Meditating on Philemon (Jul 25)

The Call to Brotherhood

On the run after committing
a wrong against his master;
Onesimus the slave sought refuge
among the masses in Rome.
There he crosses Paul’s path and
converts to faith in Jesus Christ.
Though he shows his gratitude
by serving Paul, he still must
reconcile with his master Philemon.
Paul writes this letter to Philemon
asking him to forgive Onesimus
and to accept him as a brother
in Christ. This short epistle
reminds believers of our heavenly
Father’s love and forgiveness.

Dear Lord, we learn from Philemon
that Christian relationships must
be full of forgiveness & acceptance
for in Christ we are one family. And
that persuasion accomplishes a
great deal more than commands
when dealing with people.
Help us to Be Bold to Share our Faith;
Help us to Be More Gracious; and
Help us to Be Forgiving. Amen.

Lord, we want to Share our Faith:
I hear about your faith in the Lord
Jesus & your love for all the saints.
I pray that you may be active
in Sharing your faith, so that
you will have a full understanding
of every good thing we have
in Christ (Philemon 1:5-6).
Lord, help me to get over any
inhibitions I may have about
sharing my faith with prebelievers.
For I know of no greater gift than
to Share someone Your love and
the good news of salvation in Christ.
But I always want to be sensitive
to Your leading so that I don’t
come off as insensitive to others.
Help me have perfect sense of timing and the right words to say. Amen.

Lord, we want to Be Gracious:
I am boldly asking a favor of you.
I could demand it in the name of
Christ because it is the right thing
for you to do. But because of our
love, I prefer simply to Ask of you.
Consider this as a Request from me
– Paul an old man and now also
a prisoner for the sake of Christ.
I Appeal to you to show kindness
to my child Onesimus (v8-10).
Lord, help me to show respect
and be gracious to people rather
than throwing weight around, telling
them straight what they should do.
Help me to give people opportunities
to put things right for themselves,
rather than taking matters right
away into our own hands. Amen.

Lord, we want to Be Forgiving:
It seems you lost Onesimus for
a little while… He is more than a
slave, for he is a beloved brother…
Now he will mean much more to
you,both as a man and as a brother
in the Lord. So if you consider me
your partner, Welcome him as
you would welcome me (v15-17).
Lord, help us not to be engrossed
with our rights; but rather to pay
attention to the fundamental law
for Christians, the law of love.
Help us to be forgiving and always
look to reconciling and welcoming.
Help us to do good to all people,
especially to those who belong
to the family of believers. Amen.