Knowing God In Judges 6

The Lord Is With You (Feb 8)

Gideon, Israel’s fifth judge, receives
God’s call while hiding in a winepress
secretly threshing wheat. Midian’s
oppression is indeed severe, and
Gideon is God’s man to lead the
people in throwing off that yoke
of bondage – an assignment Gideon
is not keen to accept! But once
convinced of his calling through
two miraculous signs, Gideon leads
a humble army of 300 men, equipped
only with pitches, touches and
trumpets, in a stunning victory
against the mighty Midianite forces!
Israel’s unconventional weapons and
unusual battle plan leave no room
for doubt: The victory is the Lord’s!

All Praise be to Jehovah Immeka:
The angel of the Lord appeared
to Gideon & said: The Lord Is
With You (Jehovah Immeka),
mighty warrior. Sir, Gideon
replied: if the Lord is with us,
why has all this happened to us?
And where are all the miracles
our ancestors told us about?
The Lord has abandoned us and
handed us over to the Midianites.
Then the Lord said: Go with the
strength you have and rescue
Israel from the Midianites.
I am sending you (Jdgs 6:12-14)

Lord Jehovah Immeka, we see that
Your very presence alone is enough
to defeat an army. When the angel
told Gideon You Lord were with him
that truth bring Gideon to a new
level of courage. Praise You Lord
for Your presence which empowers
us to overcome obstacles & secure
victory in our life. And thank You for
the kindness of Your presence. Amen

Lord Jehovah Immeka, I am
not alone for You are with me.
At challenging times I can feel
alone, but Your Word tells me that
You never leave me or abandon me.
There are days when I act as if
I am alone and worry over things
in my life. On these days, I seek
Your forgiveness for doubting
Your presence & Your Word. Amen.

Lord Jehovah Immeka, remind me
of Your presence and the power
that comes from abiding with You.
Lord, Make a way where I had
no way to accomplish Your will.
You promise that if I ask anything
according to Your will, You will give it.
So I ask boldly that You accomplish
what You desire to do in and
through my life. In Jesus’ name.

Thought of the Week: Joshua 2

Supreme God In Heaven

Moses has died and Joshua is
appointed by God to take the reins
of leadership. The people are poised
within view of the land promised
to their ancestors and denied their
unbelieving parents. The task seems
impossible: a turbulent river to ford;
foreign terrain to cross; mighty walled
cities to conquer. So God begins
to prepare His people for the days
of warfare just ahead. He reminds
Joshua that careful attention to
His Word brings blessing & success.
Spies are sent to survey Jericho,
the first obstacle in the land. The
priests bearing the ark of covenant
lead the people across the rampaging
Jordan. The stage is set for conquest.

Praise be Supreme God In Heaven:
Rahab: We have heard how the
Lord made a dry path for you
through the Red Sea. And we
know what you did to the two
Amorite kings east of the Jordan
River, whose people u completely
destroyed. No one has the
courage to fight after hearing
such things. For the Lord your
God is supreme God in heaven
Elohim Bashamayim (Jos 2:10-11)

Lord Elohim Bashamayim,
who sits in heaven above,
You are truly ruler over all.
Power and might are in Your hand.
You alone can go before us to
open doors we could not open
on our own, and lead in a path we
could not have created on our own.
Be gracious Lord towards us as we
lift up our eyes & look to You. Amen

Lord Elohim Bashamayim, Your
word says: This is the victory
that overcomes, even my faith,
because You are God in heaven.
Forgive my little faith when it
comes to living out the victory
You have gained through Christ.
Have mercy when I doubt You
and show me grace as You
pardon my sins against You. Amen.

Lord Elohim Bashamayim, lift up
Your mighty arm and open Your
outstretched hand in my life
that I may experience Your power.
Clarify Your will so that I can
walk in the blessing of Your way
and bless others in the process.
Grant me Your favour because
nothing can stand in the way
when Your hand is upon me. Amen.

Thought for the Week: Joshua 2

Supreme God In Heaven

Praise be Supreme God In Heaven:
Rahab: We have heard how the
Lord made a dry path for you
through the Red Sea. And we
know what you did to the two
Amorite kings east of the Jordan
River, whose people u completely
destroyed. No one has the
courage to fight after hearing
such things. For the Lord your
God is supreme God in heaven
Elohim Bashamayim (Josh 2:10-11)
Click to see full,
and be ministered by inspiring song.

Thought for the Week: Joshua 2

Supreme God In Heaven

Praise be Supreme God In Heaven:
Rahab: We have heard how the
Lord made a dry path for you
through the Red Sea. And we
know what you did to the two
Amorite kings east of the Jordan
River, whose people u completely
destroyed. No one has the
courage to fight after hearing
such things. For the Lord your
God is supreme God in heaven
Elohim Bashamayim (Josh 2:10-11)
Click to see full,
and be ministered by inspiring song.