Praying thro John (April 29)

Crucifixion of the Son of God
(Prayer Walk thro John 18-21)

Backgrounder: In his account of
Jesus’ trials, John focuses on
the appearances before Pilate
and the governor’s futile efforts
to release Jesus. Yielding at last
to political expediency and mob
pressure, Pilate sentences Jesus
to be crucified. Many of the details
John includes are unique to his
account: the Roman soldiers
casting dice for Jesus’ robe;
the spear trust into Jesus’ side;
the post-resurrection appearances
to Mary Magdalene, Thomas & 7 disciples. Thro it all, John’s purpose
shines forth clearly to present Jesus as the Christ, the Son of God in His life, death and resurrection.

Dear Lord Jesus, thank you that
in Your death and resurrection
You showed your caring love as
well as instructed the disciples
why & how to continue to believe.
Out of gratitude and adoration,
Help us Believe without seeing;
Help us Reach Out to the thirsty &
Help us be Fishers of Men, so that
we’ll be Yr light of the world. Amen.

Lord, we’ll Reach Out to the thirsty:
Jesus knew that everything was
now finished and to fulfill the
Scriptures he said: I am thirsty…
So when Jesus had received
the sour wine, He said: It is finished
and gave up His Spirit (J19:28-30)
Lord Jesus, You poured out your
life like an offering and gave me
living water that saved & restored
my soul. Help me to take that
same living water and extend it
to those around who are thirsty.
Use me to reach out to the scorned
the abandoned and the unlovable,
with your sacrificial love. Amen.

Lord, we’ll Believe without seeing:
And Thomas answered and said
to Him: My Lord and my God!
Then Jesus told him: Blessed are
those who have not seen and
yet have believed (Jn 20:28-29).
Lord, I know You want to bless
me in countless ways that require
believing without seeing. Help me
to have the kind of strong faith
I need to overcome all doubt.
Help me to have faith in Your Word
and Your promises and in Your
love, goodness and power.
Help me to trust that You are
answering my prayer even when
I can’t see it yet happening. Amen.

Lord, we will be Fishers of Men:
At dawn the disciples saw Jesus
standing on the beach, but they
couldn’t see who he was. He called
out: Friends, have you caught
any fish? No, they replied.
Then he said: Throw out your net
on the right-hand side of the boat
and you’ll get plenty of fish!!
So they did, and they couldn’t
draw in the net because there
were so many fish in it (Jn 21:4-6)
Lord, show me the best way to go
about the work you’ve called me
to do so that I can be more fruitful
for Your kingdom. Thank you for
creative ideas and fresh plans
I never would think of on my own.
I am so grateful that You delight
in revealing them to a willing heart.
And when You do, may I remember
to give you the credit. Amen.