Knowing God In Psalm 4 (Feb 22)

God of My Righteousness

The first six psalms form a fitting
introduction to the entire Psalter.
In them you will learn the
importance of meditating
on God’s Word (Psalm 1),
acknowledging the Lord as King
(Ps 2), and constantly being
devoted to prayer in gospel
in good times and in bad (Psa 3-6).

Praise be to Elohe Tsadeki:
Answer me when I call, O God
of my righteousness (Elohe
Tsadeki)! You have relieved me
in my distress; Be gracious to me
and hear my prayer (Psa 4:1).
How long… will You turn
my glory to shame?…
But know that the Lord has
set apart for Himself him who
is godly; The Lord will hear
when I call to Him (Ps 4:2-3).

Lord Elohe Tsadeki, thank You
for the power of Your righteousness
for from You flow might & strength.
Your righteousness also brings about
the beauty we see in one another
in acts of kindness, intimacy & love.
None of these are possible apart
from You because goodness stem
from the core of who You are.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord Elohe Tsadeki, I confess
my unrighteousness to You and
acknowledge the guilt of my sin.
Where I have failed to promote
You as king and Lord forgive me.
Where I have wronged others,
forgive the pain I’ve caused them.
Help me to mend my broken
relationships. And make me
a vessel of Your righteousness,
peace, grace and mercy. Amen.

Lord Elohe Tsadeki, we pray for
our communities for we are in need
of knowing this name of Yours.
Pour out Your righteousness
into our hearts. Give us relief
especially from divisions and
strife that comes from self-
centredness and silo mentality.
Instead engulf us with Your spirit
of love, grace and mercy. Amen.