Knowing God In Psalm 24

The Lord Mighty In Battle (March 1)

The Lord can be seen in
different roles in Psalm 19-24.
He is the Creator (Psalm 19),
the Helper (Ps 20), the King (Ps 21),
Crucified One (Ps 22), the Shepherd
(Ps 23) & the Glorious One (Ps 24).
For each role, there is a related
responsibility for the people who
would follow Him as their God
and King, Shepherd and Sovereign.

Praise the Lord Mighty In Battle:
Lift up your heads… and the
King of glory shall come in.
Who is the King of glory?
The Lord strong and mighty,
The Lord mighty in battle
(Jehovah Gibbor Milchamah)…
Lift up your heads… And the
King of glory shall come in.
Who is this King of glory?
The Lord of hosts, He is the
King of glory (Psalm 24:7-10).

Lord, today we join with Moses,
who praised and adored You
in Exodus 15 as the Lord mighty in
battle who overcame the Pharaoh’s
chariots in the Red Sea. Thank You
Lord for being mighty in battle;
for being faithful to your people;
for we need not fear anyone
or anything with the Great One
with us. In Jesus mighty name.

Lord, forgive me for taking battles
into my own hands and intellect,
trying to scheme my way into
victory rather than trusting in You,
the powerful and mighty warrior.
Forgive my naive attempts at
righting wrongs; and sometimes
leading to more wrongs as I seek
to overcome in my own strength.
In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.

Lord, visit me in my distress and
overcome those who oppose me.
When people plan to spread
untruths about me, close their lips.
Let me walk thru each day in peace,
knowing that if I will be still before
U Lord, You will fight on my behalf.
And in quietness and trust I will
find my escape from all that
troubles me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.