matt 9:12-13).
Two blind men followed Him
crying Son of David have mercy
on us!… And Jesus said: Do you
believe that I am able to do this?
They said… Yes Lord. Then Jesus
touched their eyes, saying: Acc to
your faith let it be to you (v27-29).
Jesus felt great compassion for
the crowds because their problems
were so great and they didn’t know
where to go for help. They were like
sheep without a shepherd. He said:
The harvest is so great but the
workers are so few. Ask the Lord
to send more workers (v35-38).

Lord, we realise that You are
showing us that You desire us to
be merciful than make sacrifices.
Thank You for being my Great
Physician and for never being
too busy to attend to my needs.
Guide me to dispense to others
the good medicine that You have
given to me. In Jesus’ name. Amen

Lord, we note the touching prayer
offered by the two blind men:
“Have Mercy on us” which not only
implies faith that Christ could restore
their sight, but also appeals to
His compassion & lovingkindness.
We’ll note that in our point of need.
And make us O Lord as Your people
to be more trusting, merciful and
compassionate. In Jesus’ name.

Lord, we pray that You will send
labourers who will bring Your
healing and transforming power
to the lives of people who don’t
know You as Saviour & shepherd.
Lead us not be self-centred but be
compassionate enough to be open
to join You in the harvest fields.
Lord of the harvest, let us witness
Your kingdom here on earth as it’s
in heaven. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Seeking God In Matt 8 (Feb 16)

Christ Looks for Prayer In Faith

Matthew shared ten miracles to
demonstrate Jesus’ power over
disease, nature and the spirit world.
Christ then bestows that same
power and authority on His chosen
apostles and sends them out
as ambassadors of the kingdom.
He first instructs them how to act,
then warns them of the dangers
they will face, as he calls them
to committed discipleship.

Lord, we will Pray In Faith:
When He came down from the
mountain, a leper worshiped Him…
Lord if U are willing, U can make me
clean. Then Jesus put out His hand
and touched him saying: I am
willing, be cleansed. And instantly
the leprosy disappeared (Mt 8:1-3)
When Jesus entered Capernaum,
a centurion came pleading: Lord my
servant is lying at home paralysed…
Jesus said: I will come & heal him.
The centurion answered: Only speak
a word & my servant will be healed…
Jesus said to those who followed:
I have not found such great faith
in Israel… Then Jesus said to the
centurion: Go your way; as you‘ve
believed, let it be done for u (v5-13)
Suddenly a terrible storm came up
with waves breaking into the boat.
But Jesus was sleeping. The
disciples wake Him up shouting:
Lord, save us! And Jesus
answered: Why are you afraid?
You have so little faith (Mt 8:23-26)

Lord, You are creator & Almighty
and nothing is beyond You.
From the account of the healing
of the leper we know You are
also compassionate and willing.
Hear our cry to Heal our friends
who are unwell, including Covid.
Jehovah Rapha, our healer, You can
make them whole, touch their lives
so that they know You more deeply
& love You more than before. Amen.

Lord we realise from the centurion
account that our Faith determines
our experience of Your power.
What we expect in our hearts
will largely determine what we
will get in our actual experience.
Help us Lord to expect You to make
Yourself more real to us each day;
and we wait with anticipation for
You to do so. In Jesus’ name, Amen

Lord, sometimes we forget that
You are in the boat with us and
You rule over storms in our lives.
Increase our faith so that even
in the midst of great turbulence
we will not panic but will trust You
to care for us. Grant our spirits
be able to rest at all times because
Your presence is always greater
than any stormy circumstances
we will face through life. Amen.

Seeking God In Matt 7 (Feb 15)

Christ Urges Seeking Prayers

Jesus claimed to be the Messiah,
the king of the Jews. And Matthew
5 to 7 traditionally called the
Sermon on the Mount, essentially
presents His statement of heaven.
Relationship to God (not adherence
to ritual) and our inward attitude
(not outward action) become
the focus of Christ’s message.

Lord, we will Ask, Seek & Knock:
Ask and it will be given to you;
seek and you will find; knock and
the door will be opened to you.
For everyone who asks receives;
he who seeks finds; and to him
who knocks, the door will be
opened (Matt 7:7-8). If you then,
being evil, know how to give
good gifts to your children, how
much more will your Father who
is in heaven give good things to
those who Ask Him (v11). Amen.

Lord, I come to You in faith, believing
You are God, and that You reward
those who diligently Seek You.
You’ve declared desire to give good
gifts to those who Ask for them.
I Ask that the desires of my heart
be aligned with Your will so that they
will come to pass. And I Knock on
the door of opportunity & anticipate
it being opened by You. Amen.

Lord, thank You for Your promise
that those who ask receive and
that when we seek, we will find.
Grant me the grace to Persevere,
to Keep On asking, seeking and
knocking until the answer comes.
Thank You for the power & grace
of Your Spirit, who gives me the
strength to Persevere In Prayer
even when I am at my weakest
moment & felt like giving up. Amen.

Lord, the Bible tells us that it is
impossible to please God without
Faith. We Believe Lord in Your Goodness; and we come to You, believing not only You exist
but also believing You Will
Reward those who seek You.
And that the Father desires
to give good things to those
who ask Him. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Seeking God In Matt 6 (Feb 14)

Christ Emphasizes Forgiveness

Jesus claimed to be the Messiah,
the King of the Jews. And you
will read in Matt 5-7 the Sermon
of the Mount, where He presents
His statement of heaven (Mt 5:3,10)
Relationship to God (not simply
adherence to ritual) and inward
attitude (not merely outward action)
become focus of Christ’s message
for a lifestyle of righteousness.

Lord, we will Forgive & Seek First:
When u pray, go away by yourself
… and pray to the Father secretly.
Then your Father who knows all
secrets will reward you (Matt 6:6)
Our Father in heaven, hallowed
be Your name… Your will be done…
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our debts, as we
also Have Forgiven our debtors…
For if you Forgive others when
they sin against you, your
Heavenly Father will also forgive
you. But if you do not forgive
others their sins, your Father will
not forgive yr sins (Matt at 6:9-15).
Do not worry saying: What shall
we eat? For the pagans run after
these things and your heavenly
Father knows that u need them.
But Seek First his kingdom and
His righteousness, and all these
things will be given to u (v31-33).

Lord, help me to draw away from
this busy world to be alone with U.
Open my eyes to see what You
want to show me, my ears to
hear what You desire to tell me.
Then will I know what to pray in
secret as I respond to your heart.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, I pray U will reign in my life
so that I may do Yr will. I depend
on Your provision and protection.
And as I ask for your forgiveness,
remind me to forgive the people
who have wronged me so that
my prayers will not be hindered
and be able to experience the
joy of salvation. In His name, Amen

Lord, Thank U that I don’t have
to spend my days consumed with
worry which achieves nothing.
For Your Word promises that
You will provide for all my needs.
Grant me the grace to seek first
Your kingdom purposes knowing
that U will take care of my needs.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Reflection on OT Torah Laws

Seeking God thru Biblical Prayers

Over the last six weeks, we’ve been
Seeking God thru Biblical prayers.
Meditating and Praying the prayers
of the Bible helps us understand
and emulate how Biblical giants
including Moses talked with God.
Praying Biblical prayers helps
us Praise Him more and reach
new depths of Thankfulness.
The Bible’s prayers also teach
us how to Intercede for others,
be Honest about our sins and
Commit more of ourselves to God.
They also show us how to Wrestle
with doubts & questions with God.

Friends, when we pray the
prayers of the Bible, we learn
Healthy Patterns in prayers,
instructed in righteousness,
equipped for every good work,
Drawn Closer to God and
receive help to Delight in Him.
May our loving Lord Draw you
ever nearer as you pray His Word.
In Jesus‘ precious name, Amen.

The Bible is organised by genres:
Laws, History, Poetry and Prophets…
Before we continue from Torah laws,
we’ll have 1st of 3 gospel interludes.
But here’s the listing of Thought for
the Week over the last two months.
J9: Prayer for Divine Favour(Gen24)
J16: Prayer to Fulfil Dream (Gen41)
Jan 23: Prayer as Dialogue (Ex 3)
Jan 30: Prayer for Troubled (Ex 17)
Feb6:Prayer for Discouraged(Num11)
Feb 13: Enter His Presence (Dt 4)
To access, Navigation as follows:-
=> Click
=> Scroll down to Calendar
=> Select Jan/Feb 2022 & Click Day

Thought for the Week: Deut 4

Entering His Presence In Prayer

God has led his people out of
Egypt and across the great desert.
Now they stand ready to enter
the promised land. But before the
Israelites go into the land, Moses
has impt advice to them which he
delivers in 3 parts. In the 1st part,
Moses reviews the history of
Israel with the crucial lesson: that
obedience brings blessing while
disobedience results in judgment.

Lord, we’ll Draw Close to You:
Observe the laws carefully, for this
will show yr wisdom to the nations,
who will say: “Surely this great
nation is a wise and understanding
people.” What other nation is so
great as to have their god near
them the way the Lord is Near us
whenever we Pray to Him (D4:6-7)
The Lord Spoke to you from the
heart of the fire. You Heard the
sound of His words but Didn’t See
His form; there was Only A Voice.
So He declared to you His covenant
which He commanded you to
perform the Ten Commandments…
And the Lord commanded me…
to teach you statutes… that you
might observe them (v12-14).
You will seek the Lord your God,
and you will find Him if you seek
Him with all your heart (v29).

Lord, we thank You for being Close
to us when we pray; and thank You
that You hear and will answer us.
Grateful that in Your presence there
will be transformation for my life.
I Draw Close to You and ask for an
increasing sense of Your presence.
I ask that You will help me to pray
more each day and grant me faith
to believe for the answers. Amen.

Lord, in our relationship, there will
be a constant interplay between
the hidden and the revealed.
You Lord don’t compel our faith;
and we always have to choose
to see what You are revealing.
So even as I hear Your voice but
don’t see Your form, enable me to
accept as much of what You reveal.
Help me accept Your revelation
and trust what I can’t see. Amen.

Lord, You want Your people to 
place holiness as a way of life and
be obedient to You in every action.
Help us always to hallow Your laws,
to draw close to You by praying.
Help us to purpose in our heart
Not be Afraid but Trust You God
by remembering Your mighty acts.
Help us to seek You with all our
heart and all our soul. Amen.

Seeking God In Deuteronomy 32

Prayer as a Song (Feb 12)

With the covenant reestablished
and the nation poised at the
Jordan River, Moses completes his
duties as leader of God’s people.
He commissions Joshua as his
successor. In order for the people
to remember his message of life,
Moses records his final words
with a song and teaches it to the
nation. After pronouncing blessings
on each of the 12 tribes, Moses
climbs Mount Nebo for a final
glimpse of the Promised Land.

Lord, we proclaim You’re Our Rock:
Then Moses spoke in the hearing
of all the assembly of Israel the
words of this song (Deut 31:30)
Hear O earth words of my mouth
for I proclaim the name of the Lord:
Ascribe greatness to our God.
He is the Rock. His work is
perfect; and all his ways are just.
A faithful God who does no wrong,
upright and just is He (Deut 32:1-4)
The eternal God is your refuge,
and underneath are the everlasting
arms; He will thrust out the enemy…
Happy are you O Israel! Who is like
you, a people saved by the LORD,
the shield of your help (D33:27-29)

Lord, I lift my eyes to You, my solid
rock, my refuge and my salvation.
Help quieten my heart to wait on U
in the storm for my hope is in You.
Let my confidence not be shaken
by what circumstances may say
or my mind may think. Thank You
that my confidence rests on You,
the One who is the Rock and that
You can never be shaken. Amen.

Lord, Thank You for providing
stability and for being our rock,
and the God of our salvation.
Lord, we enter each day with the
intention to trust in You. Yet when
the winds blow & the waves rise,
we may forget looking at You.
Lord, as my rock be my stability
when things are not quite stable.
Help me focus on You; for Lord
You are unshakable and You are
my solid rock. In His name, Amen.

Father God, You are my solid Rock,
that cannot be shaken, my safe
refuge & shelter from storms of life.
Lord Jesus, You are my Rock.
because U overcome, I’ll overcome
as You are for me and You are the
same yesterday, today, and forever.
Spirit, help me remember to find
security in the Father & the Son,
who are my Rock & sure foundatn.
And I place my future into Yr Hands
In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.