Knowing God In Hebrews 6

God Anchors Our Souls (Dec 23)

God spoke in times past through
the prophets, but He has reserved
the declaration of His glory for
His Son. By His death, Jesus lifts
mankind into the family of God.
Because of His perfect humanity,
Jesus is uniquely qualified to serve
as High Priest for sinful mankind.
And Christ will bring His people into
the eternal resting place of heaven.

Lord, You Remember & Anchor Us:
For God is not unfair. He will not
forget how hard you have worked
for Him and how you have shown
your love to Him by caring for
other Christians (Heb 6:10).
God also bound Himself with an
oath, so that those who received
the promise could be perfectly sure
He would never change His mind…
These 2 things are unchangeable
because it is impossible for God
to lie. Therefore, we who have
fled to Him for refuge can take
new courage, for we can hold on
to His promise with confidence.
This confidence is like a strong
and trustworthy Anchor for
Our Souls (Heb 6:17-19). Amen.

Lord, sometimes we struggle with
living in a world where good is
ignored or even disadvantaged.
Help us to keep our eyes on You
and on the truth of Your Word.
You are righteous in all You do;
and thanks for the promise
that You will never forget all
that we do for Your kingdom.
Grant us grace as we purpose
to continue to do good. Amen.

Lord, ministry can be tough, like
a grind with endless repetition of
routines. We wish someone will
notice how hard we are working.
Thankfully this is not really so.
For You God sees what we do,
will reward the sacrifices made;
and greatly approves when we
further the kingdom of Christ.
And God has promised that He will
never forget. In Jesus’ name, Amen

Lord, Thank You for providing
something to hold on to when
everything seems to be shaking.
Our hope in Jesus is an Anchor
for our souls and will keep us
steady in all the storms of life.
Thank You for the promise that
those who flee to You for refuge
can take new courage because
Your promises are true and You
never break Your word! Amen.,+i+give+you+full+control&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-sg&client=safari#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:955eeb4d,vid:IiQ4eF97kmQ,st:0

Knowing God In 2 Timothy 1

God Keeps the Committed (Dec 22)

Paul writes his 2nd letter to Timothy
from prison with imminent death.
Yet the focus of Paul is not his own
needs but the needs of Timothy
who is pastor of church at Ephesus.
Paul, who has stood faithfully for
the Lord through his life, passes
on that same challenge to Timothy.
There’s no need to fear when
You serve the Lord of the universe
and endure hardship for His sake.

Lord, we will Hold On to You:
I thank God whom I serve with a
clear conscience… as I constantly
remember you in prayers…
greatly desiring to see you…that
I may be filled with joy (2Tim 1:3-4)
Stir up the gift of God which is in u..
For the Spirit God gave us does not
make us timid, but gives us power,
love and self-discipline (v6-7).
For I know whom I have believed
and am persuaded that He is able
to keep what I have committed
to Him until that Day (2 Tim 1:12).

Lord, help us to not forget anyone
in prayers, especially those who
are lonely and feel forgotten.
Bring specific people to mind
who need a miracle or deliverance.
Show us who needs to hear
Your voice guiding them. And
enable the people we pray to sense
Your love in their lives. Amen.

Lord, grateful that we need not
be timid or fearful of challenges
for You promise empowerment.
Grant us the grace that when
we turn to You, we can find the
right motivation of Your love, the
necessary strength of Your power
and also the self-discipline we
need to do Your will in a way that
brings You all the glory. Amen.

Lord Father, You are my provider;
Lord Jesus, You are my saviour;
Lord Spirit, You are my sanctifier.
And I dedicate and yield my whole
self to the Lord freely and forever.
At the cross Lord, You saved me;
and in the future, You will lead me.
I believe whatever I entrust to You,
You’re Able to keep what You have
Committed against that day. Amen!!

Knowing God In 2 Thess 1/2

God Enables & Establishes (Dec 21)

Paul commended Thessalonpians
for their faithfulness in midst
of persecution and encouraging
them that present suffering
will be repaid with future glory.
Paul also clarified the Day of
the Lord had not yet arrived,
and recounts the events which
must take place first. Labouring
for the gospel, rather than lazy
resignation, can be the only
proper response to such truth.

Lord, make Effective our Calling:
We keep on praying for you,
that our God will make you Worthy
of the life to which He Called you.
And we pray that God by His Power
will fulfill all your good intentions
and faithful deeds. Then everyone
will give honour to… our Lord
Jesus because of you (2Ths1:11-12)
God chose you for salvation
through the Sanctifying work
of the Spirit and through belief
in the truth… Therefore stand fast
and hold the traditions which you
were taught. Now may our Lord
Jesus Himself..Comfort your hearts
and Establish u in every good word
and work (2 Thess 2:13-17). Amen.

Gracious Father, grateful that Effectiveness in Your calling
doesn’t depend on my abilities.
In Your grace, impart Your power
to me so that I may live the life
to which You Lord has called me.
Make me Lord a vessel of Your glory so that those who see my works will look past me and be drawn to You.
In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.

Lord Jesus, I realise apart from
You, I can do absolutely nothing.
So I humbly seek You in prayer,
admitting my inadequacy & asking
for Your grace and sufficiency.
Grant me tenacious faith in You and
Empower me to fulfil my calling. For
U alone can make me worthy of the
life which You’ve called me. Amen

Lord, trust the sanctifying work
of the Spirit in our lives and
through believing the truth
will help us mature in holiness.
Thank You Lord for Your Word
to bolster us in times of trouble.
And best of all, we have Jesus
Yourself inside us to comfort and
strengthen us to face anything
and provide all we need. Amen.

Knowing God In I Thessalonians 5

Faithful God of Peace (Dec 20)

Paul has many pleasant memories
of the days he spent with the infant
Thessalonian church. Their Faith,
hope, love and perseverance
in the face of persecution are
exemplary and Paul’s labours
as a spiritual parent to the fledging
church have been richly rewarded.
He encourages the Thessalonians
to excel in their faith, increase in
their love, and rejoice always even
as God Promises to Sanctify them.

Lord, we’ll seek to Do Your Will:
Therefore conform each other
and edify one another….
Be at Peace among yourselves…
Now we exhort you, brethren,
warn those who are unruly,
comfort the fainthearted, uphold
the weak, be patient with all.
See that no one renders evil for
evil to anyone, but always pursue
what is good both for yourselves
and for all (1 Thess 5:11-15). 
Now may the God of Peace Himself
Sanctify You completely; and may
your whole spirit, soul and body
be preserved blameless at the
coming of our Lord Jesus (v23).
He who calls you Is Faithful,
who also Will Do it (v24). Amen.

Lord, in this Covid season of
difficulties and uncertainties, many are searching for Your direction.
The Holy Spirit knows all needs,
know all things and inspires us
to build each other up with words
of comfort and words of edification.
O Spirit, use our imagination to write
Your will, impress Your thoughts
and speak into the hearts of Your
people through us. In Jesus’ name.

Lord God of peace, do Your holy
work of Sanctification within me.
I want to honour You with my life;
and I want to resist sin each day.
But at same time, I confess some
thing within me is attracted by evil;
preserve me Lord to be blameless.
Give me a deep love for You and
the zeal for Your glory that will
surpass any impure passion. Amen.

Lord, I believe the convictions
and longings in my heart are
placed by You; and I bring them
over to You to do as You please.
Use them Lord to accomplish
Your purposes; and I believe that
You will get me where I need to go.
I am prepared and available to work
out the calling You have for me.
For I know Lord that You are faithful
and that You will surely do it. Amen.

Thought for the Week: Eph 6

God Provides Spiritual Armour

Walk Worthy of your calling…You
are rich in Christ, so live that way!
The Christian’s conduct should
be consistent with his calling.
You are rich in Christ, endowed
with spiritual blessings; so learn
to walk in the light of that wealth.
A spiritual war rages & those who
use the armour of God will be able
to stand agst Satan’s wily attacks.

Lord, we will Put On Your Armour:
Put On the full Armour of God
so that you can take your stand
against the devil’s schemes.
For our struggle is not against
flesh and blood, but against the
…powers of this dark world and
against the spiritual forces of evil…
Take Up the Shield of Faith, with
which you can extinguish all the
flaming arrows of the evil one.
Take the helmet of salvation and
the sword of the Spirit, which
is the word of God. And Pray in
the Spirit on all occasions with
all kinds of prayers… be alert
and always keep on praying
for all the saints (Eph 6:11-18).

Lord, I recognise because I have
aligned myself with You, the
enemy will wage war against me.
Help me Put On the full spiritual
Armour You have provided for me.
Help me Lord to fully understand
the depth of truth, righteousness,
faith, a solid walk with Christ,
salvation, powerful prayer and
the sword of the Spirit Your Word.
Teach me how to use the armour
& perseverance practising it. Amen

Lord, thank You for the Shield of
Faith to deflect Satan’s fiery arrows
and provide necessary protection.
Grant that assurance of salvation
will guard my mind amid difficulties
and doubts attempt to creep in.
Holy Spirit, enlighten my mind
to understand Your Word and
how it applies to my life. And
help me draw the sword when
Satan attacks with a lie. Amen.

Lord, enable us to know the
presence of Your Spirit within us
& walk in constant awareness of it.
May You freely live Your life in us,
express Your heartbeat to us
and Pray Your will through us.
We know Lord we simply can’t do
any of these on our own efforts,
but with You, nothing is impossible.
In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.

Reflection on 1Cor/Eph/Phil (Dec 19)

Knowing God thru His Shepherding

The purpose of 1Cor is to teach
the Corinthian church how to live
for Christ in a corrupt society;
while for Ephesians is to strengthen
believers in their faith by explaining
the nature & purpose of the church;
and for Philippians is to strengthen
believers by showing them that
true joy comes from Christ alone.
This week we understand God better
thru seeing His Shepherding Ways.
On Monday, we learn from 1Cor 2
that Spirit of God Gives Insights.
On Tuesday, we learn from 1Cor 10
that God Provides Way Out.
On Wed, we learn from Eph 3
that God Gives Empowerment.
On Thursday, we learn from Eph 6
that God Provides Spiritual Armour.
On Friday, we learn from Phil 1
that God Completes Good Work.
On Sat, we learn from Phil 4
that God Supplies Your Needs.
Let us humble ourselves and pray
and seek His face…In Jesus’ name.

Knowing God In Philippians 4

God Supplies Your Needs (Dec 18)

Despite adverse circumstances,
Philippians is an encouraging
letter in the midst of persecution.
Paul rejoices especially the church’s
steadfast testimony for the gospel.
Though that testimony is threatened
by divisions in the church, Paul is
confident unity will be restored as
they imitate the humility of Christ.
And Apostle Paul urges contentment
for God Will Supply all our needs.

Lord, You Will Provide Our Needs:
Be anxious for nothing but in every
-thing by prayer and supplication
with thanksgiving let your requests
be made known to God; and the
peace of God which surpasses
all understanding will guard your
hearts and minds (Phil 4:6-7).
I have learned the secret of being
Content in any and every situation,
whether well fed or hungry,
whether living in plenty or in want.
I can do all this through Him who
Gives me Strength (Phil 4:12-13).
This same God who takes
care of me Will Supply all your
Needs from His glorious riches,
which have been given to us
in Christ Jesus (Phil 4:19). Amen.

Lord, here is my worry and here
is my need; I give them to You,
and ask You to calm my anxious
heart and quiet my racing thoughts.
Help me refuse to think of what-ifs
thoughts; but Center them on Christ
Jesus, Your power and sufficiency.
Because I belong to You Lord, I know
that Your peace will guard my heart
and mind. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Lord, Thank You that You are
the God who provides my needs.
Grant me the grace to live joyfully
whether I have much or little.
And grant me Lord the grace to
Be Content in all circumstances.
Thank You Lord for promising
that You will give me the strength
I need to follow Your will and join
You in Your work. In Jesus’ name.

Lord, Thank You for the promise
to Supply all our needs. That
wonderful guarantee & assurance
enables us to feel secure and
contented in our journey thru life.
For we don’t have to struggle
on our own for the Creator of the
universe covers us. And we’re given
access to You because of what
Christ had done on the cross. Amen

Knowing God In Philippians 1

God Completes Good Work (Dec 17)

Philippians is a joyful letter, written 
by Paul from a prison cell in Rome
to one of the churches he founded
on his second missionary journey.
Despite Paul’s adverse situation,
Philippians is an encouraging
letter in the midst of persecution.
There is much for Paul to rejoice
about: the Philippians’ repeated
financial assistance, the hope of
visiting the Philippian believers soon,
and the church’s steadfast
testimony for the gospel.

Lord, You’ll Complete Good Work:
In all my prayers for all of you,
I always pray with joy because of
your partnership in the gospel…
Being confident of this, that He
who Began a good work in you
Will Carry it on to Completion until
the day of Christ Jesus (Phil 1:4-6).
That you may be able to discern
what is best and may be pure and
blameless until the day of Christ,
filled with fruit of righteousness
that comes through Christ (v9-11)

Lord, I am eternally linked to You
by grace through faith & I am part
of Your body for You are the head.
Thank You Lord that my needs
are fully met in You. Forgive me
for the times when I think and act
as though You are not enough.
For You will bring to completion
the good work that You began.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, I praise You for Your great
salvation; for You not only took
away sin, but also gave me a new
nature that longs to please You.
Continue Lord Your work in me;
for there’s still a lot of rough edges
and glad You do not give up on me.
Look forward Lord to the day when
Your work in me is finally complete
and I’ll be blameless for Your glory.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, please help us to grow
spiritually and understand what
really matters in life. We pray that
we will not chase after things that
doesn’t matter. But instead we will
focus on our relationship with You
and on growing to be more like You.
Grant us the faith and the strength
so that You’ll realise in us the ideals
You have taught us to cherish. Amen

Knowing God In Eph 6 (Dec 16)

God Provides Spiritual Armour

Walk Worthy of your calling…You
are rich in Christ, so live that way!
The Christian’s conduct should
be consistent with his calling.
You are rich in Christ, endowed
with spiritual blessings; so learn
to walk in the light of that wealth.
A spiritual war rages & those who
use the armour of God will be able
to stand agst Satan’s wily attacks.

Lord, we will Put On Your Armour:
Put On the full Armour of God
so that you can take your stand
against the devil’s schemes.
For our struggle is not against
flesh and blood, but against the
…powers of this dark world and
against the spiritual forces of evil…
Take Up the Shield of Faith, with
which you can extinguish all the
flaming arrows of the evil one.
Take the helmet of salvation and
the sword of the Spirit, which
is the word of God. And Pray in
the Spirit on all occasions with
all kinds of prayers… be alert
and always keep on praying
for all the saints (Eph 6:11-18).

Lord, I recognise because I have
aligned myself with You, the
enemy will wage war against me.
Help me Put On the full spiritual
Armour You have provided for me.
Help me Lord to fully understand
the depth of truth, righteousness,
faith, a solid walk with Christ,
salvation, powerful prayer and
the sword of the Spirit Your Word.
Teach me how to use the armour
& perseverance practising it. Amen

Lord, thank You for the Shield of
Faith to deflect Satan’s fiery arrows
and provide necessary protection.
Grant that assurance of salvation
will guard my mind amid difficulties
and doubts attempt to creep in.
Holy Spirit, enlighten my mind
to understand Your Word and
how it applies to my life. And
help me draw the sword when
Satan attacks with a lie. Amen.

Lord, enable us to know the
presence of Your Spirit within us
& walk in constant awareness of it.
May You freely live Your life in us,
express Your heartbeat to us
and Pray Your will through us.
We know Lord we simply can’t do
any of these on our own efforts,
but with You, nothing is impossible.
In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.

Knowing God In Ephesians 3

God Gives Empowerment (Dec 15)

The Ephesians had unlimited
spiritual wealth at their disposal,
yet they lived as spiritual paupers.
So Paul wrote to encourage
them to understand and claim
their heavenly resources. Only
then could they draw on them for
their earthly walk. And In Christ,
Christians are endowed with every
spiritual blessing as well as adoptn,
redemption, inheritance and power.

Lord, we Seek Your Empowerment:
We have boldness and access
with confidence thru faith in Him.
Therefore… do not lose heart…
I pray to the Father that from His
glorious unlimited resources, He
will empower you with inner strength
through His Spirit (Eph 3:12-16);
that Christ may dwell in
your hearts through faith;
that you being rooted… in love may
comprehend…the love of Christ…
that you may be filled with all
the fullness of God (v17-19).
Now to Him who is able to do
exceedingly abundantly above
all that we ask or think, according
to the power that works in us (v20).

Lord, I have limited strength
and may not have much left.
Even when I am strong, I will
still need to depend on You.
That’s even more true when
I am weak. Please show Yourself
strong in me. And fill me with
the riches and resources of God.
Holy Spirit, You are trustworthy;
and You reside in me. Give me the
strength and faith to believe. Amen

Lord, I want to understand and
experience Your love in a deeper
way than I ever have before.
May Your love be my anchor
as Your Spirit causes my roots
to sink deeper in You. Grant me
the power to really understand
the limitless extent of Your love.
Be the center of my life & reveal
Yourself to me each day. Amen.

Lord, we praise U for being awesome
possessing all wisdom and power.
Forgive us Lord for having just
a small view of You and Your will.
We affirm Lord You are Able to do
amazing things in and through us;
but this truth is not yet experienced.
Please bring it up to the level of Your
truth; and teach us to operate in the
Power that works within us. Amen.