Preview on 1 & 2 Thessalonians(26/5)

We have been Chronologically
covering the Bible phase by phase.
We start the Gospels, with Mark
presenting Jesus as the Servant
who gave his life for mankind.
Luke presents Him as the perfect
Son of Man saving the lost.
Matthew presents Jesus as the
Christ, Israel’s messianic King.
And John presents Jesus as
Son of God offering eternal life.
We have also covered Acts which
chronicles Growth of the church.
And in Galatians, we see the
Spirit’s call of Christians toward
Faith and Freedom in Christ.

Next, we continue into 1 Thess.
Prosperous, prominent and
thoroughly pagan, the seaport
city of Thessalonica first heard
the gospel on Paul’s second
missionary journey. A dynamic
fellowship developed there,
becoming a continual joy to Paul.
And he writes 1 Thessalonians
to encourage them. They were
being persecuted and he urges
them to persevere. Their city is
full of sensual temptation and
he exhorts them to hold to
Christian standards. Finally he
corrects some misunderstanding
about the return of Christ.

As the believers face growing
persecution, Paul writes 2 Thess
to encourage them that God’s
judgment will eventually bring
about justice. He dispels the
rumour that the Day of the Lord
has already come as some thought.
They had concluded that they
we’re living in the tribulation and
had quit their jobs. Paul exhorts
them to return to work and stop
burdening the body of Christ.
Instead they are to take advantage
of the time they have and be
not weary in well doing before
Christ returns.

We will cover the two letters to
the Thessalonians in one weekend.
Lookout for the exposition and
be strengthened in our faith and
be prepared for the Lord’s Return.