Thanksgiving In Ezek 37 (Mar 14)

Thk God for Bringing Things to Life

Backgrounder on Ezekiel 37-39:
In a vision told with vivid details,
that u can see the bones moving,
Ezekiel announces Israel’s future
rebirth. Reassembled with God’s
breath of life, the bones become
the new Israel, more powerful than
before. Then in a second vision,
Ezekiel sees the revived nation
utterly destroy its last foe – the
Magog – after which God is agreed
by all nations as undisputed Victor.

Lord, You Can Revive All Things:
Prophesy to these (dry) bones…
This is what the Sovereign Lord
says to these bones: I will make
breath enter you, and you will
come to life… So I prophesied as
He commanded me, and breath
came into them, and they lived
and stood upon their feet,
an exceedingly great army…
Then you shall know that I am
the Lord (Ezek 37:4-13). Amen.

Father, there are areas of my life
that seem to be dead; and they
need a new infusion of Your life.
There are dreams I have had
that seems as if they have died
for it has been a long time and
still they have not been realised.
I know if You can make dry bones
into a vast army, then You can also
bring life to anything worth praying,
no matter how dead it seems.Amen

Gracious God of all compassion,
your breath alone can bring life
to dry bones and weary souls.
Pour out your Spirit upon us, that
we may face despair with hope of
resurrection and faith thro Christ.
Forgive our faults as we confess &
restore us the joy of your salvation.
Call us out of the valley of dry
bones into Your Kingdom of hope.
We pray these in Jesus name,Amen

Lord, by a roadway in the
wilderness, You will lead me
And rivers in the desert will I see
Heaven and Earth will fade
but Your Word will still remain
And You’ll do something new today
Oh, God will make a way
Where there seems to be no way
You work in ways we cannot see
You will make a way for me
You will make a way… Amen.