Seeking God in Genesis 15-17

Prayer for Family Line (Jan 6)

Genesis 15-17 describes the
Abrahamic covenant as it was
given, confirmed and symbolized.
God’s promises to Abraham are
given in great detail, confirmed
with a unilateral treaty, repeated
and established by the sign of
circumcision. But as the years pass
with no evidence of fulfilment,
Abraham acts in foolish impatience.
The result is a son, Ishmael, who
will forever cause the heartbreak
of his father, constantly reminding
Abraham of the price of his unbelief.

Lord, grant us Patience to Wait:
The Lord came to Abram in a vision:
I am your exceedingly great reward.
But Abram said: Lord God, what
will U give me, seeing I go childless.
Then He brought him outside & said:
Look and count the stars if you are
able to number them… So shall your
descendants be. And he believed
in the Lord, and He accounted it to
him for righteousness (Gen 15:1-6).
The angel of the Lord told her:
Go back to your mistress and
submit to her… You will give birth
to a son. You shall name him Ishmael, for the Lord has heard
of your misery… (Hagar) gave
this name to the Lord who spoke
to her: You are the God who sees me (El Roi) for she said: I have seen the One who sees me (Gen 16:10-13)
When Abram was 99 years old,
the LORD appeared to him & said
I am God Almighty (El Shaddai);
walk before me faithfully and
be blameless. Then I will make
my covenant between me and you
and will greatly increase your
numbers…You will be the father
of many nations (Gen 17:1-4).

Lord, Abraham had to learn that
God’s delays were not denials.
Twenty-five years ago, he had
received the promise: Fear Not,
Abraham: I am your shield and
your exceeding great reward.
Seeing the discouragement of
Abraham in questioning validity
of the initial promise, You God in
Your grace renewed the promise
and Abraham believed God.
Grant us grace to hold on to
Your promise. In Jesus’ name.

Lord El Roi, when I feel forgotten,
please forgive me for neglecting
to acknowledge You. Forgive me
for grumbling when I don’t see
the One who sees me. Help me
to remember that You are there.
Yes, You are the God who sees
me in whatever situation I’m facing.
Pardon me failing to see God who
sees me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Lord El Shaddai, show us how to
honour You with our faith, just as
Abraham did throughout his life.
Help us to not cause delays in
our destiny but rather to walk
upright in faith. Help us to stay
committed to You, our King and
to Your kingdom agenda. And
we look forward to Your blessing.
In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.

Seeking God In Genesis 12/13

Prayer & Worship Altar (Jan 5)

Genesis 12-14 describe God’s call
of Abram to leave his home in Ur
(near Persian Gulf) and travel to
a distant but unspecified new land.
Abram faces many distractions
along the way including the death
of his father and a severe famine.
But God is looking for a person
of faith who will trust Him
completely to keep His Promises.
For Abram those promises include
becoming a great nation and
experiencing great blessing in
the face of overwhelming odds.

Lord, we’ll Obey Your Call of Faith:
Now the Lord had said to Abram:
Get out of your country, from your
family… to a land that I will show you.
I will make you a great nation…
and you shall be a blessing…
So Abram departed (Gen 12:1-3).
Then the Lord appeared to Abram
and said: To your descendants
I will give this land… And he
moved… to the mountain east of
Bethel and he pitched his tent…
there be built an altar… and called
on the name of the Lord (v7-8).
Then Abram went up from Egypt…
and he went… from the South as
far as Bethel… to the place of the
altar which he had made there at
first. And there Abram called on
the name of the Lord (Gen 13:1-4)

Lord, when U called Abram to leave
the land of his birth, it was so that
U could give him the Promised Land.
Thanks You call us To something,
not just away From something.
Lord You are always calling us to the
place where Yr provision awaits us.
Comforting that Your commands
are always related to Your Promises.
Whilst You command obedience,
that will also clear the way for
Your promised provision. Amen.

Lord, noted Your calling will involve
sacrifices but comforting that it’s
sacrifice for sake of something
more. For we note Your promises
to Abram: to make him into a great
nation and be a blessing to others.
When called, help us not to dwell on
what we may have to leave behind.
But instead focus our heart and
mind on what we’ll be receiving.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, we notice that promise,
worship and communion are
all bound up in Your call to Abram
and in his calling on Your name.
We also noticed that wherever
Abraham the friend of God had
a tent, God had an altar as well
as an altar sanctified by prayer.
Spur us Lord to emulate Abraham
in erecting a family altar of prayer
and devotion unto You. Amen.

Seeking God In Genesis 4/5

Prayer History Begins (Jan 4)

The perfect environment into
which man was placed is now
shattered by the entrance of sin.
Disobedience follows as the first
family eats from the forbidden tree
and is expelled from the garden.
The results of their sin spread as
humankind and the whole creation
fall under the penalty of death.
Cain becomes the first murderer
& the downward spiral continues
from Adam to Noah. But God still
pursues fellowship with mankind.

Lord, we’ll Call & Walk with You:
Then the man and his wife heard
the sound of the Lord God as
He was walking in the garden…
and they hid from the Lord God
among the trees of the garden.
But the Lord God called to the man:
Where are you? (Gen 3:8-9).
And Adam knew his wife again and
she bore a son & named him Seth…
And as for Seth… a son was born;
and he named him Enosh.
Then men began to Call on the
name of the Lord (Gen 4:25-26)
And after he became the father of
Methuselah, Enoch walked with God
300 years and had other sons and
daughters. Altogether Enoch lived
365 years. Enoch walked with God;
then he was no more because
God took Him away (Gen 5:22-24)

Lord, l want to have a close
walk with You; and help me not
to forfeit that relationship by
being drawn towards the world.
Enable me to hear Your voice
calling me so that I will answer
without delay or hesitation.
Help me Lord not hide from You
but instead seek Your forgiveness
and draw near to You. Amen.

Lord, despite the original sin,
Your sovereign will for man prevails.
With the birth of Enosh, mankind
began to worship God in prayer.
It could had been that men
realised their weaknesses and
began to seek refuge in You God.
And they feared the Almighty God
and learnt to desire to do His Will.
As Your children, help us learn to
also Call upon Your name. Amen.

Lord, we are challenged by the long
term faithfulness of Enoch that
he walked with You for 300 years.
So intimate was Your relationship
with Enoch that when the time
came for Enoch to leave earth for
eternity that his walk just continued.
Help us Lord to please U like Enoch
who not only believe in You but also
earnestly seek after You. Amen.

Seeking God thru Biblical Prayers

Launch of New Series (Jan 3)

The Bible is filled with prayers of
God’s people inspired by His Spirit.
The prayers of the Bible are
an amazing gift from God.
Praying the prayers of the Bible
helps us understand how Jesus,
Job, Moses, Samuel, David,
Isaiah, Jeremiah, Peter, Paul and
many others talked with God.
They have much to teach us.

Praying Biblical prayers helps
us Praise Him more and reach
new depths of Thankfulness.
The Bible’s prayers also teach
us how to Intercede for others,
be Honest about our sins and
Commit more of ourselves to God.
They show us how to Wrestle
with doubts and questions and
pour our hearts to God, even
asking Him Why and How Long?

God invites & draws us Closer to
Him through prayers of the Bible.
For all scripture is God breathed
and is useful for teaching,
rebuking, correcting and training
in righteousness (2 Timothy 3:16).
And God’s Spirit helps us in
our weaknesses, specifically
in the area of prayer (Rom 8:26).
As we pray God’s Word from our
hearts, the Holy Spirit breathes
new life into our prayers & into us.

When we pray the prayers
from God’s Word humbly and
expectantly, we open our hearts
and lives to deeper faith, renewed
strength, fresh blessings and God’s
power to do immeasurably more
than all we ask or imagine (Eph 3:20)
Praying the prayers of God’s Word
helps us Delight in Him and
discover fresh new hope and joy.

So, Friends, When we pray the
prayers of the Bible, we learn
Healthy Patterns in prayers,
we’re Drawn Closer to God and
receive help to Delight in Him.
God bless you as you pray!
May our loving Lord Draw you
ever nearer and smile upon you
as you pray His Word and promises
back to Him. In Jesus ‘ name. Amen.

Reflection on Knowing God (Jan 2)

Knowing God Thru His Shepherding

Over the last three months, we have
been meditating on Knowing God
through His Shepherding Ways.
In the Bible, God reveals Himself by
His meeting the needs of His people.
Moreover, our Lord Jesus has called
us to make disciples… teaching them
to observe things Christ directed.
Throughout scripture, God had been
shepherding His pple in many ways
to be His people and to do His work.

Friends, let scripture instruct us in
righteousness and we be complete
and equipped for every good work.
As we reflect on the Shepherding
Ways of God, our hearts respond
in love and gratitude to His care,
His provision, guidance, protection,
His moulding and His urging of us,
His sacrificial love, His empowering,
His anchoring & His drawing of us.
Lord, help us shepherd the church
with integrity of heart and lead Your
people with skilful hands. Amen.

And here’s the listing of Thought for
the Week over the last eleven weeks.
To access, Navigation as follows:-
=> Click
=> Scroll to Calendar
=> Select Month of 2021
=> Click Day of the Month

Oct 24: Lord Will Provide (Gen 22)
Oct 31: Lord My Shepherd (Ps 23)
Nov 7: God Provides Yr Needs (Isa9)
Nov14:Master Potter Molds U(Jer18)
Nov 21:Christ Teaches Be Light(Mt5)
Nov 28: Christ Urges Faith (Mk 5/11)
Dec 5: Christ Good Shepherd(Jn10)
D12: God Acts on Prayer(Acts13/14)
D19: God Provides Sp Armor (Eph6)
D26: God Anchors Our Souls (Heb6)
Jan2:God Draws U to 1st Love(Rev2)

Thought for the Week: Rev 2/3

Christ Draws You to First Love

John writes to the seven churches
in Asia Minor to address their
scriptural need. Each message
begins with the expression:
I know thy works; each contains
a promise: to him that overcometh;
each concludes with the warning:
He that hath ear, let him hear what
the Spirit says to the churches.
In short, John sends words of
reproof and reassurance from
Jesus Christ, the Alpha & Omega.

Lord, we’ll Come Back to First Love:
I have seen your hard work and
your patient endurance… But
I have this complaint against you.
You don’t love Me… as you did at first! Look how far you have fallen from your first love! Turn back to Me
again as you did at first (Rev 2:2-5)
I will never erase their names
from the Book of Life, but I will
announce before my father…
that they are mine (Rev 3:5).
As many as I love, I… chasten.
Therefore be zealous and repent.
Behold I stand at the door & knock.
If anyone hears My voice and opens
the door I’ll come in to him(v19-20)

Lord, we confess been doing a lot
for You; but have somewhat ease
the simple devotion of loving You.
Grateful Lord You’re ever calling me
back to deep intimacy with You; with
Your arms open wide to receive me.
Help me to once again abandon
myself to You, to experience Your
unfailing love for me, and to live in
pure devotion to Your heart. Amen.

Lord Jesus, we will speak of
Your friendship and love for us
and You intend to bless us
beyond anything we can imagine.
Help us never stop doing good;
stay to fight the good fight and
don’t give up no matter what.
For we are Yours Lord and we will
serve You out of gratitude for all
that You had done for us. Amen.

Lord, we will Draw Near to You;
for You are always near and
always desirous of our attention.
Forgive me for the times I ignore
or push You to the edges of my life;
for You deserve the central place.
Whenever I hear You calling and
knocking, help me to open myself
to You so that we can enjoy intimacy
together. Draw me Close to U. Amen

Reflection on Jas/Pet/1Jn/Revelatn

Knowing God thru His Shepherding

The purpose of James is to teach
right Christian behaviour; while for
1 Peter is to offer encouragement
to suffering Christians; for 2 Peter
to grow in knowledge of Christ;
for IJohn to counter false teaching
and Revelation is to give hope.
This week we understand God better
thru seeing His Shepherding Ways.
On Monday, we learn from Janes 4
that God Wants to Draw Near to You.
On Tuesday, we learn from 1Pet 2
of Shepherd of Your Souls.
On Wed, we learn from 2Peter 1
that Lord Enables Godly Living.
On Thursday, we learn from 1Jn 4
that God Gives Ability to Love.
On Friday, we learn from Rev 2/3
that Christ Draws You to First Love.
On Sat, we learn from Rev 20/21
that God Makes All Things New.
Let us humble ourselves and pray
and seek His face…In Jesus’ name.

Knowing God In Rev 20/21 (Jan 1)

God Makes All Things New

Following the catastrophic
judgments of the seven vials,
John sees the doom of Babylon.
And a great multitude sings but
praises to God in anticipation of
the marriage supper of the Lamb.
A white horse emerges, mounted
by the King of Kings who destroys
the beast and the false prophet..
setting the stage for the coming
of a new heaven and new earth.
Once again God and His people
live in intimate fellowship. Amen.

Lord, You Restore & Make All New:
The Devil who betrayed them was
thrown into the lake of fire, joining
the beast and false prophets. And
I saw a great white throne(20:10-11)
I saw a new heaven & a new earth…
And I heard a loud voice from the
throne saying: Look God’s dwelling
place is now among the people,
and He Will Dwell with them…
And God will wipe every tear from
their eyes. There will be no more
death or mourning or pain, for the
former things have passed away…
I’m making everything New (R21:1-5)
And… the glory of God illuminates
the city and… the nations of the
earth will Walk in its Light (v23-24)

Sovereign God, You are on the
throne; You have already overcome
the enemy and You are the victor.
Living in the end times, help me
spend less time worrying about
a defeated enemy and more time
concerned about those who need
the truth. Help me Lord remember
that time is limited; and how I live
this earthly life is important. Amen.

Father, when I am sad, keep me
from despair; and remind me that
Christ has defeated sin and death.
Grateful Lord that the day is
coming when the world will be
put right and all sorrow will cease.
Thanks for the promise of making
everything new and of making
heaven a place of infinite joy for us.
Praise Yr mighty & holy name. Amen

Lord, help me to see not just the
present challenges, but also the
future that You’ve planned for me.
Grant me wisdom and help me
find my way out of dark places.
Illuminate Your Word and assure
me that a wonderful future awaits.
Help me take the long-term view
and keep me from impatience and
faithlessness. Look forward to the
day when we’ll be with the Lamb and
walk in the light of Your glory. Amen