Meditating thro Ps 90-97 (Nov 10)

Reasons for Praise & Worship

Fourth book of Psalms (Ps 90-106)
is similar to Numbers, noting God’s
overruling kingdom to the nations.
Ps 90-97 give us further reasons to
worship God and reveal His nature:
the God of eternity (90),
the God of protection (91),
the God of greatness (92),
the God of majesty (93),
the God of vengeance (94),
the God of salvation (95),
the God of glory (96) and
the God of holiness (97).

Dear Lord, as citizens of kingdom
of God, we’ll keep life challenges
in their proper perspective for
you are in control of all things.
We seek your Wisdom & Favour;
we seek Refuge in You; and
we’ll continually Praise U. Amen.

Lord, we seek Your Wisdom & Favor:
Lord, You are my dwelling place.
From everlasting to everlasting,
You are God…Our lives are 70-80
years so teach us to number our
days to gain a heart of wisdom…
Satisfy us with your unfailing love
so we may sing for joy to the end.
May…the Lord establish the work of
our hands for us (Ps 90:1-2, 10-17).
Lord, You are Almighty Creator
and You are my dwelling place.
Impress on my heart a deeper
awareness of Your love & care so
that You will become my greatest
source of joy and satisfaction.
Give me strength to accomplish
what I must do each day, and the
wisdom to do it well. And bless
my work and establish it even as
I commit them to You so that it
may be used for Your glory. Amen.

Lord, we will seek refuge in You:
He who dwells in the secret place
of the Most High will abide under
the shadow of the Almighty. I will
say of the Lord, He is my refuge
and my fortress; my God I’ll trust..
Because he has set his love upon
Me, therefore I will deliver him…
and honour him… and show him
my salvation (Psa 91:1-2, 14-16).
Lord, I purpose to dwell in the
secret place of the Most High. But
I need Your help to be consistent
in abiding under Your shadow.
I declare You alone is my refuge,
my God whom I trust. And You
will shelter me with your wings &
your promises are my protection.
And You will answer me for I pledge
my love & put my trust in You. Amen

Lord, we will continually Praise U:
Sing a new song to the Lord! Let
the whole earth sing to the Lord!
Bless His name. Each day proclaim
the good news that He saves…
Tell everyone the amazing things
He does. For He is great and
greatly to be praised (Ps 96:1-4).
Lord, help me to sing to you
and bless your name every day.
Give me a joyful heart to tell others
about the amazing things You do.
Give me words to share from
Your heart with those I will meet.
Please continue to reveal more
of Yourself to me so that I might
praise You more and more.
For the Lord is great and greatly
to be praised indeed! Amen.