Meditating on Nehemiah 5-7

Complete the Assignment (Jan 9)

With progress continuing on the
rebuilding of the walls, Nehemiah’s
opponents shift their attacks from
direct confrontation to conspiracy.
Sanballat and Geshem repeatedly
try to sidetrack Nehemiah from his
God-given assignment. Even a false
prophet arises to lead Nehemiah
into a potentially fatal trap – only
to have his plan foiled by Nehemiah’s
keen discernment. In spite of deceit,
espionage & attempted assassinatn
Nehemiah and his dedicated band
of bricklayers complete the city
walls in less than two months –
a feat even Israel’s enemies perceive
is “wrought of God. And now come
new responsibilities for Nehemiah.
As governor, he appoints delegates,
organises and utilises the new
leadership in the newly built city.

Nehemiah demonstrated excellent
leadership. He was spiritually ready
to heed God’s call. He also used
careful planning, courage and
perseverance to get the work done.
For positive expectations are never
a substitute for doing difficult work.
Lord, grant us grace to listen to Your
instructions and to carry them out.
Lord, we will Help Those In Need.
Lord, we will Stand Firm to Do Right.
Lord, we will Fulfil Your Assignment.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, we will Help Those In Need:
About this time some of the men and
their wives raised a cry of protest
against their fellow Jews. They were
saying: We have such large families.
We need more food to survive.
Others said: We have mortgaged
our fields, vineyards and homes
to get food during the famine…
When I heard their complaints,
I was Very Angry (Neh 5:1-3, 6).
Lord, confess that it would be hard
to call much of my anger righteous.
I really do want to see righteous
anger being modelled in our home.
So help me to be angry over what
makes You Lord angry so that You
might have Your way in the world.
And help me to let go of the anger
that is selfish and all about getting
my own way. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Lord, we will Stand Firm to Do Right:
Then the fifth time, Sanballat sent
his assistant… (with) unsealed letter:
It is reported… that you & the Jews
are plotting to revolt, and therefore
you are building the wall. Moreover,
according to these reports you
are about to become their king…
I sent him this reply: Nothing like
what you are saying is happening;
you are just making it up out of
your head… They are all trying to
frighten us, thinking: Their hands
will get too weak for the work, and
it will not be completed (Neh 6:5-9)
Lord, we pray that our church
leaders will be equally committed
to doing what is right in God’s eyes.
Pray that whatever intimidation and
distractions may come, they will
concentrate on the work God has
called them to do. And strengthen
their hearts and hands. Amen.

Lord, we will Fulfil Your Assignment:
After the wall had been rebuilt
and I had set the doors in place,
the gatekeepers and the singers
and the Levites were appointed.
I put in charge of Jerusalem my
brother Hanani along with Hananiah
the commander of the citadel
because he was a man of integrity
and feared God more than most
men do… Also appoint residents
of Jerusalem as guards, some
at their posts, some near their
own houses (Nehemiah 7:1-3).
Lord, we recognise that correctly
assessing people’s gifts, reliability
& character is essential of leadership.
And that integrity and fear of
God are the key character traits.
For people of integrity can be trusted
to carry out their work; and God-
fearing people can be expected to
do so in line with God’s priorities.
Grant us Lord the passion to serve
and to take care of all that God has
entrusted to us. In Jesus’ name.