Hearing God In Jer 33 (Aug 15)

God Gives You Ready Access

God pledges to reestablish Judah
after it has been purified by the
discipline of exile. As a sign of His
promise, He orders Jeremiah to
buy a field that would soon belong
to the conquering Babylonians.
That land would one day become
part of the restored nation to be
ruled by the Righteous Branch,
David’s Messianic descendant.

Lord, we want to Hear from You:
The word of the Lord came to
Jeremiah while he was still shut
up in the court of the prison saying:
Thus says the Lord: the Lord who
made the earth and established it…
Call to Me, and I Will Answer you,
and show you great and mighty
things which you do not know
(Jeremiah 33:1-3). Amen.

Lord, we may find it challenging
to listen to those we interact with
because we may be self centred.
But we want to consult You God
and hear your voice because You
are not a cruel task master & want
to share great and mighty things.
Lord, I confess not being a good
listener and tend not wait to hear
what You have to say. Teach me
to hear your voice and grant me
the faith to trust and obey. Amen.

Lord, I want to hear from You with
a reasonable level of certainty.
I am asking You to speak in a way
that I can understand You clearly.
I know I may make mistakes
and sometimes mishear You.
But trust You will gently correct
me for I need to know Your voice.
I realise to hear You consistently
will require faith and patience. So
help me ask with expectation and
wait patiently for Your voice. Amen

Lord, we love to hear secret truths
that the world doesn’t know about.
It may be some Bible verses which
Your Spirit enables us to understand
in a way we have never grasped.
Or it may be seeing deep into
a friend’s heart in a way we have
never seen that person before.
Or it may be revelation over the
reason things happen to us and
we’ve never yet come to terms. Lord,
grant insights which will enhance
my understanding & love of U. Amen
