Thought for the Week: Joshua 2

Supreme God In Heaven

Praise be Supreme God In Heaven:
Rahab: We have heard how the
Lord made a dry path for you
through the Red Sea. And we
know what you did to the two
Amorite kings east of the Jordan
River, whose people u completely
destroyed. No one has the
courage to fight after hearing
such things. For the Lord your
God is supreme God in heaven
Elohim Bashamayim (Josh 2:10-11)
Click to see full,
and be ministered by inspiring song.

Meditating on John 3-5 (Feb 7)

Compassion of the Son of God

Backgrounder: Jesus’ ministry
is not reserved for the temple.
At any time and place, He is ready
with a word and a healing touch.
Nicodemus comes by night seeking
answers and finds the miracle of
the second birth. The Samaritan
woman comes seeking water at
the well and leaves to tell her city
about a source of living water
that will never run dry. The paralytic
at the pool finds that even 38 years
of lameness is no obstacle to
the miracle-working Son of God.
Jew or Samaritan, religious leader
or religious outcast… Jesus’
Compassion knows no bounds.

Dear Lord Jesus, You show in
Your earthly ministry Your deep
Compassion for people in need;
whether it be Nicodemus’ seeking
answers to spiritual truth; or
Samaritan woman’s seeking
the source of living water or
paralytic’s need for healing.
Help us Emulate Your Compassion
both in words as well as in deeds;
for everyone needs compassion.
Help us Respond to Your Love;
Help us Spread the Good News;
Help us Follow the Father. Amen.

Lord, we’ll Respond to Your Love:
For God so Loved the world that
He Gave his one and only Son,
that whoever believes in him
shall not perish but have eternal
life. God did not send his Son
into the world to condemn it,
but to save it (John 3:16-17).
Lord Jesus, it can be difficult to
comprehend love so great as Yours.
You laid down Your life for me
so that I can live forever with You.
Help me to lay down my life for You
to serve Your purpose here on earth.
My response to Your first loving
me is to Love You Wholeheartedly
in return. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Lord, we’ll Spread the Good News:
The woman left her water jar
beside the well and went back
to the village and told everyone:
Come and Meet a man who told
me everything I ever did! Can this
be the Messiah? So the people
came streaming from the village
to See Him (John 4:28-30).
Lord, forgive me when gratitude
over knowing You has waned.
I want others to know You and
experience Your work in their lives.
Use me to Spread the Good News
especially to those in my circle.
Pray that I will be so amazed by
what You have revealed that I will
not hesitate to share the hope with
those who don’t yet know You. Amen

Lord, we will Follow the Father:
Jesus explained: I tell you the truth,
the Son can do nothing by Himself.
He does only what He sees the
Father doing. Whatever the Father
does, the Son also does. For the
Father loves the Son & shows Him
everything He’s doing(Jn 5:19-20)
Lord, I turn my gaze from earthly
circumstances all over to You.
Let me see thru Your eyes and align
myself with Your work around me;
for I want to honour You in my life.
Help me know clearly the right
thing to do in every situation
and give me the courage to do it.
Help me serve You, build Your kingdom & grow spiritually, so that
I will be ready for Your return. Amen

Preview on Daniel (Oct 24)

Preview on Daniel (Oct 24)
The Lord God In Control

As the Bible is arranged by genre,
to enhance understanding context
we’re meditating by time sequence.
OT1A: Genesis
OT1B: Poetry Book of Job
OT1C: Life of Moses (Exo to Deut)
OT2A: History to David (Josh-1Chr)
OT2B: Five Books of Psalms
OT2C: 1 Kings & Wisdom Poetry
OT3A: 2 Kings & Prophets
OT3B: 2 Chronicles & Prophets
OT3C: Return From Exile & Prophets

2 Chronicles spans four centuries of
Judah’s history from glory days of
Solomon to end of Babylonian Exile.
Moving to prophets, Isaiah’s ministry
spans reigns of four kings of Judah
(722-681BC) stressing holiness
of God and coming of the Messiah.
Then five minor prophets to Judah
including Obadiah (840BC) and
Joel (830) as well as Micah (735-10)
Zephaniah (630) & Habakkuk (607).
Then Jeremiah written 627 to urge
God’s people to turn from their sins
followed by Lamentations (586 BC);
Ezekiel written 571BC & Daniel (536)

Daniel presents a majestic sweep
of prophetic history. World powers
come and go, but God will establish
His people forever. Nowhere is this
theme more apparent than in the life
of Daniel, a young Jew transplanted
to Babylonia. His adventures in the
palace and the lions’ den show that
even in exile God has not forgotten
His chosen people. Daniel’s dreams
& interpretations of others’ dreams
convince Jew and Gentile alike that
wisdom and power belong to God
alone. God is in control, not only of
the present but of the future as well.

We will meditate Daniel over two
weekends over following 4 divisions:
Dan 1-3: Dream of the Statue
Dan 4-6: Daniel’s Faith in Lion’s Den
Dan 7-9: Visions of the Beasts
Dan 10-12: Visions of the Man
Lord, the book of Daniel shows
You are all knowing and in charge
of world events. And that You will
deliver the faithful who follow You.
Grant us grace Lord to submit
to Your reign in our life. Amen.

Preview on Matthew Gospel (Nov 7)

Preview on Matthew Gospel (Nov 7)
Jesus Our Lord, Master & King

As the Bible is arranged by genre,
to enhance understanding context
we’re meditating by time sequence.
OT1A: Genesis
OT1B: Poetry Book of Job
OT1C: Life of Moses (Exo to Deut)
OT2A: History to David (Josh-1Chr)
OT2B: Five Books of Psalms
OT2C: 1 Kings & Wisdom Poetry
OT3A: 2 Kings & Prophets
OT3B: 2 Chronicles & Prophets
OT3C: Return From Exile & Prophets

2 Chronicles spans four centuries of
Judah’s history from glory days of
Solomon to end of Babylonian Exile.
Moving to prophets, Isaiah’s ministry
spans reigns of four kings of Judah
(722-681BC) stressing holiness
of God and coming of the Messiah.
Then five minor prophets to Judah
including Obadiah (840BC) and
Joel (830) as well as Micah (735-10)
Zephaniah (630) & Habakkuk (607).
Then Jeremiah written 627 to urge
God’s people to turn from their sins
followed by Lamentations (586 BC);
Ezekiel written 571BC & Daniel (536)

Before continuing with return from
exile, we will have an interlude on
Matthew which introduces Jesus
as the Messiah the prophesied King.
Opposition to His ministry grows as
religious leaders deny His claims and
leading Jesus to turn to His disciples.
Through miracles, parables and
sermons, He prepares them for
the climax of His earthly ministry,
His sacrificial death, burial and
resurrection. Prior to ascension,
Jesus commissions His disciples
to continue the work He began.

We will meditate Matthew over four
weekends on following 8 divisions:
Matt 1-4: Arrival of the Messiah
Matt 5-7: Teaching by the Messiah
Matt 8-11: Healing by the Messiah
Mt 12-15: Reactions to the Messiah
Mt 16-19: Sermons by the Messiah
Mt 20-23: Parables of the Messiah
Mt 24-25:Prophesies by the Messiah
Mt 26-28: Finished Work of Messiah
O Jesus, You are not only our Saviour
but also our Lord. Grant us grace to
submit to Your reign in our life. Amen.

Preview Esther, Ezra & Neh (Dec 5)

Preview Esther, Ezra & Neh (Dec 5)
Post Exilic Period

As the Bible is arranged by genre,
to enhance understanding context
we’re meditating by time sequence.
OT1A: Genesis
OT1B: Poetry Book of Job
OT1C: Life of Moses (Exo to Deut)
OT2A: History to David (Josh-1Chr)
OT2B: Five Books of Psalms
OT2C: 1 Kings & Wisdom Poetry
OT3A: 2 Kings & Prophets
OT3B: 2 Chronicles & Prophets
OT3C: Post Exilic Period & Prophets

Phase 3 follows the reign of United
Kingdom. Solomon’s zeal for God
cools as pagan wives turn his heart
away from godly worship. The next
century sees the decline of the two
nations,indifferent to God’s precepts.
In 2 Kings, the author weaves the
historical threads of two nations
into one fabric. In Israel, 19 wicked
kings in succession led the people
even further from God. Despite the
efforts of Elisha & other prophets,
judgment can no longer be stayed.
Israel finally went into captivity,
being dispersed by the Assyrians.
To the south, Judah survives 150
years longer; but corrupt leadership
brings about 70-yr exile in Babylonia.
Then four minor prophets to Israel:
Hosea, Amos, Jonah and Nahum.

2 Chronicles spans four centuries of
Judah’s history from glory days of
Solomon to end of Babylonian Exile.
Moving to prophets, Isaiah’s ministry
spans reigns of four kings of Judah
(722-681BC) stressing holiness
of God and coming of the Messiah.
Then five minor prophets to Judah
including Obadiah (840BC) and
Joel (830) as well as Micah (735-10)
Zephaniah (630) & Habakkuk (607).
Then Jeremiah written 627 to urge
God’s people to turn from their sins
followed by Lamentations (586 BC);
Ezekiel written 571BC & Daniel (536)

In the final part of Phase Three,
we begin with Esther, written
470BC with the purpose to
demonstrate God’s sovereignty
and His loving care for His people.
Ezra (written 450BC) with purpose
to show God’s faithfulness and the
way he kept his people to their land.
Nehemiah (445-432) the last of
the OT historical books; records
the history of the third return to
Jerusalem after captivity, telling
how the walls were rebuilt and the
people were renewed in their faith.
Then we end with minor prophets:
Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi.

Esther: Like an exciting novel, the
real-life drama of Esther puts a
beautiful heroine against a hateful
villain, builds to a life-threatening
climax, then ends with a surprise.
Beautiful Esther is among the
many Jews whose family chooses
to remain in Persia following the
return of Israel to Jerusalem with
Zerubbabel, Ezra and Nehemiah.
Selected as queen, she discovers
a court official’s plot to kill her and
her countrymen. In a dramatic turn
of events, God uses the roll of the
dice and a king’s sleeplessness to
save the day & preserve His people.

Zechariach: Using colourful visions
and consoling sermons to portray
God’s glorious future plans for
His covenant people, Zechariah
encourages the workers engaged
in rebuilding the temple. Although
early enthusiasm has waned, the
task is an moorland one, for the
temple will be the focal point of the
ministry of Israel’s coming Messiah.
God will keep His promises to
His people, and fasting will turn
to feasting when Messiah arrives.
So put away sin, finish the temple,
and await the Messiah eagerly.

Malachi: Years after the restoration
from exile, the spiritual condition
of God’s people has deteriorated.
Again they lapsed into the same
sins that brought about captivity.
They tithe sporadically, ignore
the Sabbath and intermarry with
unbelievers. Their hearts have
grown hard and their love for God
has grown cold, yet Malachi comes
to remind the people of God’s love
for them. Malachi’s final warning
about the purifying Day of the Lord
marks the close of the OT period
which is followed by 400 years
of silence in the biblical record.

Meditating on John 1-2 (Feb 6)

Coming of the Son of God

Matthew, Mark and Luke are called
synoptic gospels because they
contain much of the same material.
By contrast John, the supplementary
gospel provides a fourth dimension
of Jesus’ life and ministry. Fully 92%
of John’s material is not found in
any other gospel account. John
writes to convince his readers
Who Jesus is (the Son of God)
and how new life can be found
in Him (20:30-31). He begins in
eternity past, showing how the
Word who was one with God (1:1)
became flesh in order to take
His message of life to mankind.

Lord Jesus, thank You for Coming
to mankind as the Son of God.
Because You Jesus is God’s Son,
we can fully trust what You say.
By trusting You, we can gain open mind to discern God’s message
and fulfil His purpose in our lives.
Lord, we Place Our Trust In You.
Lord, we Seek Your Presence, and
Lord, we’ll Trust and Obey. Amen.

Lord, we Place Our Trust In You:
He came to that which was His
own, but His own did not receive
Him. Yet to all who received Him,
to those who believed in His name,
He gave the right to become
children of God (John 1:11-12).
Lord Jesus, I do believe in You
and I have accepted you as my
Savior and Master. Thank You
for revealing Yourself to me;
and thank You for saving me.
Because of Your grace and my
faith, I am a child of the living God
and I praise You for the privilege.
What joy to know in every situation
I have a loving and wise Heavenly
Father to counsel me. Amen.

Lord, we Seek Your Presence:
And the Word became flesh and
dwelt among us, and we beheld
His glory, the glory as of the
only begotten of the Father,
full of grace and truth (Jn 1:14).
From His abundance we have
all received one gracious
blessing after another (v16).
Lord, despite the promise that
You’re always with me, sometimes
I just can’t sense Your presence.
Cause me to be thankful & grateful
of the fullness of Your salvation.
Open my eyes to behold how
immense Your love is; and grant me
to experience your love more fully.
Make me complete with the fullness
of life that comes from You. Amen.

Lord, we will Trust & Obey You:
Jesus asked: How does that concern
you & me? My time has not yet come.
But his mother told the servants:
Do whatever he tells u… Jesus told
the servants: Fill the jars with water.
When the jars had been filled to
the brim, dip some out and take it
to the master of ceremonies. So they
followed his instructions (Jn 2:4-8).
Lord, we note the servants had just
sufficient faith to do what You said.
And in effect, faith boils down to
trusting God enough to do what
He says, however odd or unusual,
and leaving the results to Him. So
Lord, please give me the courage
to hear and obey Your voice. Amen.

Reflecting Experiencing God (Jan 5)

Reflecting Experiencing God (Jan 5)
Experiencing God thro Obedience

The current series on Experiencing
God through Obedience is perhaps
the main focus of discipleship.
We position to encounter God’s
presence through learning to seek
God’s voice, deepening our trust in
Him and ultimately thro Obedience.
Before moving to the next series,
let’s pause to reflect our learning.
We spent 4 months on OT from laws,
Israel history, Wisdom and Prophets
and another 4 months on NT through
the gospels and apostolic letters.

From Genesis, we see Abraham’s
Obedience in Trusting God though
he didn’t have all the answers; so
he went Not Knowing Where; and
sacrificed Issac Not Knowing How
he be father of nations (Gen 12&22)
From life of Moses, we see in the Red
Sea crossing that the Israelites have
to Move Forward to experience the
mighty deliverance of God (Exo 14).
The Israelites were protected from as
a harsh desert elements by Following
the cloud (Num 9); and Moses
challenged them to Obey the Lord in
order to receive ublessings (Deut 30)

Israel history begins with the call to
Joshua to Be Courageous to receive
the inheritance, to obey the law and
to claim the presence of God (Josh1)
David killed the mighty Goliath was
because he Remembered God
helped him to kill the lion (1Sam 17)
And then by Inquiring of the Lord,
he won great victories repeatedly
against the Philistines (1Chron 14).
King Jehoshaphat by Seeking the
Lord for help in 2Chron 20 won a
great victory against the combined
armies of Moab, Ammon & Syria.

In the Wisdom literature, David
Sought the Lord and was delivered
from all his fears; and blessed is the
one who Trust in Him (Ps 34:4, 8).
God is our refuge and strength,
a very present help in trouble…
We just need to Be Still and Know
that He is God (Ps 46:1 & 10).
Solomon urges in Prov 2:1-5: If you
receive my words…If you search for
her as for hidden treasures, then you
will understand the fear of the Lord.
Fear God and keep His commands,
for this is man’s all (Eccles 12:13).

And moving to the Prophets,
those who Wait on the Lord shall
renew their strength (Isa 40:31).
And the Lord has plans to give you
hope and a future… Seek Me and
Find Me, when you search for me
with all your heart (Jer 29:11-13).
Rid yourselves of all the offences
you have committed, and get a new
heart and a new spirit (Ezek 18:31).
The vision is yet for an appointed
time… Wait for it because it will
surely come… (For) the just shall
live by his Faith (Habakkuk 2:3-4).

Moving to NT starting with Gospels,
Go & Make Disciples of all nations…
teaching them to obey everything
I have commanded u (Mt28:19-20).
Have Faith In God. For… whoever
says to this mountain: Be removed
and does Not Doubt in his heart,
But Believes that those things
he says will be done, he will have
whatever he says (Mk 11:22-24).
The Son of Man has come to Seek &
Save those… who are Lost (Lk 19:10)
I am the vine; you are the branches.
If You Remain In Me and I in you,
you will bear much fruit; apart from
Me you can do nothing (John 15:5).

Then Letters: When God promised
Abraham that he would become
the father of many nations,
Abraham believed Him… even
though such a promise seemed
utterly impossible (Romans 4:17).
All the promises of God in Him are
Yes and in Him Amen (2Cor 1:20).
Be anxious for nothing but in every
-thing by prayer… let your requests
be made known to God; and the
peace of God… will guard your
hearts and minds (Phil 4:6-7).
He who calls you Is Faithful,
who also Will Do it (1Thess 5:24).
Let us… Come Boldly to the throne
of Grace that we may obtain mercy
& find grace in time of need(Heb4:16)
Consider it pure joy whenever you
face trials because the testing of
your faith produces perseverance,
Let perseverance finish its work so
that you may be mature & complete
not lacking anything (James 1:2-6)

And here’s the listing of Thought for
the Week over the last eight months:
To access, Navigation as follows:-
=> Scroll to Calendar
=> Select Month of 2020
=> Click Day of the Month

Torah Law (Wk1-3: Genesis – Deut)
May28: Test of Obedience(Gen22)
Jun 5: Following Cloud Exp(Exo 40)
Jun12: Choosing to Obey (Deut 30)

History (W4-9: Joshua-Nehemiah)
Jun15: Be Courageous (Joshua 1)
Jun25: God Is Our Deliverer (1Sam17)
Jun29: Seek His Kingdom (1 Kgs 4)
Jul 7: Inquire of the Lord (1Chr 14)
Jul 16: Seek God for Help (2Chr 20)
Jul23: Open Heart to God (Neh 2)

Wisdom (W10-12: Psalms – Eccl)
Jul30:Seek Lord’s Deliverance(Ps34)
Aug 4: Be Still Before God (Ps 46)
Aug10:Seek God & Fear Him(Prov 2)

Prophets (W13-16: Isaiah – Hab)
Aug19: Wait Upon the Lord (Isa 40)
Aug27: Hold On to God’s Plan(Jer 29)
Sep 1: Repent of Sins/Offences(Ez18)
Sep 10: Wait Upon God (Hab 2-3)

Gospels (W17-22: Matthew – Acts)
Sep18: Make Disciples (Matt25/28)
Sep25: Have Faith Not Doubt (Mk 11)
Oct 2: Seek the Lost (Luke 19-21)
Oct 7:Nourished by Obedience(Jn4)
Oct14: Abide In Christ (John 15)
Oct21: Watch Divine Encounter (A9)

Letters (W23-32: Romans-Revelatn)
Oct27: Living Life of Faith (Rom4-5)
Nov 5: Love One Another (1Cor 13)
Nov 9: Hold to God’s Promises(2C1)
Nov19:Live In Unity & Humility(Eph4)
Nov 26: Trust God for Needs (Phil 4)
Dec 2: Seek the Will of God (1Ths 5)
Dec 9: Be Eternal Mided (1Tim 6)
Dec14: Be Courageous (Heb 3-4)
Dec21:Living Out Your Faith(Jas1-2)
Dec28: Go Back to First Love (Rev2)

Knowing God thru His Names(Jan 5)

Knowing God thru His Names(Jan 5)
Launch of New Series

We have been utilising Scripture      
to form prayers so that we learn
to think as God thinks; and pray
within His will thus pleasing Him.
For the past three years, we’ve been
meditating two themes each year
to form disciple attitudes including:
Imploring God thru His Promises;
Seeking God thru Gospel Truths;
Adoring God thru Thanksgiving;
Hearing God thru His Word;
Praising God thru Classic Hymns &
Experiencing God thru Obedience.
Following a query from dear friend
and industry associate David Gerald,
sensed the Spirit leading that for
the next 12 months we will meditate
on Knowing God thru His Names.

In the Bible, God reveals Himself by
various names, mostly related to His
ability to meet needs of His people.
So, the people of God in the Bible
call on the Name of the Lord for
deliverance, victory, protection,
provision and many other things.
What’s true for God’s people then
is true for God’s people today too!
Whatever our present need,
God is the one who can meet
that need. And to call on God’s
Name in prayer is to appeal to
that aspect of His character that
relates to our particular need.

Most of the biblical Names of God
originates in the Old Testament and
we’ll include Hebrew transliteration
and English translation for sense.
The entire Holy Trinity: Father, Son
Jesus & Holy Spirit will be featured.
The structure of the respond prayers
is modelled after the Lord’s Prayer &
will be based on the Acronym ACS:
Adoration including praise and
thanksgiving; Confession and
Supplication including intercession.
Pray that these scriptural prayers
will encourage you and help you
commune with Abba Father. Amen.

Preview Hag, Zech & Mal (Jan 17)

Preview Hag, Zech & Mal (Jan 17)
Post Exilic Prophets

As the Bible is arranged by genre,
to enhance understanding context
we’re meditating by time sequence.
OT1A: Genesis
OT1B: Poetry Book of Job
OT1C: Life of Moses (Exo to Deut)
OT2A: History to David (Josh-1Chr)
OT2B: Five Books of Psalms
OT2C: 1 Kings & Wisdom Poetry
OT3A: 2 Kings & Prophets
OT3B: 2 Chronicles & Prophets
OT3C: Post Exilic Period & Prophets

In the final part of Phase Three,
we had earlier covered the history
of the post-exilic period under
Esther, Ezra and Nehemiah.
Continuing into the prophets, we
start with Haggai, written 520 BC
with purpose to call the people to
complete the rebuilding the temple.
Zechariah; written around 519 BC
for chap 1-8 & 480BC for chap 9-14,
with purpose to give hope to God’s
people by revealing God’s future
deliverance through the Messiah.
Malachi, written 430BC, to confront
the people with their sins and to
restore their relationship with God.

Haggai: “Consider your ways and
finish what you have begun” are
the resounding calls of the prophet
Haggai as he tries to awaken the
people spiritually. They have just
returned from exile in Babylonia
and are discouraged by the
destruction in the city. But Haggai’s
message brings encouragement,
particularly to the governor,
Zerubbabel who must inspire the
people. “I am with you,” declares
the Lord as the people are called
to rebuild and fight against future
oppression. There is hope and
future blessing for their obedience!

Zechariah: Using colourful visions
and consoling sermons to portray
God’s glorious future plans for
His covenant people, Zechariah
encourages the workers engaged
in rebuilding the temple. Although
earlier enthusiasm has waned,
the task is an important one, for
the temple will be the focal point
of the ministry of Israel’s coming
Messiah. God will keep His promises
to His people, and fasting will turn
to feasting when Messiah arrives.
So put away sin, finish the temple,
& await the Messiah with encitement.

Malachi: Years after the restoration
from exile, the spiritual condition
of God’s people has deteriorated.
Again they have lapsed into the
same sins that brought about
captivity. They tithe sporadically,
ignore the Sabbath and intermarry
with unbelievers.Their hearts have
grown hard and their love for God
has grown cold, yet Malachi comes
to remind the people of God’s love
for them. Malachi’s final warning
about the purifying Day of the Lord
marks the close of the Old Testament
period which is followed by 400
years of silence in biblical record.

Preview on John Gospel (Feb 6)

Preview on John Gospel (Feb 6)
Believing in the Son of God

As the Bible is arranged by genre,
to enhance understanding context
we had been meditating scripture
by time sequence over last 25 mths
over three Old Testament phases:
OT1A: Genesis
OT1B: Poetry Book of Job
OT1C: Life of Moses (Exo to Deut)
OT2A: History to David (Josh-1Chr)
OT2B: Five Books of Psalms
OT2C: 1 Kings & Wisdom Poetry
OT3A: 2 Kings & Prophets
OT3B: 2 Chronicles & Prophets
OT3C: Post Exilic Period & Prophets

Continuing into the New Testament,
the gospel of John is a gospel apart.
Matthew, Mark and Luke despite
their different view-points, describe
many same events in Jesus’ life.
But John presents unique material
to prove to his readers that Jesus
is God in the flesh, born to die
as the sacrifice for human sin.
Seven miraculous signs and
seven “I am” declarations are cited
to show that Jesus is the Christ,
the Son of God; and that believing
we may have life in His name.

We will meditate John gospel over
3 weekends on following 6 divisions:
Jn 1-2: Coming of the Son of God
Jn 3-5: Compassion of Son of God
Jn 6-8: Claims by the Son of God
Jn 9-12: Conflict with Son of God
Jn 13-17: Comfort from Son of God
Jn 18-21: Crucifixion of Son of God
O Jesus, because You’re God’s Son,
we can fully trust what You say.
And by trusting You, we can gain
an open mind to understand God’s
message and fulfil His purpose for
our lives. In Jesus’ precious name.