Reflection on Experiencing God

Experiencing God thro Obedience

The current series on Experiencing
God through Obedience is perhaps
the main focus of discipleship.
We position to encounter God’s
presence through learning to seek
God’s voice, deepening our trust in
Him and ultimately thro Obedience.
Before moving to the next series,
let’s pause to reflect our learning.
We spent 4 months on OT from laws,
Israel history, Wisdom and Prophets
and another 4 months on NT through
the gospels and apostolic letters.

From Genesis, we see Abraham’s
Obedience in Trusting God though
he didn’t have all the answers; so
he went Not Knowing Where; and
sacrificed Issac Not Knowing How
he be father of nations (Gen 12&22)
From life of Moses, we see in the Red
Sea crossing that the Israelites have
to Move Forward to experience the
mighty deliverance of God (Exo 14).
The Israelites were protected from
a harsh desert elements by Following
the cloud (Num 9); and Moses
challenged them to Obey the Lord in
order to receive ublessings (Deut 30)

Israel history begins with the call to
Joshua to Be Courageous to receive
the inheritance, to obey the law and
to claim the presence of God (Josh1)
David killed the mighty Goliath was
because he Remembered God
helped him to kill the lion (1Sam 17)
And then by Inquiring of the Lord,
he won great victories repeatedly
against the Philistines (1Chron 14).
King Jehoshaphat by Seeking the
Lord for help in 2Chron 20 won a
great victory against the combined
armies of Moab, Ammon & Syria.

In the Wisdom literature, David
Sought the Lord and was delivered
from all his fears; and blessed is the
one who Trust in Him (Ps 34:4, 8).
God is our refuge and strength,
a very present help in trouble…
We just need to Be Still and Know
that He is God (Ps 46:1 & 10).
Solomon urges in Prov 2:1-5: If you
receive my words…If you search for
her as for hidden treasures, then you
will understand the fear of the Lord.
Fear God and keep His commands,
for this is man’s all (Eccles 12:13).

And moving to the Prophets,
those who Wait on the Lord shall
renew their strength (Isa 40:31).
And the Lord has plans to give you
hope and a future… Seek Me and
Find Me, when you search for me
with all your heart (Jer 29:11-13).
Rid yourselves of all the offences
you have committed, and get a new
heart and a new spirit (Ezek 18:31).
The vision is yet for an appointed
time… Wait for it because it will
surely come… (For) the just shall
live by his Faith (Habakkuk 2:3-4).

Moving to NT starting with Gospels,
Go & Make Disciples of all nations…
teaching them to obey everything
I have commanded u (Mt28:19-20).
Have Faith In God. For… whoever
says to this mountain: Be removed
and does Not Doubt in his heart,
But Believes that those things
he says will be done, he will have
whatever he says (Mk 11:22-24).
The Son of Man has come to Seek &
Save those… who are Lost (Lk 19:10)
I am the vine; you are the branches.
If You Remain In Me and I in you,
you will bear much fruit; apart from
Me you can do nothing (John 15:5).

Then Letters: When God promised
Abraham that he would become
the father of many nations,
Abraham believed Him… even
though such a promise seemed
utterly impossible (Romans 4:17).
All the promises of God in Him are
Yes and in Him Amen (2Cor 1:20).
Be anxious for nothing but in every
-thing by prayer… let your requests
be made known to God; and the
peace of God… will guard your
hearts and minds (Phil 4:6-7).
He who calls you Is Faithful,
who also Will Do it (1Thess 5:24).
Let us… Come Boldly to the throne
of Grace that we may obtain mercy
& find grace in time of need(Heb4:16)
Consider it pure joy whenever you
face trials because the testing of
your faith produces perseverance,
Let perseverance finish its work so
that you may be mature & complete
not lacking anything (James 1:2-6)

And here’s the listing of Thought for
the Week over the last eight months:
To access, Navigation as follows:-
=> Scroll to Calendar
=> Select Month of 2020
=> Click Day of the Month

Torah Law (Wk1-3: Genesis – Deut)
May28: Test of Obedience(Gen22)
Jun 5: Following Cloud Exp(Exo 40)
Jun12: Choosing to Obey (Deut 30)

History (W4-9: Joshua-Nehemiah)
Jun15: Be Courageous (Joshua 1)
Jun25: God Is Our Deliverer (1Sam17)
Jun29: Seek His Kingdom (1 Kgs 4)
Jul 7: Inquire of the Lord (1Chr 14)
Jul 16: Seek God for Help (2Chr 20)
Jul23: Open Heart to God (Neh 2)

Wisdom (W10-12: Psalms – Eccl)
Jul30:Seek Lord’s Deliverance(Ps34)
Aug 4: Be Still Before God (Ps 46)
Aug10:Seek God & Fear Him(Prov 2)

Prophets (W13-16: Isaiah – Hab)
Aug19: Wait Upon the Lord (Isa 40)
Aug27: Hold On to God’s Plan(Jer 29)
Sep 1: Repent of Sins/Offences(Ez18)
Sep 10: Wait Upon God (Hab 2-3)

Gospels (W17-22: Matthew – Acts)
Sep18: Make Disciples (Matt25/28)
Sep25: Have Faith Not Doubt (Mk 11)
Oct 2: Seek the Lost (Luke 19-21)
Oct 7:Nourished by Obedience(Jn4)
Oct14: Abide In Christ (John 15)
Oct21: Watch Divine Encounter (A9)

Letters (W23-32: Romans-Revelatn)
Oct27: Living Life of Faith (Rom4-5)
Nov 5: Love One Another (1Cor 13)
Nov 9: Hold to God’s Promises(2C1)
Nov19:Live In Unity & Humility(Eph4)
Nov 26: Trust God for Needs (Phil 4)
Dec 2: Seek the Will of God (1Ths 5)
Dec 9: Be Eternal Mided (1Tim 6)
Dec14: Be Courageous (Heb 3-4)
Dec21:Living Out Your Faith(Jas1-2)
Dec28: Go Back to First Love (Rev2)