Gospel Truth in Luke 24 (Dec 9)

Christ’s Presence thro Holy Spirit

With attention to details, Luke
provides a full account of the
arrest, trial and crucifixion of
the Son of Man. He describes the
plot of Judas, the warm fellowship
of the Last Supper, the mental
anguish at Gethsemane, the tragic
denial by Peter, the miscarriage
of justice at the trials & the brutal
agony of the Roman execution.
But the dark days in Jerusalem
give way to the brilliant dawning
of that first Easter morning when
angels announce: He’s risen.

Lord, Fill us with Your Power:
Two of them were travelling to a
village called Emmaus… Jesus took
them through the writings of Moses & all the prophets, explaining
from all the Scriptures the things
concerning Himself (Lk 24:13, 27)
Then Jesus said to them: It was
necessary for the Christ to suffer
and to rise from the dead and that
repentance and remission of sins
be preached in His name to all
nations… And you are witnesses
of these things…. But stay here
in the city until the Holy Spirit fills
you with power (Lk 24:46-49).

Lord, heighten my senses to
hear deeper truths and see
bigger visions. Your Spirit explain
the Scriptures to me personally
and specifically to my situation.
And provide me a word in season
to those I am ministering that will
lift their spirit or challenge them
to walk closely with You. Amen.

Lord, we realise that sometimes
our inability to enjoy the presence
of Christ stems from our own
disbelief of the Scriptures. And
we worry about life’s problems
despite God’s promises to provide
for our needs. But thanks be to
Christ Jesus that He had defeated
sin and death; and He is with us
through the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Lord, thank you for the promises
in your Word of empowerment
of the Holy Spirit of sharing the
Good News and be your effective
witness. Holy Spirit thank you for
dwelling within me and for filling
me with your power. Let my
prayers be pleasing to You O Lord
as your Spirit leads me in praying
in light of your promises. Amen.
