Experiencing God In 1 Thess 1

Walk the Way of Faith (Nov 30)

Paul has many pleasant memories
of the infant Thessalonian church.
Their Faith, love and perseverance
in persecution are exemplary and
Paul’s labours as a spiritual parent
to the church have been rewarded.
He encourages the Thessalonians
to excel in their Faith, increase in
their love, and rejoice always as
they await the return of the Lord.

Lord, we will Keep Faith In You:
We always thank God for all of
you and Pray for you constantly.
We remember before our Father
your work produced By Faith,
your labour prompted by love, and
your endurance inspired by hope
in our Lord Jesus Christ (1Ths 1:2-3)
You received the message with
joy from the Holy Spirit in spite of
the severe suffering… In this way,
you Imitated the Lord. As a result,
you have become an example
to all believers in Greece (v6-7).
Your faith toward God has gone out…
how you turned to God from idols
to serve the living and true God;
and to wait for His Son (v8-10).

Lord, I Thank You for the gift of
direct access to You in Prayer.
Help me to model Apostle Paul
who encourages the Thessalonian
believers for their faith and love.
Bless my loved ones and friends
and draw them into ever closer
relationship with You. And help me
to be faithful in praying for them
constantly as long as I live. Amen.

Lord Jesus, help us to be like
the Thessalonians in Imitating You
and causing many to believe in You.
Help us Lord to endure suffering
and lead a life of faith in action.
Help us not to be self-centred
but be Christ centred and also
consider the interest of others.
For living for You our Master is
really what we ought to do. Amen.

Heavenly Father, we were created
ultimately to honour You as our Lord. 
Exercising Faith helps us do that for
Faith is shown by seeking after You.
And Trusting You to see us through
in hard times brings You glory.
Give us sincere heart as well as
the faith that pursues after You.
Help us give up “idols” but instead
begin to serve You God. Amen.

Thought for Week: Philippians 4

Trust God for Our Needs

Despite adverse circumstances,
Philippians is an encouraging
letter in the midst of persecution.
Paul rejoices especially the church’s
steadfast testimony for the gospel.
Though that testimony is threatened
by divisions in the church, Paul is
confident unity will be restored as
they imitate the humility of Christ.
And Apostle Paul urges contentment
for God Will Supply all our needs.

Lord, You Will Provide Our Needs:
Be anxious for nothing but in every
-thing by prayer and supplication
with thanksgiving let your requests
be made known to God; and the
peace of God which surpasses
all understanding will guard your
hearts and minds (Phil 4:6-7).
I have learned the secret of being
Content in any and every situation,
whether well fed or hungry,
whether living in plenty or in want.
I can do all this through Him who
Gives me Strength (Phil 4:12-13).
This same God who takes
care of me Will Supply all your
Needs from his glorious riches,
which have been given to us
in Christ Jesus (Phil 4:19). Amen.

Lord, here is my worry and here
is my need. I give them to You,
and ask You to calm my anxious
heart and quiet my racing thoughts.
Help me refuse to think of what-ifs thoughts; but Center them on Christ
Jesus, His power and sufficiency.
Because I belong to You Lord, I know
that Your peace will guard my heart
and mind. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Lord, Thank You that You are
the God who provides my needs.
Grant me the grace to live joyfully
whether I have much or little.
And grant me Lord the grace to
Be Content in all circumstances.
Thank You for promising that
You will give me the strength
I need to do Your will. Amen.

Lord, Thank You for the promise
to Supply all our needs. That
wonderful guarantee & assurance
enables us to feel secure and
contented in our journey thro life.
For we don’t have to struggle on
our own for the Creator of the
universe covers us. And we are
given access to You because of
what Christ did on the cross. Amen

Meditating on Matthew 26-28

Future of the Kingdom (Nov 29)

The events during the final two
days of Jesus’ earthly life carry the
shadow of the cross. Everything
He says and does foreshadows
that symbol of shame, sacrifice and
salvation: the anointing in Bethany,
the Passover observance & Lord’s
Supper, the prayer in Gethsame.
Jesus is arrested and tried, first
by the Jews then the Romans.
He is condemned, executed and
placed in a tomb. But the story does
not end there. In glorious triumph,
Jesus comes forth from the grave
in resurrection power. Indeed
the King of the Jews lives again, a
message of Good News which His
followers are commissioned to share.

The cross of Jesus Christ has been
called the fulcrum of cosmic history.
The eternal destiny of every human
being hinges on a person’s relation-
ship to Jesus & his work on the cross
Think deeply about the crucifixion
of Jesus and its significance. Say
with Paul: God forbid that I should
glory, save in the cross of our Lord
Jesus Christ, by whom the world is
crucified unto me & I unto the world.
Lord, we will Choose God’s Will.
Lord, we Honor U for You’re Worthy.
Lord, we’ll Make Disciples for You.

Lord, we’ll Choose God’s Will:
Going a little farther, he fell with
his face to the ground & prayed:
My Father, if it is possible, may
this cup be taken from me. Yet
not as I will but as you will. Then
he returned to his disciples and
found them sleeping… He went
away a second time and prayed:
My Father, if it is not possible for
this cup to be taken away unless
I drink it, may your will be done.
When he came back, he again
found them sleeping. So he left
them and prayed the third time
the same thing (Matt 26:39-44).
Father, more than anything I want
Your Will to be done in my life.
Even though I want You to take
away all the pain and suffering,
and I want all of Your blessings,
above all I want Your will to be done
for You are good and You know
what’s best. Reveal Your Will and
help me to pray accordingly. Amen.

Lord, we Honour U for You’re Worthy:
As evening approached, there came
a rich man from Arimathea named
Joseph, who had himself become
a disciple of Jesus. Going to Pilate,
he asked for Jesus’ body and Pilate
ordered that it be given to him.
Joseph took the body, wrapped it
in a clean linen cloth and placed it
in his own new tomb that he had
cut out of the rock. He rolled a big
stone in front of the entrance to the
tomb and went away (Mt 27:57-60)
Father God, we note that Joseph
used his wealth and influence to
honour Jesus in death. Lord Jesus
I want to know more of Your love
which drives out fear. And Holy
Spirit, I want to experience Your
transforming power so that others
may be touched by Your gentleness
and care as You live out Your life in
me. In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, we’ll Make Disciples for You:
Then Jesus came to them & said:
All authority has been given
to me. Therefore go and make
disciples of all nations & teaching
them to obey everything I have
commanded you. And surely
I am with you always, to the very
end of the age (Matt 28:16-20).
Lord, help me to be a good example
in the concern for the lost. In words,
deeds and attitudes may I be able
to stand as one who has found
the answer to life. Help me to rise
up to Your challenge to Share the
good news and Make Disciples for
Your kingdom. And thank You for
the promise of Your presence. Amen

Meditating on Matthew 24-25

Be Steward of the Kingdom(Nov27)

Herod’s magnificent temple seized
the attention of all who passed by.
Commenting on its beauty and
splendour, the disciples set the
stage for Jesus’ Olivet Discourse,
a prophetic look at future events.
His followers are urged to watchful
expectation coupled with faithful
service because, despite the signs
of His coming, the return of Christ
will be unannounced. His coming
will bring vengeance on His enemies,
judgment on the nations and
rewards for His watchful followers.

Jesus came to earth to begin
His kingdom. His full kingdom
will be realised at His return and
will be made up of anyone who
has faithfully followed Him.
Almighty God, You sent Your Son
Jesus to be our Master and King.
We Your chosen people purpose to
further the Future of the kingdom.
Lord, we will Prepare for Your Return.
Lord, we will Be Good Steward; and
Lord, we will Do God’s Work. Amen.

Lord, we’ll Prepare for Your Return:
He will send forth His angels with
the sound of a mighty trumpet
blast, and they will gather His
chosen ones from the farthest
ends of the earth. Now learn a
lesson from the fig tree. When its
leaves begin to sprout, you know
that summer is near. Just so,
when you see the events I’ve
described beginning to happen,
u can know His return is very near
right at the door (Matt 24:31-33).
Lord, help me be sensitive to the
changing seasons both in my life
and in the lives of those around me.
Help me to share Your life with
others who yearn to know more
about You. Open my eyes to the
signs to the signs around me so that
I may Prepare for Your return. Amen

Lord, we will Be Good Steward:
The Kingdom of Heaven can be
illustrated by the story of a man
going on a long trip. He called
together His servants and entrusted
his money to them while he was
gone. He gave five bags of silver
to one, two bags of silver to another
and one bag of silver to the last-
dividing it in proportion to their abilities. He then left (Mt 25:14-15)
Lord, You have blessed me with
so many things. I can see that You
have entrusted me with experience,
abilities and opportunities as well.
Implant in me a longing to one day
hear Your say: Well done, My good
and faithful servant. Amen.

Lord, we will Do God’s Work:
When the Son of Man comes,
He will separate the people…
Then the king will say to those
on his right: Take yr inheritance.
For I was hungry & you gave me
something to eat, I was sick and
you looked after me, I was in
prison and you came to visit me…
Whatever you did for one of the
least of these brothers & sisters,
you did it for me (Matt 25:31-40).
Lord, forgive me when I don’t
listen and instead pursue my own
agenda. Help me to hear and
Obey when You call upon me.
Help me to Prioritise activities to
free time for God’s work. Teach
me to serve You as You deserve.
And empower me to be Your hands
and feet. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Reflection on Philippians/Colossians

Experiencing God thro Obedience

The purpose of Philippians is to
strengthen believers by showing
them true joy comes from Christ; while that of Colossians is to
show believers that they have
everything they need in Christ.
This week we understand the
importance of believing Christ thus
positioning rightly to encounter Him.
On Monday we learn from Phil 1
to Trust God for Completion.
On Tuesday, we learn from Phil 2
to Purpose to Fulfil God’s Will.
On Wed, we learn from Phil 3
to Press On to Upward Call.
On Thursday, we learn from Phil 4
to Trust God for Our Needs.
On Friday, we learn from
Colossians 3 to Living for Jesus
Let us humble ourselves and pray
and seek His face…In Jesus’ name.

Experiencing God In Colossians 3

Living for Jesus (Nov 27)

Heresy that Jesus is neither 
central nor supreme is undermining
the Colossian church. And Paul’s
responds to these false teachings
by upholding Christ as the
Preeminent Head of the church
and speaks against man-made
regulations and ritualistic worship.
Instead Paul encourages them
to pursue a godly life befitting
those who are risen with Christ.

Lord, we’ll Seek Things of Above:
Since you have been raised to
New Life with Christ, seek those
things which are above… Set
your minds on things above , not
on things on the earth (Col 3:1-2).
Put on the new man who is renewed..
Put on tender mercies, kindness,
humility, meekness, longsuffering;
bearing with one another, and
forgiving one another… But above
all these things, put on love (v10-14).
Let the message about Christ in all
its richness, fill your lives. Counsel
each other with all the wisdom He
gives. Sing spiritual songs to God
with thankful hearts (v16). Amen.

Lord, help me to seek things which
are above and not things on earth.
Help me trust in the realities of Your
kingdom and see with eyes of faith.
Help me to better understand
the changes that salvation brings.
Help me live as a brand new person
that I do not have to yield to sin.
For the same power that raised
Christ from the dead is available
to me to live as I should. Amen.

Lord, grant me the grace to put
to death vices like anger & critical
language and put on Your virtues.
Help me Lord to be tender hearted,
merciful & forbearing towards others.
Help me to love and be forgiving
just as You have loved & forgive me.
Help me to recognise and discern
what is worthy of confrontation
and correction; and what I should
just graciously let it go. Amen.

Lord, we want to be filled with truth   of Christ and to live purposeful lives. But we can be confused for the    world is full of lies & unholy agendas. Help us focus & know You more as.  we fill our hearts and minds with.    Your words and spiritual songs.        And may our hearts and spirits be more sensitive to Your Voice and.   Your Will. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Experiencing God In Philippians 4

Trust God for Our Needs (Nov 26)

Despite adverse circumstances,
Philippians is an encouraging
letter in the midst of persecution.
Paul rejoices especially the church’s
steadfast testimony for the gospel.
Though that testimony is threatened
by divisions in the church, Paul is
confident unity will be restored as
they imitate the humility of Christ.
And Apostle Paul urges contentment
for God Will Supply all our needs.

Lord, You Will Provide Our Needs:
Be anxious for nothing but in every
-thing by prayer and supplication
with thanksgiving let your requests
be made known to God; and the
peace of God which surpasses
all understanding will guard your
hearts and minds (Phil 4:6-7).
I have learned the secret of being
Content in any and every situation,
whether well fed or hungry,
whether living in plenty or in want.
I can do all this through Him who
Gives me Strength (Phil 4:12-13).
This same God who takes
care of me Will Supply all your
Needs from his glorious riches,
which have been given to us
in Christ Jesus (Phil 4:19). Amen.

Lord, here is my worry and here
is my need. I give them to You,
and ask You to calm my anxious
heart and quiet my racing thoughts.
Help me refuse to think of what-ifs thoughts; but Center them on Christ
Jesus, His power and sufficiency.
Because I belong to You Lord, I know
that Your peace will guard my heart
and mind. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Lord, Thank You that You are
the God who provides my needs.
Grant me the grace to live joyfully
whether I have much or little.
And grant me Lord the grace to
Be Content in all circumstances.
Thank You for promising that
You will give me the strength
I need to do Your will. Amen.

Lord, Thank You for the promise
to Supply all our needs. That
wonderful guarantee & assurance
enables us to feel secure and
contented in our journey thro life.
For we don’t have to struggle on
our own for the Creator of the
universe covers us. And we are
given access to You because of
what Christ did on the cross. Amen

Experiencing God In Philippians 3

Press On to Upward Call (Nov 25)

Despite adverse circumstances,
Philippians is an encouraging letter
in the midst of persecution. There 
is much for Paul to rejoice about
especially the church’s steadfast
testimony for the gospel. Though
that testimony is threatened by
divisions in the church, Paul is
 confident unity will be restored
as they imitate the humility and
 servanthood of Christ. And Paul
 urged Rejoice in the Lord always.

Lord, we will Focus on the Goal: Everything else is worthless when compared with the infinite value of Knowing Christ Jesus my Lord….       yes to know the power of His
resurrection and participation                 in His suffering (Phil 3:8-10).
I am focusing all my energies on
this One Thing: Forgetting the past
and Looking Forward to what lies
ahead, I press toward the goal.             
for the prize of the upward call of.    God in Christ Jesus (Phil 3:13-14).   (For) our citizenship is In Heaven.     And we eagerly await a Saviour.       from there, the Lord Jesus (v20).

Lord, I choose to Know & follow You.
I open myself to whatever You want
to do in my life; though it may be
out-of-the-norm, as long as it fits
Your character and Your purposes.
Lord, I want to Know You better;
and perhaps the only way for that
to happen is to experience some
of what You had gone through.
Please help me not squander those
opportunities, learn to feel what You
have felt & grow from them. Amen.

Lord, help me to Keep my Eye On
the Goal, where You’re beckoning
me upward and onward to Jesus.
Keep me from being distracted by
the past; wrong choices & sins that
have been washed in blood of Christ.
Grant me grace and strength not to
turn back, knowing You’re in control
and promise to meet my needs.
And help me keep my eyes fixed 
on the eternal prize – unending life
in Your glorious presence. Amen.

Lord, I praise and Thank You for
giving me eternal life & listing me
among the residents of Heaven. 
Though this current life is filled
with trouble and challenges,
I know I am only passing through.
Help me to Seek You First and
stop worrying about tomorrow. 
Grant me an Eternity Mindset
so that I can endure the temporal
difficulties that come my way.Amen


Experiencing God In Philippians 2

Purpose to Fulfil God’s Will (Nov24)

Philippians is a joyful letter,
written by Paul from a prison cell
in Rome to the church he founded
on his second missionary journey.
Despite adverse circumstances,
Philippians is an encouraging
letter in the midst of persecution.
There is much for Paul to rejoice,
especially the church’s steadfast
testimony for the gospel.

Lord, we’ll work out sanctification:
Fulfill my joy by being likeminded,
having the same love, being of
one accord, of one mind (Phil 2:2).
Don’t think only about your own
affairs, but be interested in others
too…Your attitude should be the
same that Christ Jesus had (v4-5).
Continue to work out your
salvation with fear and trembling,
for it is God Who Works in you to
Will & to Act in order to fulfill His
good purpose (Phil 2:12-13) Amen.

Lord of grace and wisdom, I want
to make the Father truly happy
with me by living in harmony with
my Christian brothers and sisters.
Help me to love them, and work
together with one mind & purpose
to bring more people to Christ.
Grant me success in this important
endeavour to further Your kingdom.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, work in me the desire
to please You rather than to
impress others. Forgive me Lord
for selfishness and for focussing
on my life, needs and problems.
Help me to care more about others
and their needs too. And help me
to have a servant’s heart so that
U can do Your work thro me. Amen

Lord, grateful You are at work
within me to fulfil His purpose.
Help me to do what is right
and to obey with reverence.
Help me to hold on in faith, and
new power to live as I should.
Wean me from the excuse that
“I am too tired”, “I am too weak”…
For Your strength is sufficient
for whatever I am facing. Amen.

Experiencing God In Philippians 1

Trust God for Completion (Nov 23)

Philippians is a joyful letter, written 
by Paul from a prison cell in Rome
to one of the churches he founded
on his second missionary journey
(Acts16). Inspite of Paul’s adverse
circumstances, Philippians is a
letter of encouragement in the
midst of persecution. There is
much for Paul to rejoice about:
the Philippians’ repeated financial
assistance, the hope of visiting
the Philippian believers soon,
and the church’s steadfast
testimony for the gospel.

Lord, You’ll Complete Good Work:
In all my prayers for all of you,
I always pray with joy because of
your partnership in the gospel…
Being confident of this, that He
who Began a good work in you
Will Carry it on to Completion until
the day of Christ Jesus (Phil 1:3,6).
That you may be able to discern
what is best and may be…blameless
to the glory… of God (Phil 1:10-11).
But I want you to know brethren
that the things which happened
to me have actually turned out
for the furtherance of the gospel…
For me to live is Christ, and to
die is gain (Philippians 1:12, 21).

Lord, I am eternally linked to You
by grace through faith. I am part
of Your body for You are the head.
Thank You Lord that my needs
are fully met in You. Forgive me
for the times when I think and act
as though You are not enough.
For You will bring to completion
the good work that You began.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, I praise You for Your great
salvation. You not only took away
my sin, but you also gave me a new
nature that longs to please You.
Continue your work in me Lord; and
I am glad You do not give up on me.
And I look forward to the day when
Your work in me is finally complete.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, please help me and those
for whom I am praying to grow
spiritually and understand what
really matters in life. I pray that
I will not chase after things that
doesn’t matter. But instead I will
focus on my relationship with You
and on growing to be more like U.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, the mountain peaks of the
Christ-life that You want us to live
often seems too steep and high
for us to reach, just out of reach.
Trust You know that we are but
flesh and bones and trust You
have compassion for Your children.
Grant us the faith and the strength
so that with Your enabling You will
fulfill in us the good pleasure of
Your will; and realise in us the ideals
You have taught us to cherish. Amen