Praying thro Isaiah (Jan 13)

Prophecies Prove the Lord is God
He Cares & Will Make A Way
(Prayer Walk thro Isaiah 40-48)

Backgrounder: Final 27 chapters
of Isaiah like the 27 books of the
NT, proclaim a message of Comfort
and hope. The Messiah is coming
to be the Savior of sinful people
(c43). Therefore, Comfort ye my
people, saith your God (c40).
In amazing collection of specific
prophecies, Isaiah foretells the
agent God will use in delivering
His people (Cyrus, king of Persia)
& the means of comfort God will
employ (destruction of Idolatrous
Babylon); proving Lord is God (c46)

Dear God, thank you for your great
love and Care for us your people.
Thank you for your message to us
through prophet Isaiah: a message
of forgiveness, comfort and hope
looking forward to the Messiah.
Help us to Wait for Your Timing;
even as U Will Make A Way for us,
to effect Yr Everlasting Care. Amen.
Continue reading “Praying thro Isaiah (Jan 13)”

Prayer Thot for the Day (Jan 12)

God Provides, Guides & Protects

Backgrounder on Psalms 19-24:
The Lord can be seen in many
different roles in these six psalms.
He is the Creator (P19), Helper
(P20), King (P21), Crucified One
(P22), Shepherd (P23) & Glorious
One (P24). For each role, there
is a corresponding responsibility
for the people who would follow
Him as their God, King & Shepherd.

Lord, U Provide, Guide & Protect:
The Lord is my shepherd, I Lack
Nothing & have everything I need.
He Leads me besides peaceful
streams. He Guides me along right
paths… Even when I walk thro the
darkest valley, I will not be afraid
for you are close beside me.
Your rod and staff Protect
and comfort me (Ps 23:1-4).
Continue reading “Prayer Thot for the Day (Jan 12)”

Prayer Thot for the Day (Jan 11)

God Gives Strength & Security

Backgrounder on Psalms 13-18:
Many blessings accrue to those
who serves God wholeheartedly:
joy (P13), fellowship with God (P15)
satisfaction (P16), preservation (17)
& confidence in facing future (P18)
Psalm 18 was written by David
on the day that the Lord delivered
him from the hand of all his
enemies and from the hand
of Saul (cf: 2 Samuel 22:1-4).

Lord, U Give Strength & Security:
I will love You O Lord my strength.
The Lord is my rock & my fortress
and my Deliverer; My God
my strength in whom I will trust;
My shield, my stronghold.
I will Call upon the rock; so shall
I be saved from my enemies…
In my distress I cried out to God;
He heard my voice… It is God
who arms me with Strength.
He makes my feet like the feet
of deer (Psalm 18:1-6, 32-33).
Continue reading “Prayer Thot for the Day (Jan 11)”

Prayer Thot for the Day (Jan 10)

God Gives Supernatural Joy

Backgrounder on Psalms 13-18:
In contrast to the fate of the
fool who denies God’s existence
(Ps 14) many blessings accrue
to the one who serves God with
a whole heart: joyfulness (Ps 13),
fellowship with God (Ps 15),
satisfaction (P16), preservation (17)
& confidence in facing future (P18)

Lord, we receive Inheritance & Joy:
Lord, You alone are my inheritance,
my cup of blessing. You guard
all that is mine. The land you
have given me is a pleasant land.
What a Wonderful Inheritance…
You will not leave my soul in Sheol…
You will show me the path of life;
In Your presence is fullness of Joy.
At Your right hand are pleasures
forevermore (Psa 16:5-6, 10-11).
Continue reading “Prayer Thot for the Day (Jan 10)”

Prayer Thot for the Day (Jan 9)

God Is Your Place of Shelter:

Backgrounder on Psalms 7-12:
All but one of the psalms began
with a cry of lament: “O Lord
my God”, “O Lord” and “Lord!”
These short but potent songs
express the psalmist’s desire that
justice prevail (v7), the wicked
be brought low (v8, 11-12) & God’s
holy name be exalted (8, 11-12).

Lord, you are my place of Shelter:
The Lord is a refuge for the
oppressed, a stronghold in times
of trouble. Those who know
Your name trust in You, for You
Lord, have never forsaken
those who seek you (Psa 9:9-10).
Continue reading “Prayer Thot for the Day (Jan 9)”

Prayer Thot for the Day (Jan 8)

God Promises Fruitfulness

Backgrounder on Psalm 1-41:
Over a period of 10 centuries,
inspired hymns of worship were
composed and compiled to form
the book of Psalms. Authored by
King David and six other writers
& used as the Temple Hymnbook,
these pleas and praises capture
the essence of what it means
to walk daily with God. Each of
the five sections bears likeness
to a book of the Pentateuch.

Lord, we will Delight in Your Word:
Blessed is the man who walks
not in the counsel of the ungodly,
nor stands in the path of sinners,
nor sits in the seat of the scornful;
But his delight is in the law of the
Lord, and in His law he meditates
day and night. He shall be like
a tree planted by the rivers of
water, that brings forth its fruit
in its season, whose leaf also
shall not wither; and whatever
he does shall prosper (Psa 1:1-3).
Continue reading “Prayer Thot for the Day (Jan 8)”

Praying thro Isaiah (Jan 7)

Call Towards Godliness
(Prayer Walk thro Isaiah 28-39:

Backgrounder: Isaiah’s prophecies
begin to focus on the ominous
approach of the Assyrian armies.
True, the prospects are not
pleasant for the rebellious people
of God. But there is also a coming
King who will bring peace like
a river, freedom for the captives,
justice for the oppressed and
judgment upon the earth.

Dear Lord, we note your message
through prophet Isaiah to Judah
that they had a form of godliness
but their hearts were corrupt.
Lord, we Give You our Hearts;
we will Wait upon You; and
we will Seek Your Direction. Amen
Continue reading “Praying thro Isaiah (Jan 7)”

Imploring God thro His Promises:

Significance Reinstated (Jan 6)

Dear Friends,
We have completed two months
of devotion on God’s Promises,
following three earlier series on
Adoring God thro Thanksgiving,
Knowing God’s thro His Names
and Praising God thro Hymns.
Before continuing in the series,
let’s pause to note the significance
of Imploring God on His Promises.

There are so much to pray about:
our dreams, hopes and plans.
But often we are held up by our
own doubts: Does God really
care about this request of ours?
How assuring to pray back to God
the promises found in His Word.
Then we no longer wonder if this
is something God cares about,for
He brought it up in the 1st place.

As we pray God’s promises, note
the starting point is His nature:
That the Lord is trustworthy
in all He promises (Psa 145:13).
Each time God reveals His nature,
He is promising us that He will be
true to that nature in any situation.
And His promises are rock solid
for His nature stands behind them.

But we should note praying God’s
Promises is not a magic formula.
Although scripture tells us
fervent prayers are effective,
we must always trust God to
work it In His Way & In His Time.
We must Be Patient, Wait upon
the Lord and Keep Trusting that
His promises will come true!

Dear Almighty & All-Loving God,
I pray even as Yr People meditate
on Your Scriptural Promises:
That Your Spirit minister to their
soul and Will Comfort them;
That they Will Experience the
blessings of a praying life; and
That their faith Will Arise so that
they Will Trust U more and more.
In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.

Dear Friends,
For your convenience of Locating
the God’s Promise that will meet
your current need, we list the
Promises covered over the last 2
mths by scripture & time sequence:
Continue reading “Imploring God thro His Promises:”

Prayer Thot for the Day (Jan 5)

God Is On Your Side

Backgrounder on 2 Chron 29-32:
In the very first month of his reign
Hezekiah repairs the house of the
Lord, restores the long-neglected
Temple worship and declares war
on idol worship & pagan practices.
When the Assyrian King besieges
Jerusalem, Hezekiah prays for
deliverance and God answers.

Lord, we will focus on You:
Be strong and courageous. Do not
be afraid or discouraged because
of the king of Assyria and the vast
army with him, for there is a greater
power with us than with him.
With him is only the arm of flesh,
but with us is the Lord our God
to help us and to fight our battles.
And the people gained confidence
from what Hezekiah the king
of Judah said (2Chr 32:7-8).
Continue reading “Prayer Thot for the Day (Jan 5)”

Prayer Thot for the Day (Jan 4)

God Helps the Overwhelmed

Backgrounder on 2 Chron 17-20:
Jehoshaphat institutes a peace
treaty with the king of Israel. And
it causes Judah being entangled
in a war between Israel and Syria.
But his reaction to divine rebuke,
his appointment of judges to rule
for the Lord and his Godward
response to crisis point to the
day-by-day reality of his faith.

Lord, we look up to U our Friend:
Are you not our God, who drove
out the inhabitants of this land
and gave it to the descendants
of Abraham Your Friend forever?
And here are the people of Ammon,
Moab & Mt Seir…O our God, won’t
you stop them? For we have no
power against this great multitude
that is coming against us nor do
we know what to do, but our eyes
are upon You ( 2Chron 20:7-12).
Continue reading “Prayer Thot for the Day (Jan 4)”