Thanksgiving In Jer 33 (Mar 13)

Thank God for Ready Access

God pledges to reestablish Judah
after it has been purified by the
discipline of exile. As a sign of His
promise, He orders Jeremiah to
buy a field that would soon belong
to the conquering Babylonians.
That land would one day become
part of the restored nation to be
ruled by the Righteous Branch,
David’s Messianic descendant.

Lord, we want to Hear from You:
The word of the Lord came to
Jeremiah while he was still shut
up in the court of the prison saying:
Thus says the Lord: the Lord who
made the earth and established it…
Call to Me, and I will answer you,
and show you great and mighty
things which you do not know
(Jeremiah 33:1-3). Amen.

Lord, we may find it challenging
to listen to those we interact with
because we may be self centred.
But we want to consult You God
and hear your voice because You
are not a cruel task master & want
to share great and mighty things.
Lord, I confess not being a good
listener and tend not wait to hear
what You have to say. Teach me
to hear your voice and grant me
the faith to trust and obey. Amen.

Lord, I want to hear from You,
and I want to hear from You with
a reasonable level of certainty.
I am asking You to speak in a way
that I can understand You clearly.
I know I may make mistakes
and mishear You sometimes.
But I trust U to gently correct me
for I need to know Your voice.
Lord, I realise to hear U consistently
will require faith and patience. So
help me ask with expectation and
wait patiently for your voice. Amen

Lord, we love to hear secret truths
that the world doesn’t know about.
It may be some verse in the Bible
which Your Spirit enables us to
understand in a way we have never
grasped. Or it may be seeing deep
into a friend’s heart in a way we’ve
never seen that person before.
Or it may be revelation over the
reason things happen to us and
we’ve never yet come to terms.
Lord, enable me with such insights
which will enhance my love and
understanding of You God. Amen.

Thanksgiving In Jer 29 (Mar 12)

Thank God for Good Plans

Backgrounder on Jeremiah 26-29:
Jeremiah’s messages of judgment
arouse strong opposition in the
palace. During Jehoiakim’s reign,
Jeremiah is threatened with a death
sentence. While Zedekiah rules,
Jeremiah dons a wooden yoke
to portray the importance of
Jerusalem surrendering to the yoke
of Babylon & thereby arouses the
denunciation of the false prophet
Hananiah. In the midst of this
turmoil, Jeremiah sends the exiles
in Babylon an encouraging letter.

Lord, You have Good Plans For Us:
After 70 years are completed at
Babylon, I will visit you & perform
My Good Word toward you and
cause you to return to this place.
For I know the Plans I have for
you, declares the Lord, Plans to
prosper you and not to harm you,
plans to give you hope & a future.
Then you Will Call upon me and
come and Pray to me, and I will
listen to you. And you Will Seek Me
and find Me, when u Search for Me
with all your heart (Jer 29:10-13).

Lord, noted that despite the depth
of Judah’s faithlessness, so great
is Your love that You Promised
to bring Your people home again.
Lord, thank you for Your Plans,
though I may not fully understand.
You promise that when I pray,
You will listen. Help me persevere
in seeking You. For in seeking You,
I know that I will find you. Amen.

Lord, thank you that Your plans
for me are for good to prosper me
and give me a future and a hope.
Lord, I realise that Your good plan
requires our participative Prayer.
Help me to Pray and Obey You in
every way so that I don’t do any
thing that will hinder Your plans
for my future. I seek You about
my future and Ask You to help
me to hear Your voice leading me
every step of the way. Amen.

Lord, thank You that You have
planned a future and a hope
for my life. Because of Your Power
and Your Faithfulness, I know
that nothing in my life is outside
Your Control. Help me to fully
and willingly submit to your will
for my future. Draw me to look
for You earnestly and to pray
wholeheartedly. And grant that
my hope be grounded in your
Unchanging Character. Amen.

Thanksgiving In Jer 17 (Mar 11)

Thank God for Being Our Healer

Backgrounder on Jeremiah 16-20:
Jeremiah himself becomes object
lesson for what is soon to befall
Judah. The prophet is commanded
to remain celibate and avoids feast
days; a reminder to his countrymen
that they will soon experience
involuntarily what Jeremiah is
called to experience voluntarily.
For loss of comfort and joy await
God’s rebellious people. But then
God’s discipline is still redemptive.

Lord, U bless those who Cling to U:
Blessed is the (one) who Trusts
in the Lord, whose confidence
is in Him. They will be like a tree
planted by the water that sends
out its roots by the stream. It does
not fear when heat comes; its
leaves are always green. It has no
worries in a year of drought and
never fails to Bear Fruit (Jer 17:7-8)
Heal me O Lord & I will be Healed,
Save me and I shall be saved, for
U are the one I praise(J17:14) Amen

Lord, I put my complete Trust in U
for You are my hope & confidence.
Help me to never turn from You.
Instead let my roots go deep into U
as I feed in your Word each day.
And thank you for Your promise
to bring forth fruit in my life and
to make my soul prosperous
even in the long dry spells.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, You are good & I trust in You
for You are my hope & confidence.
Draw me ever closer to You and
give me a passion to seek You.
Help me to Be Fruitful even during
life’s periodic hard and dry times.
Help me to put my roots deep
into You and your Word that I be
able to endure dry times and wait
for Your sure deliverance. Amen.

Lord, how grateful I am that U came
as our Healer besides our Saviour.
In your mercy, I ask for Your healing
touch upon my friends who need it.
As I had experienced Your healing
a few times before, I know when
You heal them, they can be healed
completely. At the same time,
I ask for discipline to take proper
care of my physical body. Amen.

Praying thro Exodus 19-24 (Mar 10)

God’s Instructions for Holy Living

For the first time in four centuries,
the Israelites are free to worship
and walk with their holy God.
But how do they approach God?
At Mount Sinai Moses prepares the
pple to receive the law which they
promise to obey. After two days of
purification,the nation witnesses an
awesome display of God’s majesty
as He descends in a thick cloud to
deliver the Ten Commandments,
the broad moral principles which
guide the new nation and set it
apart from its pagan neighbours.
They also receive civil & ceremonial
laws to regulate the life of Israel.

Father God, You revealed Your law
to the Israelites at Sinai. Through
the law, they learned more about
what You God is like & how You
expect Your people to live. Lord,
Grant us hunger to feed on Your
Word each day & want to be holy.
Help us love You by Obeying You.
Help us Trust You & Wait upon U &
Empower our good intentions.Amen

Lord, help us love u by obeying u:
I am the Lord your God, who
Rescued u from the land of Egypt,
the place of your slavery. You must
not have any other God but me.
You must not make for yourself
an idol of any kind…(Exo 20:2-17)
When the people heard the thunder
and saw the flashes of lightning…
they stood at a distance, trembling
with fear… Don’t be afraid, Moses
answered them: for God has come
in this way to test you, and so that
your fear of Him will keep you
from sinning (Exo 20:18-20).
Father God, You are pure & holy;
and You are a consuming fire.
Thanks You Jesus for rescuing
us from slavery to sin and death.
In gratitude we purpose to follow
Your ways and what You want.
Help us show our love to Him by
responding obediently to what
God wants. In Jesus’ name, Amen

Lord, we purpose to Wait upon You:
I will send hornets to drive out the
Hivites, Canaanites and Hittites.
But I will not do this all in one year
because the land would become
a wilderness. I will drive them out
a Little at a time until yr population
has increased eno to fill the land.
I will help you defeat the pple now
living in the land & you will drive
them out ahead of you (E23:28-31)
Holy Spirit, help us to have the
patience to wait upon You for
the answers to our prayers. We
confess we want all the answers
to manifest now, but Your timing
is perfect. Help us understand
the things that are happening
in response to our prayers that
we cannot see. And enable us
to envision the step-by-step
progress that’s being made. Amen.

Lord,empower our good intentions:
Moses went down to the people
and repeated all the instructions &
regulations the Lord had given him.
All the people answered with one
voice: We will do everything the
Lord has commanded (Exo 24:3).
The glory of the Lord settled down
on Mount Sinai… On the seventh
day the Lord called to Moses
from inside the cloud (Ex 24:16).
Lord, we need more than good
intentions; For we need Your Spirit
to write Your law on our hearts
so that we will want to obey You.
We need Your precepts to work
its way through the hidden places
in our hearts and habits so that
we can be set free from idolatry.
Help us be holy people who enjoy
the freedom not to sin; & grant the
work of Yr grace in our lives. Amen

Praying thro Exodus 13-18 (Mar 9)

Responding to Difficult Situations

Delivering the people from Egyptian
bondage is only the first step in
God’s plan to bring the Israelites
to the Promised Land of Canaan.
Many obstacles lie ahead. Pharaoh
whose heart is again hardened,
sends his armies in pursuit of
Moses and the people. Trapped
between the Red Sea and the
rapidly approaching chariots,
the people cry out in desperation
and God answers miraculously.
The Red Sea parts and the nation
crosses over on dry ground. But
as supplies decrease, complaints
increase. When their resources
run out, God supplies manna,
quail and water in abundance to
show that He is now their reliable
source of supply. And Israel fights
and wins its first military battle.

Lord, we learnt from Exodus,
U heard the cries of the Israelites
and rescued them from Egypt.
But after crossing the Red Sea,
the Israelites became discontent
and started complaining. Lord,
Help us learn from the episode how
to cope with unpleasant situations.
Help us to Trust You & Take Action.
Help us to Approach U for Healing.
Help us Learn to Be Content. Amen

Lord, we’ll Trust You & Take Action:
Moses said to the people: Do not
be afraid. Stand still and see the
salvation of the Lord, which He
Will accomplish for you today.
The Lord will fight for you,
and you shall hold your peace.
And the Lord said to Moses:
Why do you Cry to Me? Tell the
children of Israel to Go Forward.
But lift up your rod and stretch
out your hand over the sea and
divide it. And the children of Israel
shall go on dry ground through
the midst of the sea (Exo 14:13-16)
Lord, help me understand while
waiting for a leading from you,
when it is time to take action.
Help me to recognise the answers
to my prayers when they come
in ways I was not expecting. And
let me know when it is time to stand
up and take steps of faith. Amen.

Lord, we’ll Come to You for Healing:
Now when they came to Marah,
they could not drink the waters
of Marah for they were bitter…
And the people complained against
Moses saying: What shall we drink?
So he cried out to the Lord, and
the Lord showed him a tree. When
he cast it into the waters,the waters
were made sweet… And He said:
If you diligently heed the voice
of the Lord your God and do what
is right in His sight… I will put none
of the diseases on u which I have
brought on the Egyptians. For I am
the Lord who Heals u (Ex15:23-26)
Lord, You are the one who heals.
I’ve needed Your healing & still do.
Heal me from fears, depression,
control issue & destructive ways.
Speak Your restoration into all
my wounds. And give me wisdom
to speak Your presence & healing
into the wounds of others. Amen.

Lord, we purpose to Be Content:
The whole community of Israel
complained: If only the Lord killed
us back in Egypt, they moaned.
There we sat around pots filled
with meat and ate all the bread
we wanted. But now you have
brought us into the wilderness
to starve us. (Exodus 16:2-3).
The Lord said to Moses: I have
heard the Israelites’ complaints.
Now tell them: In the evening you
will have meat to eat, and in the
morning you will have all the bread
you want. Then you will know that
I am the Lord your God (v11-12).
Lord, difficult circumstances often
lead to stress & we can only think
about escaping from the situation.
Forgive us for grumbling against
against You when You are providing
everything we need. And give us
a hunger for You the Living Bread
who satisfies the human soul.Amen

Thanksgiving In Isaiah 61 (Mar 8)

Thank God for Beauty from Ashes

Backgrounder on Isaiah 58-62:
Isaiah catches a glimpse of the
Glorious Future awaiting the people
of God. A day is coming when
darkness will be swept away,
affliction will cease and the
glad tidings of salvation shall
be proclaimed throughout Zion.
God has not forsaken His people
& groaning has given way to glory.

Lord, You Turn Mourning to Joy:
The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me…
to heal the brokenhearted…
to comfort all who mourn…
to give them Beauty for Ashes,
the oil of Joy for mourning,
the garment of praise for the
spirit of heaviness (Isa 61:1-3).
You will be called Ministers of God.
U shall eat riches of Gentiles (v6).
I am Overwhelmed With Joy
in the Lord my God! For He has
dressed me with the clothing of
salvation and draped me in a robe
of righteousness (v10). Amen.

Lord, I don’t how much I must
have lost or the blessings I have
forfeited because I have lived
my way instead of Your way.
But I confess my sins of thought,
word and action to You now.
And ask that You will give me
Beauty instead of ashes,
gladness instead of mourning
and a garment of praise
instead of despair. Amen.

Lord, I know I am called to the
ministry and in fact we all are!
Help me to be an effective go-
between standing in the space
between U God & a needy world.
Help me to correctly do that
in my family, in the vocation,
in the church & in the community.
Empower me to represent U well to
others & lift up others to You. Amen

Lord, grant me a glimpse of Your
presence which gives Fullness
of Joy. And reveal and show me
the power of proper perspective:
not be defeated but to overcome;
not be victimised; but victorious.
Help me live life in the reversal,
where my attitude and internal
state of mind are impacted more
by You. And clothe me in the Joy
and the celebration of what You
have already done in me. Amen

Thanksgiving In Isaiah 46 (Mar 7)

Thank God for Caring You

In amazing collection of specific
prophecies (44-48) Isaiah foretells
the agent of comfort God will
use in delivering His people
(Cyrus, king of Persia) and the
means of comfort God will employ
(destruction of adulterous Babylon)
Isaiah taunts those who would
put their trust in mere images of
stone and wood. And God declares
I am God & there is none like me.

Lord, You Will Sustain Us:
Listen to me, all you who are left
in Israel. I created you and have
Cared for you since you’re born.
Even to your old age & grey hairs
I am He who will Sustain you.
I have made You and I will carry
you; I will Sustain you and I will
rescue you (Isaiah 46:3-4).
I am God and there is no other;
I am God and there is none like me.
I make known the end from the
beginning… what is still to come.
I say: My purpose will stand, and
I Will Do all that I please (v9-10).

Lord, You will always be with me.
No matter what the circumstance,
I have the assurance that
You will be near. I cannot flee
from Your presence,not even
if I want to. You are my maker
and caretaker, the one who
will save and sustain me.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, help me to realise that You
are everlastingly my Father. And
that you know me intimately and
every moment of my entire lifetime.
Help me to rely on You through
every season of my life and to
rest in the knowledge that even
when I am old, You will still be
tenderly caring for me. Amen.

Lord, thank you for being In Control
of the whole world, including
my life. You alone know the future
and can orchestrate the events
of life. Keep me from foolishly
believing that I can plan out my life.
Give me the grace to trust
that You know what’s best and
that You will work for my good
and for Your glory. Amen.

Thanksgiving In Isaiah 40 (Mar 6)

Thank God for Helping the Weak

Backgrounder on Isaiah 40-43:
Isaiah is like a miniature Bible.
The first 39 chapters of Isaiah,
like the 39 books of OT proclaim
judgment upon sinful mankind.
And the final 27 chapters of Isaiah,
like 27 books of NT, proclaim a
message of comfort and hope.
The Messiah is coming to be the
Saviour of sinful people. Therefore,
comfort my people, say your God

Lord, U are Tender to Your People:
He tends his flock like a shepherd:
He gathers the lambs in his arms
and carries them close to his
heart; he gently leads (Isa 40:11).
The Everlasting God, the creator
…neither faints nor is weary…
He Gives Power to the Weak,
and to those who have no might
He Increases Strength…
But those Who Wait on the Lord
Shall Renew their Strength:
They shall mount up with wings
like eagles, they shall run and
not be weary, they shall walk
and not faint (v28-31). Amen.

Lord, You are our Shepherd. You
faithfully feed & guide your flock.
Thank you for your protection
and your provision. You are gentle
and you hold me in your arms.
What an amazing promise.
When I am afraid or worried
or tired, remind me that
You desire to carry me
with all tenderness. Amen.

Lord, sometimes I will feel weary
in the challenges of life while
waiting for fulfillment of promise.
But Your Word says those who
hope in You will find new Strength.
Help me Lord to trust that
You will give me the strength
to run and not grow weary;
and to walk and not faint.
In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.

Lord, You Promise Strength to
the weak. Father, I am weak and
feel I can’t go on. Without your
power, I can’t live as I should.
But in You there is new power
to “fly”, to run and to persevere.
Grant me the experience of
Your limitless strength so that
I can serve You faithfully and be
a light for U in a dark world. Amen

Thanksgiving In Isaiah 26 (Mar 5)

Thank God for Giving Peace

In Isaiah 24-27, the redeemed ones
vindicated at last, break forth
in spontaneous song, exalting
the Lord. Though often downcast,
the people of God now have some
-thing truly worth singing about:
refuge, deliverance and ultimate
triumph in the Holy One of Israel.

Lord, U Give Peace to the Trusting:
You will keep in Perfect Peace
those whose minds are steadfast,
because they Trust in You.
Trust in the Lord forever, for
the Lord, the Lord Himself is
the Rock eternal (Isa 26:3-4).
O upright One, You make the way
of the righteous smooth. Yes Lord,
walking in the way of Your laws,
we Wait for You (v7-8). Amen.

Lord, You promise Peace to those
who Trust in You & set their minds
on You. Lord, You are my rock, You
are dependable and worthy of my
full trust. And I know as long as
I look to You, I cannot be shaken.
Though my heart may be troubled,
I choose to focus on You, believe
your Word, pray your Word & stand
on it. Help me make your promises
the foundation each day. Amen.

Lord, thank you for Your promise
that your perfect peace will guard
my heart and mind. And in Christ
I can be relaxed and be at peace
in the midst of confusions and
perplexities of this life. I need
Your peace as the list of tasks
and challenges replay in my head.
Help me do these things and trust
U with all my heart. And keep me
praying instead of worrying. Amen

Lord, in accordance to Your Word,
I can have peace about the future
because I Wait upon U. Although
I don’t know the details about
what is to come, You know every-
thing & my future is in your hands.
Help me to walk faithfully with
You each day in Your Word and in
prayer so that I can move into the
purposes U have for my life. Amen

Thanksgiving In Isaiah 9 (Mar 4)

Thank God for Giving Good News

In the face of trouble and anguish,
Isaiah proclaims a note of hope.
The people that walked in darkness
have seen A Great Light (Isa 9:2).
There is coming a Child whose very
names instil hope and confidence.
Though shadows of judgment
darken the horizon, the redeemed
ones can sing, for the ultimate
victory is already assured.

Lord, You’re Everything We Need:
Nevertheless, that time of
darkness will not go on forever…
The people who walk in
darkness will see A Great Light…
Israel will again be great,
and its people will rejoice…
For God will break the chains
that binds His people…
For unto us a Child is born,
Unto us a Son is given…
And His name will be called
Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
… He will reign over His Kingdom,
establishing and upholding it…
The Passionate Commitment and
zeal of the Lord Almighty will
guarantee this! (Isa 9:1-7) Amen.

Lord Jesus, we claim Isaiah 9:6 that
says: Nothing will stand in Your way
& nothing is outside Your authority.
We pray for resilience in the midst
of hard times. We understand that
it is through trial and difficulty
that people grow and mature.
But in your mercy, please do
not test beyond what we can bear
and grant us the grace to live in
peace & favour of breakthrough
for a new season in life. Amen.

Lord Jesus, You are my Prince of
Peace. Help me learn to rest in You,
to draw near to You in good times
and bad. Thank You for the promise
of deliverance and victory over
my trials. In tough times teach me
to look to You and to lean on You.
And make me a good example
of Your supernatural peace;
for You are my Peace. Amen.

Lord, help me Grow Your Kingdom.
Help me do more than just tell
Your story. Help me to display
Your character, demonstrate Your
way and impact the environment
where I set my foot. Expand Your
Kingdom in me and through me.
Teach me to trust in Your zeal
for my life – to know that Your
purposes cannot be stopped.
In Your presence, let me feel
Your passion for me, for the world
and for Your purposes. Amen.