Meditating Ps 146-150 (Dec 15)

Praise the Praiseworthy God

The Fifth book of Psalms (107-150)
is similar to Deuteronomy being
anthems of praise and thanksgiving
for God & his Word. And Ps 146-150
builds to a climax of praise:
Praise God for Best Hope (146);
Praise God for His Care (147);
Praise God for His creation (148);
Praise God for His justice (149);
Praise God for His Greatness (150).
Praise the Praiseworthy God!!

Dear Lord, thank You for giving us
the book of Psalms that teaches us
how to pray and how to praise You.
And we praise you unceasingly
For You are our Best Hope,
For You are Caring and Mighty &
For You are completely Great.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, You are our Best Hope:
Praise the Lord! I tell myself.
I will praise the Lord as long
as I live. I will sing praises to my
God even with my dying breath.
Don’t put confidence in powerful
people; there is no help for u there.
But happy are those who have the
God of Israel as their helper, whose
hope is in the Lord their God, who
made heaven & earth (Ps 146:1-6).
Lord, forgive me for putting my
confidence in people instead of You
for You made heaven and earth.
You are unchanging and almighty,
and help to those who are in need.
You keep all your promises. I put my
hope in you & I praise You. Amen.

Lord, You are Caring & Mighty:
The Lord is rebuilding Jerusalem
& bringing the exiles back to Israel.
He heals the broken-hearted.
His power is absolute! The strength
of a horse doesn’t impress him;
how puny in his sight is the strength
of a man. Rather, the Lord’s
delight is in those who honour Him,
those who put their hope in His
unfailing love (Ps 147:2-5, 10-11).
Lord, forgive me when I’ve relied on
someone/something other than You.
Those things are puny compared
to the Strength that You give
when we acknowledge our
weakness & dependence on You.
Lord, I purpose to honour You;
and I put my trust in your absolute
Power and unfailing love. Amen.

Lord, You are Completely Great:
Praise the Lord! Praise God…
Praise Him in His mighty heaven!
Praise Him for His mighty works;
praise His unequaled Greatness!l
Praise Him with a blast of trumpet…
Let everything that lives sing praises.
Praise the Lord! (Ps 150:1-3,6)
Lord, I join the heavenly hosts to
worship You for Your mighty works.
I praise Your unequalled Greatness.
I praise U for You have sustained me
for Yr faithfulness, love & provision.
May my heart and voice offer You
the praise Your glory deserves!
And let everything that lives
sing praises to the Lord! Amen.