Don’t Steal the Glory of God
Chapter 10-11 explain the origin of
nations after the flood. Beginning
with Noah and his three sons,
God repopulates the world. But
since the root of sin has not been
removed from individuals’ hearts,
the fruit of sin soon becomes
apparent once again in proud,
disobedient actions. God deals
with human failure by scrambling
the languages, causing humanity
to disperse over the face of the
earth as God originally commanded
Lord, we will Not Steal Your Glory:
Now the whole earth had one
language. And (the Babylonians)
said: let’s build ourselves a city & a
tower whose top is in the heavens;
let us make a name for ourselves…
And the Lord said… let’s confuse
their language, that they may not
understand one another’s speech.
So the Lord scattered them abroad
from there over the face of all the
earth… Therefore its name is called
Babel because the Lord confused
the language of all the earth;
and scattered them (Gen 11:1-9).
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