Knowing God In Deut 33

The Lord My Shield (Jan 29)

With the covenant reestablished
and the nation poised at the
Jordan River, Moses completes
his duties as leader of God’s people.
He commissions Joshua as his
successor with a sober warning
of Israel’s future rebellion. In order
for the people to remember his
message of life, Moses records
his final words as a song & teaches
the melody and message to the
nation. After pronouncing blesssings
on each of the 12 tribes, Moses
climbs Mount Nebo for a final
glimpse of the Promised Land.

All Praise be to Jehovah Magen:
This is the blessing with which
Moses blessed the children
of Israel before his death:
The eternal God is your refuge, and
underneath are the everlasting arms..
Then Israel shall dwell in safety…
Blessed are you, O Israel; Who is
like you, a people saved by the
Lord (Jehovah) Who is the Shield
(Magen) of your help and the sword
of your majesty! Your enemies shall
submit to you (Deut 33:1, 27-29).

Lord Jehovah Magen, blessed is
Your name & Your ability to shield
Your people and to save. You bring
help when help is needed and bring
protection when it is requested.
Thank You Lord for the goodness
of Your protecting power and for
the greatness of Your strength.
Thank You Lord for offering Yourself
as the shield of my life. Amen.

Lord Jehovah Magen, forgive me
for running out from Your Shield,
for not putting You first in my life.
You say that if I will seek first
Your kingdom and righteousness,
all the things I need will be given
to me, including Your shield of
protection. Forgive me for stepping
out from Your covering and seeking
my own. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Lord Jehovah Magen, shield me
from the attacks of the enemy.
He seeks to remove me from Your
will, harden my heart to Your love
and lure me into temptation and sin.
Restore to me a spirit of faith so that
I will look to Your shield in every way.
For I am a child of the King and
an heir to Your kingdom. And I ask
You Lord to be my shield from
anything that tries to get me to
believe differently. In Jesus’ name.