Prayer Thot for the Day (Mar 23)

God Is Absolutely Reliable

Backgrounder on Isaiah 28-30:
Isaiah’s prophecies begin to focus
on the ominous approach of the
Assyrian armies. Ephraim (northern
kingdom) reels like a drunkard,
oblivious to the danger and falsely
confident in the armies of Egypt
to deliver her in time of trouble.
Ariel (Jerusalem, symbol of the
southern kingdom) stands next
in line for judgment if her citizens
follow Ephraim’s sorry example by
relying upon Egypt for protection.

Lord, You are Reliable & Merciful:
So this is what the Sovereign Lord
says: See, I lay a stone in Zion,
a tested stone, a precious corner-
stone for a Sure Foundation;
the one Who Relies on it will never
be stricken with panic (Isa 28:6).
When a farmer plows for planting,
does he plow continually? Does
he Keep On Breaking up & working
the soil? When he has levelled the
surface, does he not Sow caraway
and scatter cumin?(v24-25) Amen.
Continue reading “Prayer Thot for the Day (Mar 23)”

Prayer Thot for the Day (Mar 22)

God Gives Peace to People of Faith

Backgrounder on Isaiah 24-27:
In these 4 chapters, the redeemed
ones, vindicated at last, break forth
in spontaneous song, exalting
the Lord. Though often downcast
and downtrodden, the people
of God now have something
truly worth singing about: refuge,
deliverance and ultimate triumph
in the Holy One of Israel.

Lord, U Give Peace to the Trusting:
You will keep in perfect peace
those whose minds are steadfast,
because they trust in You.
Trust in the Lord forever, for
the Lord, the Lord Himself is
the Rock eternal (Isa 26:3-4).
Continue reading “Prayer Thot for the Day (Mar 22)”

Prayer Thot for the Day (Mar 21)

God Gives Everything We Need

Backgrounder on Isaiah 8-12:
In the face of trouble, darkness
and anguish, Isaiah proclaims
a note of hope. The people that
walked in darkness have seen
A Great Light (Isa 9:2). There is
coming a Child whose very names
instil hope and confidence:
Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
Though shadows of judgment
darken the horizon, the redeemed
ones can sing, for the ultimate
victory is already assured.

Lord, You’re Everything We Need:
Nevertheless, that time of
darkness will not go on forever…
The people who walk in
darkness will see A Great Light…
Israel will again be great,
and its people will rejoice…
For God will break the chains
that binds His people…
For unto us a Child is born,
Unto us a Son is given…
And His name will be called
Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
… He will reign over His Kingdom,
establishing and upholding it…
The Passionate Commitment and zeal
of the Lord Almighty will guarantee this!
(Isa 9:1-7) Amen.
Continue reading “Prayer Thot for the Day (Mar 21)”

Prayer Thot for the Day (Mar 20)

God Keeps His Promises

Backgrounder on Isaiah 5-7:
Wickedness has permeated Judah
and Isaiah’s call for repentance is
so urgent that even his commission
was delayed. The task before Isaiah
is unenviable, for God had said the
pple will be spiritually deaf & near
-sighted. But having encountered
God, Isaiah begins to declare harsh
words from on high with confidence

Lord, You Keep Your Promises:
(God said): Ask me for a sign,
Ahaz, to prove that I will crush
your enemies As I Have Promised…
But the king refused… Therefore
the Lord Himself will Give you
A Sign. The virgin will conceive
and give birth to a son, and will
call him Immanuel (Isa 7:11-14).
Continue reading “Prayer Thot for the Day (Mar 20)”

Praying thro Joel (Dec 3)

Coming Hope for Israel
(Prayer Walk thro Joel)

Backgrounder: Addressing hearts
that have grown cold to the things
of God, Joel confronts the people
of Judah. He reminds them of
the recent destruction brought
by a plague of locusts. Yet that
disaster, a judgment in itself, will
seem pale beside the catastrophe
still to come. Unless the nation
repents, it will be destroyed
by an army from the north.
The only hope of escape is for
the people to repent. If they do,
then God will divert judgment
and will deliver an unparalleled
blessing – judgment on all Judah’s
enemies and the matchless
gift of peace to Zion !!

Dear Lord, You are in control, with
justice & restoration in your hands.
Thank You for your gracious
patience and that you want to
bless us rather than discipline us.
We purpose to be Faithful to You
by Repenting when we sin and
Aligning ourselves to your
thoughts and your ways. Amen.
Continue reading “Praying thro Joel (Dec 3)”

Praying thro Obadiah (Dec 2)

God Protects His People
(Prayer Walk thro Obadiah)

Backgrounder: Obadiah is given
the unenviable task of confronting
two members of a feuding family.
The Jews in Judah (descendants
of Jacob) and the Edomites
(descendants of Esau) were blood
brothers but with little visible love
between them. When the enemies
of Judah attacked the capital city
of Jerusalem, the Edomites rushed
in to help the enemy! As a result,
God sends Obadiah to predict
doom for the nation for refusing
to be its “brother keeper.”

Dear Almighty God who is
in control and on our side.
Help us Not to Be Proud,
help us to Help Others in need;
and Protect us from harm. Amen.
Continue reading “Praying thro Obadiah (Dec 2)”

Praying thro 1 Kings (Nov 26)

The Divided Kingdom
(Prayer Walk thro 1 Kings 12-22)

Backgrounder: After Solomon’s
death, the northern tribes revolt
following an increase in tax burden
resulting in a divided kingdom of
two distinct nations (Israel and
Judah) ruled by two decadent
kings (Jeroboam and Rehoboam).
Chapter 15 begins a pattern that
will extend throughout the rest of
1 & 2 Kings. The writer flip flops
in his account between the nations
of Israel and Judah, first describing
the reigning power in the North,
then moving to the South & so on.
He traces the parallel stories of
two nations in spiritual decline,
taking time occasionally to
highlight a king (such as Ahab)
or a prophet (such as Elijah)
confronting the kings for their sins.

Dear Lord, we learn from 1Kings
U deal with sin in powerful ways.
Thanks for the lessons from
the ministry of Prophet Elijah.
When in challenging situation,
help us learn to Pray Boldly;
take Step of Faith; Expect U to
Act; yearn to Hear from You and
Press On with U in control. Amen.
Continue reading “Praying thro 1 Kings (Nov 26)”

Praying thro 1 Kings (Nov 25)

Solomon’s Fame & Failure
(Prayer Walk thro 1 Kings 1-11)

Backgrounder: As David’s life
draws to a close, he publicly
proclaims Solomon his successor.
Solomon asks God for wisdom
to rule skilfully rather than for
wealth to live lavishly. In return,
God gives him both! Before his
death, David charged Solomon
with the responsibility of building
a house for God in Jerusalem.
Under Solomon’s able leadership,
the nation boundaries expand
five times the area ruled by David.
Financially, Solomon enjoys
unparalleled prosperity as tribute
from neighbouring nations flows
into national treasury. But even
as the nation prospers, the seeds
of spiritual decay are being sown.
Solomon’s passion for pagan
women turns his heart from the
God of heaven to gods of men.

Dear God, Thanks for the lessons
from the life of King Solomon.
Help us to Seek Your Wisdom;
Help us Follow Yr Will & Obey it &
Help us Turn our Heart to U. Amen
Continue reading “Praying thro 1 Kings (Nov 25)”

Preview on Esther, Ezra, Neh (Mar 18)

Return From Exile (Mar 18)

We have been covering the Bible
by time sequence, phase by phase
OT1: Five Books of Laws incl Job.
OT2: History Up to King David
from Joshua to 1 Chron + Psalms
as well as Reign of King Solomon
in 2nd Chron & Wisdom Poetry.
In OT Phase 3, we see decline
of the two Divided Kingdoms.
OT3A: 1 Kings & minor prophets.
OT3B: 2K1-17 & Prophets incl Isaiah
up to Israel’s Dispersion in 722BC.
OT3C: 2K18-25 & Prophets incl Jer
up to Judah’s Dispersion in 586BC.
Followed by Ezekiel & Daniel.

Continuing, we will meditate on
three Israel historical books on
the return from exile, over two
weekends. Listed below are the
background condition and issues
during that period of time.
Continue reading “Preview on Esther, Ezra, Neh (Mar 18)”

Prayer Thot for the Day (Mar 19)

God Who Is On the Throne

Backgrounder on Isaiah 5-7:
Wickedness has permeated
every fiber of Judah – a condition
which God finds intolerable.
Isaiah’s national call for repentance
is so urgent that even his personal
Call & Commission to the prophetic
office must wait until chapter 6.
The task set before Isaiah is an
unenviable one, for God said the
people will be spiritually deaf and
nearsighted. Having encountered
God, Isaiah begins to declare harsh
words from on high with confidence
in the courts and palaces of Judah.

Lord, You are In Control:
I saw the Lord Sitting on a Throne,
high and lifted up… Above it stood
seraphim… And one cried & said:
Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts
The whole earth is full of His glory!
Woe to me, I cried: For I am a man
of unclean lips, and my eyes have
seen the King, the Lord Almighty.
Then one seraphim flew to me,
having in his hand a live coal from
the altar. And he touched my mouth
& said: Your iniquity is Taken Away
and your sin purged (Isa 6:1-6).
Continue reading “Prayer Thot for the Day (Mar 19)”