Thought for the Week: 2 Sam 22

God My Rock El Sali

Samuel 21-24 covers six topics
though out of strict chronological
order, form an appendix to the
main body of the historical book:
(1) a famine sent in judgment for
Saul’s treatment of the Gibeonites;
(2) a series of wars with Philistines;
(3) a psalm of deliverance & praise;
(4) a list of David’s mighty men
of value; (5) a sinful sensus; and
(6) the punishment that followed.
The closing paragraph of the
book portrays David in his natural
pose: worshiping God in humility.

All Praise be to El Sali:
The Lord lives! Blessed be
my Rock; Let God be exalted,
The Rock (El Sali) of my salvation!
It is God who avenges me…
He delivers me from my enemies.
You also lift me up above
those who rise against me;
You have delivered me…
Therefore, I will give thanks
to You, O Lord among the
Gentiles and sing praises to
Your name (2 Sam 22:47-50).

Lord El Sali, we bless Your name
for You reign over all. Upon the
strength of who You are, we find
a firm foundation to build our life.
Thank You for Your power and
strength which is available to us.
Thank You for providing stability
in this fallen and unstable world.
Thank You for being our rock,
the God of our salvation. Amen.

Lord El Sali, I enter each day
with the intention to trust
in You as Your names remind
me of Your great power.
Yet when the winds blow
and the waves rise, I may
just forget to look at You.
Forgive me each time I have
not sought refuge in You.
In Jesus’ gracious name, Amen.

Lord El Sali, as my rock and
my salvation, be my stability
when things are not stable.
Whisper to me in those times
when I’m unable to see You there.
Help me focus on Your eternal
throne and never-ending kingdom
for they are unshakable because
You are El Sali, my solid rock.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.