Meditating on Daniel 1-3 (Oct 24)

Glowing Faith in Trying Times

Daniel, Ezekiel’s contemporary
during the period of Judah’s exile
in Babylonia, prophesies concerning
the role of Gentile powers in God’s
program for His people. The first
three chapters describes the spiritual
integrity of Daniel & his three friends.
Selected for government service,
they resist pressure to conform to
their pagan environment and instead
take a clear stand for God of Israel.
Whether in matters of food diet,
truthfulness, or spiritual discipline,
the four young men live out their
convictions even at risk of their lives.

Lord, Thank You for the book of
Daniel that shows how You God
is In Control of the destiny of
nations & Care for Your people.
Lord, in the face of life challenges,
help us take courage and put our
faith in You who control all things.
Lord, we Purpose to Obey You.
Lord, we Ask for Your Wisdom.
Lord, we will Not Serve other gods.
In Jesus’ precious name we pray.

Lord, we Purpose to Obey You:
Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael & Azariah
were the four young men chosen, all
from the tribe of Judah… Daniel
made up His mind not to defile
himself by eating the food and
wine given to them by the king.
He asked the chief official for
permission to eat other things
instead. Now God had given
the chief official great respect
for Daniel (Dan 1:6-9, 18-20).
Lord, we realise merely wanting
or preferring God’s will and way
is not enough to stand against
the onslaught of temptation.
It is easier to resist temptation if
we have thought thro conviction
well before the temptation arrives.
Help us Lord to be like Daniel,
Resolving To Obey You; and when
temptation comes, help us keep our
prior commitment to resist. Amen.

Lord, we ask for Your Wisdom:
Daniel told his friends to ask God
to tell them the secret, so they
would not be executed along with
the other wise men of Babylon.
That night mystery was revealed
to Daniel in a vision. Then Daniel
praised God saying: Praise the
name of God forever and ever,
for He alone has all of wisdom…
He reveals deep and mysterious
things… You revealed to us what
the king demanded (Dan 2:18-23)
Lord God, the all-knowing one and
revealer of mysteries, there is no
secret that is hidden from You.
You know every situation in this
entire world, including mine.
Let me never limit the ways You
speak or the secrets You reveal.
Give me insight into the problems
of my life, guide me in the way to go
and lead me to Your solution. Amen.

Lord, we will Not Serve other gods:
Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego
replied: O Nebuchadnezzar, we
do not need to defend ourselves…
If we are thrown into the blazing
furnace, the God whom we serve
is able to save us. He will rescue us
from your power, Your Majesty.
But even if He doesn’t, we want to
make it clear to you, Your Majesty,
that we will never serve your gods
or worship the gold statue you
have set up (Daniel 3:16-18).
Lord, as we approach end times,
please fill us with a deep sense
of respect & belonging to Your holy Kingdom that cannot be destroyed.
Give us the necessary courage to
face challenges & even persecution.
In the fires of life, may we experience
Your protection and Your presence
like never before. In Jesus’ name.