Christ Loves & Cares for Failures
Following betrayal of Judas and denial of Peter, John focuses on
the trial before Pilate & governor’s
futile efforts to release Jesus.
Yielding to political expediency
and mob pressure, Pilate sentences
Jesus to be crucified. Many of the
details John includes are unique
to his account: the Roman soldiers
casting dice for Jesus’ robe;
the spear trust into Jesus’ side;
the post-resurrection appearances
to Mary Magdalene, Thomas & 7
disciples. Thro it all, John’s purpose
shines forth clearly to present
Jesus as the Christ, the Son of God
in His life, death and resurrection.
Lord, You Care & Rescue Failures:
Jesus knowing all things… went
forward and said: Whom are you
seeking? They answered: Jesus
of Nazareth… And Judas who
betrayed Him stood with them…
Jesus said I am He, if you seek me,
let these go their way (Jn 18:4-8).
As Simon Peter was standing
by the fire warming himself, they
asked him again: You’re one of
his disciples, are you? He denied
it saying: No, I am not. But one
of the household slaves of the
high priest, a relative of the man
whose ear Peter had cut off, asked:
Didn’t I see you out there in the
olive grove with Jesus? Again
Peter denied it. And immediately
a rooster crowed (Jn 18:25-27).
Lord, I just don’t understand how
Judas could have betrayed you
for money; probably he didn’t
really expect you to be killed.
Yet I know Judas lived in a fallen
world, just as I do. There’s evil
in this world and we all do things
that we don’t mean to do, that
we later wish we hadn’t done.
I know it was the Father’s plan
that Judas would betray you and
you would be crucified; and God’s
plan is always perfect. Amen.
Lord, we know that as we make
our way through life, Satan will
always be ready to shove our
failures in our faces. But thank
You Lord that You will still pursue
those who have failed U although
we wonder if U may abandon us.
Thank You Jesus that You are
the great restorer of those who
fail but turn to You for forgiveness.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.
Lord, just as Peter’s failure did
not define him, we believe that
our past failure will not define us.
Instead it is your mercy that will
define us, your restoration that will
set things right & your commission
that will get us going again. But
Lord, the shame of failure is real.
When reminders of past failure
send shame, let me know that You
Lord are not finished using me and
that failures do not define me.Amen