Praise God In Rev 19 (May 22)

All Hail Power of Jesus’ Name

Edward Perronet (1726-1792)
was not an easy person to get along
with. After being a minister in the
Anglican Church for some time,
he became fed up with what he
felt was the church’s “Nonsense”
and joined with the Wesleys.
But Perronet soon broke with the
Wesleys over the issue of who
could administer the sacraments.
He joined a group called Connexion
but later broke with them as well.
It was as a minister of an
independent church at Canterbury
that he wrote this majestic hymn.
Whether Perronet intended or not,
the hymn points to the time all
believers in Christ- irregardless
of petty disagreements will join
together in a celestial chorus.

Jesus, we Hail You as Lord of All:
Then I saw heaven opened, and
a white horse was standing there.
Its rider was named Faithful
and True, for He judges fairly
and wages a righteous war.
His eyes were like flames of fire
& on His head were many crowns…
He was clothed with a robe dipped
in blood and His name is called The
Word of God (Rev 19:11-13). Amen.

Lord Jesus, Thank You for sacrificing
on the cross & through resurrection
becoming our Lord and Saviour.
Thank You for being our friend and
that we can pray directly to You.
You made us at creation; redeemed
us at Calvary and uphold all things.
Forgive us for our lack of faith in You
and Your power from time to time.
Help us when we face difficulties,
to remember that You are almighty;
You care & we can trust You. Amen.

Lord, we confess tendency to call
the shots in various areas of life.
Forgive us for failing to recognise
You in Your rightful place as Lord
& not giving the honour due to You.
Forgive us for times we pressed
on our own agenda rather than
advancing Your kingdom agenda.
Align our thots & desires to Yours;
and grant us the grace & strength
to pray ‘Thy will be done’. Amen.

Lord, Give us a kingdom mindset
and help us advance Your agenda.
Show us Lord how to live in a way
that will advance Your agenda.
Enable us to be the kind of people
and do the work that You desire.
Help us Lord discover the calling
You’ve planned for each of us. And
Equip us to serve U & Your kingdom
in the way You desire and deserve.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

All hail the power of Jesus’ name;
let angels prostrate fall;
bring forth the royal diadem to
crown him, crown him,
crown him, crown him Lord of all…
Ye seed of Israel’s chosen race,
ye ransomed from the fall,
hail him who saves u by his grace
and crown him, crown him,
crown him, crown him Lord of all…
Let every tribe and every tongue,
responsive to the call,
lift high the universal song,
and crown him, crown him,
crown him, crown him Lord of all.