Knowing God In Psalm 18

The Lord My Deliverer (Feb 24)

Backgrounder: In sharp contrast
to the fate of the fool who denies
God’s existence (Ps 14), many
blessings accrue to the one who
serves God with a whole heart:
joyfulness (Ps 13), fellowship with
God (Ps 15), satisfaction (Ps 16),
preservation (Ps 17) & confidence
in facing the future (Psalm 18).

All Honor & Praise be to Jehovah
Mephalti The Lord My Deliverer:
I will love You O Lord, my strength.
The Lord (Jehovah) is my rock,
my fortress and my deliverer
(Mephalti); my God is my rock,
in whom I take refuge, my shield
and the horn of my salvation,
my stronghold. I call to the Lord
and I am saved (Psalm 18:1-3).

Lord Jehovah Mephalti, You are
the deliverer; You are the fortress
and You are the rock. And whoever
who is in You will surely be saved.
I praise You for You are powerful.
I praise You for You are my deliverer.
I praise You for You are my Saviour.
Thank You for whispering time and
again Your promises of deliverance.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, sometimes anxiety and fear
creep into our thoughts to cause
us to doubt Your power and might
and the willingness to deliver us.
And we turn our thoughts to
what we could lose rather than
trusting in Your sovereign power.
Forgive us for not trusting Your
impending deliverance in times of
distress. In Jesus’ precious name.

Jehovah Mephalti, financial,
emotional and physical attacks
can rob us of joy, hope & peace.
Lord Mephalti, may this name
be at the forefront of my mind
so I know with full assurance You
as my deliverer are stronger than
anything that comes against me.
Give me the peace that comes
with trust. And Give me the grace
that comes with hope. Amen.