Prayer Thot for the Day (May 23)

God of Your Desired Outcome

Backgrounder on Mark 8-10:
As opposition to Jesus’ ministry
increases, it is no longer safe
to move openly in Galilee. So Jesus
traverses the regions of Decapolis,
Caesarea Philippi & Perea, thereby
avoiding the crowds and the deadly
plots of the religious leaders.
In the final days of His ministry,
Jesus begins to prepare His
disciples for the faithful journey to
Jerusalem that will mark the end
of His life and the beginning of
their role as bearers of glad tidings.

Lord, You are the Key to Outcome:
One of the crowd said Teacher,
I brought You my son who has
a mute spirit… I asked Your
disciples to cast out the evil
spirit but they couldn’t do it…
Have mercy on us and help us.
Do something if you can.
What do you mean, if I can?
Jesus asked. Anything Is Possible
If A Person Believes. The father
instantly replied: I do believe,
but help me Not To Doubt…
Jesus said This kind can come out
Only By Prayer (Mark 9:17-24, 29)

Lord, thank you for the powerful
promise that anything is possible
to anyone Who Believes. But I
realise I can’t believe a desired
outcome into being. And I can’t
manipulate U into doing anything.
Instead I believe in Who You are;
U are the Almighty God, Lord of the
Impossible & Lord of the outcome.
Lord Jesus I trust solely In You; and
I entrust this situation to You. Amen

Lord, U know the deepest thoughts
within my heart. When my faith
is weak or I struggle with Doubts
about Your care for me, enable me
to turn to U and be honest about it.
And may every step I take towards
U take away the doubt & unbelief.
I believe in Your power to do
anything. And grant me greater
trust and faith in You. Amen.

Lord, I see in Your Word that
Prayer is the key to being set free.
And prayer with fasting is even
more powerful.Help me understand
the authority You have given me
in prayer to release Your power
from heaven in order to see
freedom happen in my life and
in the lives of those for whom
I pray. In Jesus’ name, Amen.