Meditating on Acts 24-26

Submitting to Lord’s Will (Mar 27)

Though Paul is no longer free
to take the gospel to others,
God uses his imprisonment to bring
the gospel to three Roman rulers.
Felix delays Paul’s case for two full
years in hope of receiving a bribe.
His successor Festus tries to
shift the responsibility to the
Sanhedrin in order to gain favour with
the Jews. At last, Paul exercises his
right as a Roman citizen by appealing
his case to Caesar. Once again,
before the visiting King Agrippa,
it becomes clear that the corruption
and indecision surrounds Paul’s
case can only be resolved in Rome.

Lord, help us Hold On to Your Vision:
King Agrippa I was not disobedient
to that vision from heaven… that
all must turn from their sins and
turn to God… Some Jews arrested
me in the temple for preaching
these… But I teach nothing except
what the prophets said would
happen: that the Messiah would
suffer and rise from the dead as a
light to Jews & Gentiles (A26:19-23)
Agrippa interrupted him: Do you
think you can persuade me to
become a Christian so quickly?
Paul replied: Whether quickly or
not, I pray to God that both you
and everyone here might become
the same as I am (v28-29).
And Agrippa said to Festus:
He could be freed if he had
not appealed to Caesar (v33).

Lord, what vision do You have
for me in this season of my life?
Help me truly discern Your leading.
I know Your vision may involve
a sacrificial mission of sorts.
Grant me Lord the courage to
pursue Your vision for my life.
Let Your vision renew in me
a peaceful & joyful self-denial.
Renew in me Your vision & purpose,
a passion and vigor. In Jesus’ name.

Lord, just as Paul shared the good
news to King Agrippa, we purpose
to seize every opportunity to share
Christ to others. We are amazed
by Paul’s readiness to go to Rome
knowing that’s God’s plan for him.
Grant us grace to serve God’s will
even if it does involve personal
sacrifice in doing so. Amen.

Lord, Agrippa thought Paul’s
decision to appeal to Caesar
was a mistake. However, Paul
knew that going to Rome was
part of God’s plan for him; and
so he was happy to go, rather
than yearning for his freedom.
Lord, help us to hold on to the
vision and promises that God
has given us. In Jesus’ name.