Thought for the Week: 2 Cor 1

Hold Firm to God’s Promises

Paul opens his second epistle
to the Corinthians the same way
he began his first by establishing
his authority and documenting the
source of his revelation. He then
praises God for what He has done
for Timothy & him. In contrast to
the old covenant which condemned,
the glorious new covenant sealed
in Jesus’ own blood, makes
God’s ministers bold and effective
 to call pple to repentance.

Lord, Your Promises are Yes & Amen: 
All Praise to God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ… He comforts
us in all our troubles so that
we can comfort others. When
others are troubled, we will be able
to give them the same comfort
God has given us (2 Cor 1:3-4).
We should not trust in ourselves
but in God… who delivered us from so great a death and… we trust
that He will still deliver us (v9-10).
As God is faithful, our word to
you was not Yes and No… For
all the promises of God In (Christ)
are Yes and in Him Amen (v18-20).

Lord, Thank You for the times
You have comforted me. I know
that You have comforted me so
that I can do the same for others.
This world is full of people who
are hurting. Make me sensitive
to those I meet who need Your
touch of comfort. Keep me an
open vessel through which Your
love and comfort can flow. Amen.

Lord, we realise that Your way of
teaching us to rely on You God
more fully will likely mean that we
will be reduced to having only You
to rely on. And that sounds terribly
uncomfortable for us all. For most of
us have been taught since young to
be more self-reliant. But we still ask
You to teach us what it means to rely
more fully on U instead of ourselves.
In Jesus’ precious name we pray.

Lord, Thank You for Your great
and precious promises! Thank You
for reminding us that Jesus is the
“Divine Yes”, the affirmation of all
Your promises. Help me to sense
and experience Your love behind
every promise even as I trust in You.
And help me to pray with confidence
because I know that not one of Your
promises will ever fail. Amen & amen

Meditating on Matthew 12-15

Submit to Christ’s Kingship(Nov15)

A turning point occurs in Matthew
12 where mounting antagonism
by Jewish religious leaders erupts
into open denunciation of Jesus.
They demand yet another sign
to substantiate Jesus’ messianic
claims. Because of their hardhearted
rejection, Jesus begins speaking
in parables. After a rude reception
in His home town of Nazareth, Jesus
withdraws across the Sea of Galilee
to the regions of Tyre and Sidon in
order to escape growing opposition.

Jesus was the Messiah, the one for
whom the Jews waited to deliver
them from Roman oppression. Yet
tragically they didn’t recognise Him
because His kingship was not what
they expected. The true purpose of
God’s anointed deliverer was to die
for all people to free them from sin.
Because Jesus was sent by God,
we can trust Him with our lives.
And it is worth everything we have
to acknowledge Christ Jesus & give
ourselves to Him because He came
also to be our Messiah, our Saviour.
Lord, help us Reach Out to Needy;
Lord, help us Share the Gospel and
Lord, help us Seek Your Direction.
In Jesus’ precious name we pray.

Lord, we will Reach Out to Needy:
Jesus withdrew from that place.
Many followed him and he healed
all their sick, warning them not
to tell who He was. This is to
fulfil what was spoken through
the prophet Isaiah: Here is My
Servant whom I have chosen,
the one I love, in whom I delight;
I will put my Spirit on him,
and He will proclaim justice to
the nations… A bruised reed
he will not break and smouldering
wick he will not snuff out.
In his name the nations will
put their hope (Matt 12:15-21).
Lord, we learn from the example
of Jesus of being a servant and
having a gentle spirit, that brings
hope to the nations. In particular,
help us Lord to reach out to
the less fortunate who are very
much in Your heartbeat. Amen.

Lord, we will Share the Gospel:
The Kingdom of Heaven is like
a treasure that a man discovered
hidden in a field. He sold
everything he owned to get
enough money to buy the field…
That is the way it will be at the
end of the world. The angels
will come and separate the
wicked people from the righteous
throwing the wicked into the
fiery furnace (Matt 13:44-50).
Lord, we realise the kingdom of
Heaven is more valuable than
anything else we could have, and
a person must be willing to give
up everything to obtain it. And
nothing is more important than to
share the gospel to others. Amen

Lord, we will Seek Your Direction:
So John was beheaded in prison.
As soon as Jesus heard the news
he went off by Himself in a boat
to a remote area to be alone…
About 5000 men had eaten
from those five loaves. After this,
Jesus made His disciples get
back into the boat & cross to the
other side of the lake while He
sent the people home. Afterwards
He went up into the hills by Himself
to pray (Matt 14:10-13, 21-23).
Dear Lord, help me to find the time I
need each day to be alone with You.
Escaping from all the diversions,
disappointments and ministry
seems to be a constant struggle.
Grant me Lord the ability to shut
out everything and find solitude
with You in silence and prayer so
that I can hear Your voice. Amen.