Christ Models Finishing Mission
Following betrayal of Judas and
denial of Peter, John focuses on
the trial before Pilate & governor’s
futile efforts to release Jesus.
Yielding to political expediency
and mob pressure, Pilate sentences
Jesus to be crucified. Many of the
details John includes are unique
to his account: the Roman soldiers
casting dice for Jesus’ robe;
the spear trust into Jesus’ side;
the post-resurrection appearances
to Mary Magdalene, Thomas & 7
disciples. Thro it all, John’s purpose
shines forth clearly to present
Jesus as the Christ, the Son of God
in His life, death and resurrection.
Lord,U Reach Out to those In Need:
(At the cross) when Jesus saw
his mother beside the disciple he
loved, He said to her: Dear woman,
here is your son. And he said to
this disciple: Here is your mother.
And from then on this disciple
took her into his home(Jn19:26-27)
Jesus knew that everything was
now Finished and to fulfill the
Scriptures he said: I am thirsty…
So when Jesus had received the
sour wine, He said: It is Finished
and gave up His Spirit (J19:28-30)
Lord, there will be days when
it seems as if there is a sword
piercing my soul; like the prophecy
received by Mary through Simeon.
For Jesus will be a light to reveal
God to the nations. And Mary felt
the piercing of the sword when
she saw your agony at the cross.
Remind me Lord of your ability
to turn the emptiness of our lives
into fullness of joy, just as You
turned water into wine. Amen.
Lord Jesus, You poured out your
life like an offering and gave me
living water that saved & restored
my soul. Help me to take that
same living water and extend it
to those around who are thirsty.
Use me to reach out to the scorned
the abandoned and the unlovable,
with your sacrificial love to us.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.
Father, as Jesus finished the work
you sent him to do, help me, to
finish the work you prepared for me
to do. Help me not to be distracted
and help me to remain focused on
that work, to make it a priority in
my life so that it is accomplished.
Lord, thank U for your faithfulness
in fulfilling prophecies. And I
have confidence that you will be
faithful in the future. I trust that
U will fulfill your promises to me &
help me be patient as I wait. Amen